Vergleich von Begriffskandidaten mit mehreren Wörtern in Unternehmensbewertungsstandards mit Verwendung von Sketch Engine- und Power Query-Funktionen / Comparing Multi-Word Term Candidates in Business Valuation Standards with the Use of Sketch Engine and Power Query Functionalities)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.24-20 (data publikacji online: 2024-01-24)
s. 291–302
Słowa kluczowe: ekstrakcja terminów, lingwistyka korpusowa, teksty specjalistyczne, Sketch Engine
The purpose of the study was twofold: to examine terminological similarities and differences between three samples of specialized texts representing the same genre – business appraisal standards and to present a method extending the Keyword and term extraction function of Sketch Engine, a tool in corpus linguistics. The standards selected for the analysis were ASA Business Valuation Standards 2009, IBA Professional Standards 2015 and NACVA Professional Standards 2017. The character of the study was synchronic – the texts selected for the analysis were standards in their latest possible versions and thus applicable for use at around the same time. The study was carried out in two steps. First, text were compiled into separate corpora and automatically POS-tagged with the use of Sketch Engine corpus software. Then, the multi-word terms were automatically extracted from each text, based on their relative frequency against the preloaded reference corpus English Web 2020, providing the total number of 737 terms in ASA, 373 terms in IBA and 367 terms in NACVA. Next, the data were compiled using Excel spreadsheet functionalities. The results showed a considerable terminological overlap between the NACVA and the IBA standard (366 terms occurred in both standards) as well as a significantly different pool of terms in the ASA standard (with 219 terms occurring in all three standards and the same number shared by ASA and IBA and by ASA and NACVA respectively). A tentative conclusion would therefore be that much greater similarity is to be expected between the IBA and NACVA standards also on other levels of description.