• Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław •

ISSN: 2084-3062 • e-ISSN: 2657-5647 • DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff • Bounce Rate: 35% (2023)

Texts published in the ‘Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław’ are available in the Open Access on the basis of the CC BY-SA license.

Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław

Issue 26 (2024): II

Edited by: Marcelina Kałasznik (University of Wrocław), Joanna Szczęk (University of Wrocław), Artur Tworek (University of Wrocław)


Interaktion im wissenschaftlichen Fachtext aus kontrastiver Sicht. Untersucht anhand von deutschen und lettischen linguistischen Aufsätzen / Interaction in Scientific Texts From a Contrastive Perspective. Analysed on the Basis of German and Latvian Linguistic Papers)

Agnese Dubova, Riga Technical University (ORCID: 0000-0002-7428-1824)
Diāna Laiveniece, Riga Technical University (ORCID: 0000-0002-3107-2109)
Dzintra Lele-Rozentāle, Riga Technical University (ORCID: 0000-0003-3181-6929)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-1 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 17–31

Keywords: linguistic papers, academic writing style, contrastive approach, interactional discourse markers, German, Latvian

Linguistic specialised communication can take place in various ways, and the ‘pure’ technical language formulations are combined with those used in everyday scientific language to enable interaction between the author and the addressee, as well as to direct it in a subject-oriented manner. Such interaction not only spans cross-disciplinary and cross-culturally, but is also culturally conditioned. In this paper, the significance of interactional discourse markers in German and Latvian linguistic papers is illustrated based on the conclusions, which contain the quintessence of professional intention. The aim is to determine whether the interaction between the writer and the reader in both languages/cultures is the same or different and whether the linguistic discourse, the corresponding discourse style within the scientific discipline, and the associated problematic cases can be examined in future research. The study is based on two parallel mini corpora of 30 linguistic papers each, which were published in electronic form in the period from 2020 to 2022. Papers representing German and Latvian as profiling languages were selected. The theoretical framework for this analysis is Ken Hyland’s model (2005). Discourse markers such as hedges, boosters, attitude markers, self mentions, and engagement markers that build a relationship with the reader are analysed. Differences in the usage of interactional discourse markers can be mainly seen as external to language processes. It is necessary to establish an empirical base for German-Latvian contrastive studies in the field of specialist texts and didactics so that it can be expanded and described in detail.


Wem gehört die Interkulturalität? Über das Verhältnis von linguistischen Teildisziplinen und Kulturforschung / Who Owns Interculturality? The Relationship Between Linguistic Subfields and Cultural Studies)

Csaba Földes, University of Erfurt (ORCID: 0000-0002-4711-2072)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-2 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 33–60

Keywords: language and culture, interculturality, linguoculturology, cultural linguistics, intercultural linguistics

Based on the understanding that language is a complex phenomenon that comprises cognitive, cultural, and formal components, this paper systematically focuses on the network of relationships between culture, language, and the communicative act with special consideration of the multidimensional, dynamic, and subtle phenomenon of interculturality as well as its linguistic assessment. This study first discusses in what ways the connection between language and culture is being considered in various areas of scientific discourse. Subsequently, the paper focuses on culturally oriented linguistic approaches, specifically three current and differing research directions that are investigated critically regarding their content profiles, namely (a) the Russian/post-Soviet linguoculturology (LC), (b) the Anglo-American cultural linguistics (CL), and (c) intercultural linguistics (IL) – situated primarily within the field of German Studies – which focuses on interculturality and multilingualism. It can be shown that the targeted field of research is shaped by rather different premises, theories, and methods. The three subfields share the general goal of describing language as a cultural phenomenon as well as culture as a linguistic phenomenon. However, CL predominantly focuses on the influence of culture on language, LC largely investigates the impact of language on culture, and IL addresses inter- and transculturality as its major focal point. Additionally, the underlying cultural concepts seem to diverge significantly: while CL and particularly IL firmly work with a dynamic, semiotic-constructivist understanding of language and culture, the LK publications are mostly based on a static, essentialist-normative viewpoint. Furthermore, the disciplinary positioning and the disposition of the content differ as well: CL and LC exhibit a distinctly cognitive orientation, while IL is based on a contrastive-linguistic and cultural science foundation. Overall, none of the exemplified approaches have yet established a complete theoretical matrix or broad theoretical coherence. CL and LC are most similar in that the problem of conceptualization – though partially based on differing models – takes up much space.


Weisheit der Völker oder Weisheit auf der Gasse? Nationale Stereotype in polnischen und deutschen Sprichwörtern aus dem 18. und 19. Jahrhundert / Wisdom of Nations or Wisdom from the Streets? National Stereotypes in Polish and German Proverbs from the 18th and 19th Centuries)

Małgorzata Guławska-Gawkowska, University of Warsaw (ORCID: 0000-0002-4177-004X)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-3 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 61–79

Keywords: stereotype, proverb, German, Polish

The article presents stereotypical linguistic images of Poland and Germany recorded in codified proverbs containing adjectives Polish and German, names of countries, their inhabitants and languages. The described proverbs come from the 18th and 19th centuries and were collected in a book for learning Polish for Germans, „Enchiridion Polonicum” by Johannes Moneta and in Karl Friedrich Wander’s work „Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon”. The comparison of these two sources, which differ significantly due to the amount of phraseological material presented and the concept of its presentation, is related to the bilingual Polish-German compilation of proverbs in Moneta‘s textbook and Wander‘s numerous digressions on proverbs analogous to German in other languages, including Polish. A similar analysis of both works has never been conducted before. In this contrastive study was used the concept of the linguistic image of the world of the Polish ethnolinguistic school. A comparison of these two sources and a comparison of the excerpted linguistic material with contemporary lexicographic resources confirms the hypothesis that some national stereotypes have survived in German and Polish proverbs to this day although the Polish and German linguistic image of the world presented in them is closely related to the historical background of the period in which these sayings were created. In Poland, the creation of the proverbs was associated with the period of partitions and the fight for independence, and in Germany with the unification of the German states ending with the proclamation of the German Empire. The postulate formulated in the article concerns taking steps to compare Wander‘s dictionary with the first Polish phraseological dictionary by Samuel Adalberg, „Księga przysłów polskich” (1894). Such a comparative analysis would include two lexicographic works with phraseological material from two different linguistic areas, closely related historically and culturally.


Leichenpredigt als Textkomplex / Funeral Sermon as a Text Complex)

Dominika Janus, University of Gdańsk (ORCID: 0000-0001-8817-6948)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-4 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 81–90

Keywords: funeral sermon, text complex, macrotext, text type, subtext, diachronic text linguistics

The article attempts to answer three questions: 1. about the components of the overall print funeral sermon, 2. about the status of the individual subtexts of the funeral sermon, and 3. about the status of the funeral sermon as a communicative whole, whereby the answer to the third question represents the culmination of the considerations. Based on a discussion in the relevant literature on the topic of complex textual wholes and her own findings, which were gained on the basis of Gdansk funeral sermons from the years 1586–1746, the author of the article decides on the designation „text complex funeral sermon“, which allows the following characteristics of this unit to be captured: 1. formal, functional and content-related connections between subtexts, which include main text (the actual sermon), paratexts (title page, dedication, epilogue) and potentially autonomous text (curriculum vitae); 2. affiliation of the individual subtexts to different text types, whereby text type status is not obligatory; 3. no temporal and spatial distance of the individual subtexts; 4. placement on a single carrier.


Phrasem-Konstruktionen im deutsch-polnischen Vergleich anhand des Projekts „A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages (PhraConRep)“ (CA22115) / Phraseme Constructions in German-Polish Comparison Based on the Project “A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages (PhraConRep)” (CA22115))

Dominika Janus, University of Gdańsk (ORCID: 0000-0001-8817-6948)
Marcelina Kałasznik, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-2713-5880)
Krystian Suchorab, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-1831-7973)
Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-5 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 91–103

Keywords: phraseme construction, repository, German, Polish, COST-action, equivalence, lexicography, lemma

When learning and using a foreign language, language users must not only adhere to the grammatical rules of a particular language, but also have knowledge of which words occur together. This is the knowledge of how to combine words and grammatical forms to create certain meanings in certain contexts. Against this background, phraseme constructions (in short: PhK) play an enormously important role in everyday communication, as they are usually ready-made components that are filled with corresponding lexical components in the respective contexts. The subject of this article are phraseme constructions that are being recorded lexicographically as part of the project “A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages (PhraConRep)” (CA22115), which started in November 2023. The source language of the project is German. As part of the project, around 300 phraseme constructions are to be recorded lexicographically in their entirety and provided with corresponding translation examples in the project languages. The article discusses the structure of the dictionary articles. The translation aspects in the German-Polish context are also discussed. In addition, difficulties in the area of German-Polish equivalence are highlighted. The PhK repository created as part of the project is the first such a broad-based project and can be considered a model in terms of the model-like characteristics of each recorded unit.


„Anwärter auf die Hölle“: Stepan Trofimowitsch und die Menippea der Pharisäer / “Twice As Much a Son of Hell”: Stepan Trofimovich and the Menippea of the Pharisees)

Ruth Karin Lévai, University of Miskolc (ORCID: 0000-0003-2832-8959)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-6 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 105–114

Keywords: Dostoevsky, Bakhtin, Menippea, Pharisees, demons, Stepan Trofimovich

Bakhtin asserted that Dostoevsky’s most direct link to varieties of ancient Menippea was Christian literature, such as the Gospels or the Apocalypse. However, Bakhtin does not elaborate upon the Menippean aspects of these works which could have served as templates for Dostoevsky’s own. Whereas Bakhtin believed that, “The Menippean forms are based on man’s inability to know and contain his fate,” the case of the Pharisees in the Gospels was a bit more complex. The serio-comedy of the Pharisees was created by the ability of the God-man to know and contain their fate. In the end, what Bakhtin termed the “reduced laughter” of Stepan Trofimovich’s case comes from the same source. This paper examines Stepan Trofimovich as the embodiment of the Menippean elements of Jesus’ interactions with the Pharisees in the Gospels, focusing specifically on the journey of Stepan Trofimovich’s idea as it is introduced in “Instead of an Introduction” to its ultimate defeat in his “last peregrination.” Five specific aspects of the Menippea as defined by Bakhtin are employed in the analysis: 1) the absence of epic or tragic distance, with the subject presented on the plane of the present day, 2) the bold and unrestrained use of the fantastic and adventure devoted to a purely ideational and philosophical end, 3) insanity of all sorts, 4) no abstractly philosophical or religiously dogmatic resolution to ultimate questions, rather their embodiment in carnivalistic acts and images, and 5) the creation of an extraordinary plot situation or a provocative anacrisis.


Deutsche und österreichische Rechtsterminologie an ausgewählten Beispielen aus dem Bereich des Familienrechts / Differences in German and Austrian Legal Terminology Based on Selected Examples from the Field of Family Law)

Aneta Łosińska, University of Warsaw (ORCID: 0009-0001-2524-5528)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-7 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 115–127

Keywords: legal language, juridical language, legal terminology, specialist phraseology, family law

This article deals with differences in German and Austrian legal terminology. German is the official language in both Austria and Germany. Despite this fact, the legal language of the two countries differs considerably. This applies above all to specialised terminology. Since Austria’s accession to the European Union, i.e. since 1995, EU law written in German has applied in Austria, the German-language version of which primarily contains the legal terminology of the Federal Republic of Germany. This leads to serious problems in translation – as only ‘German’ terms are given in dictionaries, and the translators are generally unaware of the differences. On the one hand, this poses problems for Austrians who have to translate foreign-language texts into their ‘mother tongue’, but even greater problems for language mediators at the international level, who are confronted with legal and administrative texts from Austria. This article presents the results of an analysis of selected examples of German and Austrian legal terminology in the field of family law. The analysis was limited to lexical peculiarities that can be found in both national legal systems. The examples analysed show that legal language or legal terminology must always be seen in the context of the legal system in which it is embedded. Therefore, a comparison of terminology always means a comparison of law.


„Sprache macht den Freigang der Gedanken möglich“. Zu den sprichwörtlichen Aphorismen von Franz Hodjak / “Language Makes the Liberation of Thoughts Possible”. Proverbial Aphorism by Franz Hodjak)

Wolfgang Mieder, University of Vermont (ORCID: 0000-0002-4002-5304)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-8 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 129–151

Keywords: anti-proverb, aphorisms, Bible, Franz Hodjak, language, metaphor, proverbial expression, somatism, structure

The author Franz Hodjak, born on September 27, 1944 in Romania and living in Germany since October 19, 1992, has become known through his poems and novels. Between 2006 and 2023 he published four significant books of aphorisms with which he has made a name for himself as a writer of aphorisms. Of his about 3500 texts 265 or 7.5% are so-called proverbial aphorisms that despite their shortness contain proverbial language. Hodjak frequently starts with folk and Bible proverbs whose wisdom he puts into critical question by way of alterations and additions. Such anti-proverbs express his humorous, ironic or cynical view of modern life. That is also the case with numerous proverbial expressions whose metaphors add an impressive expressiveness to his thoughts. Somatisms, sometimes two in one text, are especially effective expressions to deal with social and human conditions. He employs formulaic linguistic structures and deals with such themes as truth, lie, love, religion, morality, politics, and much more. At all times he is concerned about human behavior in modern existence. Despite his cultural pessimism some of his aphorisms contain a glimmer of hope for a better world.


Sprachliche Bilder in der fachexternen medizinischen Kommunikation. Eine vergleichende Analyse deutscher und tschechischer Online-Beratungs- und Diskussionsforen / Imagery in External Medical Communication. A Comparative Analysis of German and Czech Online Counselling and Discussion Forums)

Martin Mostýn, University of Ostrava (ORCID: 0000-0001-8198-7633)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-9 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 153–169

Keywords: imagery, metaphor, psoriasis, external medical communication

This article discusses the use of imagery in external medical communication using the example of selected German and Czech online counselling and discussion forums in the context of the skin disease psoriasis (Czech: lupénka). The question of the communicative performance of linguistic means of imagery, including metaphors, comparisons and personification, in the description of therapeutic measures, symptoms, etc. is investigated. In addition, the cognitive concepts underlying the imagery used in both languages are analysed, whether similarities and/or differences in their use can be identified and how text-external factors such as the communicative role of the users (medical professionals vs. laypersons) or text-internal factors such as the thematic focus of the forum affect the use of these means.


O szabrze (glosa porządkująca rozważania językoznawcze) / On szaber (a Gloss on the Linguistic Considerations))

Jarosław Pacuła, University of Silesia in Katowice (ORCID: 0000-0002-9972-7925)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-10 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 171–191

Keywords: szaber, lexicology, semantics, history of language, etymology

The subject of the text is a lexicological and semantic consideration of the lexeme szaber. The article is a study of the history of language. The word szaber became particularly popular in Polish during World War II. Its provenance is not entirely clear; the source of the word’s meaning in post-war Polish is also not obvious. The article presents the existing theories related to the etymology of the lexeme, which can be encountered in Germanic and Polish studies. A supplemented opinion on the presence of the word in Polish is presented and the semantic evolution of the word and its derivatives is described. Undoubtedly, the word szaber has German etymology. In Polish jargon, the term initially appeared as the name for a tool used by thieves (← German Schaber). However, it is unclear whether German criminals, when incorporating the word into their language, derived it from schaben (in which case neo-semantization is involved, adapting the word’s meaning to the realities of the criminal world), or if they drew from a noun present in Yiddish – shab(b)er [ רעבאַש ] ‘crowbar, breaking in’ (in which case we should speak of borrowing). The second theory seems closer to the truth. Nevertheless, szaber as a term for theft appeared secondarily in Polish sociolect – as a result of retroactive derivation: szaber ‘theft, robbery’ (= szabrowanie) ← szabrować ‘to break in, to rob’ ← szaber ‘thieving tool: crowbar, knife, pick’. The resulting Polish term szaber became the basis for a semantic shift influenced by wartime and occupation realities – the word began to be used as a term for taking over someone’s belongings left behind due to evacuation, displacement, etc. After the war, with the advent of socialist reality, the word began to refer to the appropriation of citizens’ property by state organs and institutions, the seizure of someone else’s property under the guise of legal actions. Today, colloquially, szaber refers to theft in general.


Das konzeptuelle Potenzial des deutschen Konfixes bio-. Eine korpusbasierte Netzwerkanalyse / Conceptual Potential of German Confix bio-. A Corpus-Based Network Analysis)

Elżbieta Pawlikowska-Asendrych, Jan Długosz University (ORCID: 0000-0001-9057-6465)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-11 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 193–205

Keywords: confix, prototypical meaning, polysemy, conceptualisation

In today’s world, people are aware of the enormous amount of toxic chemical products that many foods contain. They are therefore increasingly focussing on organic products and everything to do with organic production. At the same time, organic science has also emerged, in the context of which many essential questions concerning the healthy and natural development of living beings are discussed. The confix bio-, used in various contexts, has become a polysemous lexeme under these circumstances. This article therefore attempts to analyse the polysemy of the German confix bio-. The aim of the analysis is to examine its mental representations of meanings in different areas of life as well as its possible uses in technical language. The starting point of the analysis is the prototypical meaning of the confix bio- in order to arrive at conceptualisations of its meaning extensions on this basis. The study focusses on nominal compounds and adjectival derivations with bio-. It is based on the lexical semantics approaches, taking into account the conceptualisation issues according to the cognitive theory of Ronald Langacker (2008), George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980/2003, 2011). The last point of the analysis is the development of a polysemic network of the confix bio-. The analyses were carried out on the basis of a linguistic corpus taken from German dictionaries, newspapers and magazines.


Innovation in der Translation. Aspekte der Patentübersetzung am Beispiel der Relation Deutsch-Polnisch / Innovation in Translation. Aspects of Patent Translation with Special Emphasis on the Direction German-Polish)

Łukasz M. Plęs, University of Łódź (ORCID: 0000-0003-1117-4041)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-12 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 207–220

Keywords: patent document, technical translation, patent translation, specialized texts, terminology

The aim of the article is to present various aspects of the translation of patent documents from German into Polish. The translation of patents is a multidimensional issue, especially as translations of patent documents into Polish are required for patent validation in Poland. Patent documents represent a hybrid complex of technical content in a legal function. On the one hand, patent documents are characterised by a precise and comprehensible description, on the other hand, they must be written in such a diffuse manner that competitors are not able to derive their own development directly from them. Patent documents are deeply specialised in terms of content. Their typical characteristics include a variety of stylistic conventions and terminological peculiarities. For this reason, patent documents are a challenge for translators in many respects, especially as inconsistency with patent conventions can have serious consequences, i.e. affect the scope of protection. The article deals with aspects of patent translation, such as formal issues, text specifics, style, terminology, and the use of computer-assisted and machine translation.


Zur Leistung von Adjektiven in Vorstellungstexten von Ärzten – eine Analyse anhand der Profile auf Arztbewertungsportalen / On the Role of Adjectives in Introduction Texts of Doctors – an Analysis Based on Profiles on Doctor Rating Portals)

Gabriela Rykalová, Silesian University in Opava (ORCID: 0000-0002-7378-1026)
Marcelina Kałasznik, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-2713-5880)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-13 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 221–240

Keywords: adjectives, functions of adjectives, introduction texts, doctor rating portals

Introduction texts are a type of text whose establishment goes hand in hand with the development of the Internet and websites. The aim of the texts is to present oneself in a private or professional context. The focus of this article is on a special variant of introductory texts, i.e. introductory texts from medical professionals published on their profiles on the German doctor rating portal jameda.de. The portal is regarded as a media space, which is used, among other things, for the public presentation of doctors. On the basis of the introductory texts taken from the profiles of doctors specialising in orthopaedics and orthopaedics and surgery, an attempt is made to answer the question of the performance potential of adjectives in these texts. When reading the texts, it is noticeable that adjectives occur more frequently in different parts of the texts with different purposes and functions. With this in mind, the focus is on showing which adjectives are used in which parts of the introduction texts and with which functions are used. The examination of the corpus shows that three basic functions can be attributed to adjectives. They are used to qualify certain components of self-presentation objectively or subjectively. In some places in the texts, they also serve to emotionalise. Overall, it can be stated that the adjectives have a persuasive effect in many cases and make an important contribution to creating a positive image of the doctor. The analysis of the linguistic material basis is preceded by a theoretical introduction to the nature of the text type of the imaginative text and its text type variant, which represents the texts of doctors.


Kontakt a zmiana językowa w ujęciu DCxG. Historia analitycznej strony biernej w języku szwedzkim / Language Contact and Language Change in DCxG Perspective. The History of the Analytical Passive in Swedish)

Dominika Skrzypek, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (ORCID: 0000-0002-9277-4622)
Marta Woźnicka, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (ORCID: 0000-0002-0702-0202)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-14 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 241–256

Keywords: construction grammar, language contact, language change, passive voice

Recent models of language change as a result of language contact focus on the multilinguality of a language user to a larger extent than before. In the present paper, we discuss the Diasystematic Construction Grammar model as proposed in Hoder (2014, 2018), which is based on Construction Grammar and proposes the existence of a common constructicon (constructional repertoire of a language) in multilingual societies. We test the model on the material documenting the changes in the analytical passive construction in Swedish (the so-called bli-passive), which has been attested in the Swedish material since the runic period, [SBJ varda PTCP]. In the 1400s we find first attestations of the construction with a new auxiliary, bli, a lexical loan from Middle Low German, originally borrowed with the lexical meaning ‘remain’. As the verb could be constructed with past participles, the MLG construction may have served as a model for the Swedish use of bli with participles. Based on an extensive corpus of MLG and Old Swedish texts we address the question whether the analytical passive construction in Swedish can be seen as a convergence of the MLG and Old Swedish constructions or whether the development is specific to Swedish. We find that the prolonged contact with MLG does lead to the rise of constructions in Swedish which are modelled on the MLG ones, however, the development of the analytical passive construction is a process without a model in MLG.


Auf der Suche nach Hatespeech in parlamentarischen Debatten: Analyse der Reden von Krzysztof Kasprzak und Jens Maier / In Search of Hate Speech in Parliamentary Debates: Analysis of Speeches by Krzysztof Kasprzak and Jens Maier)

Michał Smułczyński, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-3699-4724)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-15 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 257–267

Keywords: hate speech, parliamentary debate, LGBT, Islam

In the following article, which is part of a comprehensive German-Polish contrastive study on linguistic impoliteness and hate speech in parliamentary debates, I have focused on the identification and characterization of hate speech. The corpus consists of stenograms from two speeches. While in the Sejm Krzysztof Kasprzak dedicated his speech to the Stop LGBT law initiative, in the Bundestag the AfD MP Jens Maier spoke about threats from Islam. The speech in the Sejm was held on the 28th of October 2021, and the speech in the Bundestag on the 6th of November 2020. On the one hand, the argumentation strategies of both speakers were examined, as well as the similarities and differences between them. As the analysis showed, fragments of both speeches can be classified as hate speech because they defame and denigrate LGBT people and Muslims. Negatively charged lexemes and expressions were used, which served to trigger negatively charged associations and the attribution of negative features. By using negation, Maier aims to emphasize Islam’s lack of positive values, while Kasprzak aims to imply its assertiveness. In addition, the Polish speaker manipulates by expressing concern for Polish families and children in order to justify his attacks on LGBT people and compares LGBT people to Nazis in order to demean the community. Incitements, on the other hand, are characteristic of Maier’s speech. They can be traced back to two general formulas: Something must be done about Muslims in Germany and Something must be taken away from Muslims in Germany.


Medizinischer Fachwortschatz in deutschsprachigen Kinderwunschforen / Medical Vocabulary in German-Language Fertility Forums)

Hanna Stypa, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (ORCID: 0000-0002-7837-9271)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-16 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 269–286

Keywords: fertility forum, specialised vocabulary, medicine

This article focuses on the fertility forum, a type of online forum in which mainly women who need medical assistance to become pregnant can communicate with each other. The fertility forum has so far received little attention in linguistic research, although its specific nature makes it worthy of linguistic analyses from different perspectives. This article analyses the specialist medical vocabulary used by forum users in their posts. This aspect seems to be particularly interesting because the users are not experts in the field of infertility treatment options. The aim of the analysis was to excerpt the medical vocabulary, categorise it according to semantic criteria and determine the etymology, word formation and degree of specialisation of the terms. It has been possible to identify 94 examples of medical terms, which were classified into six groups: 1) terms relating to pregnancy in general, 2) terms relating to fertilisation, 3) terms relating to female physiology and anatomy, 4) terms relating to medical examinations, 5) terms relating to diseases, 6) terms relating to fertility treatments. Nearly half of the evidence is of foreign origin (Latin, Greek, English). With regard to the type of word formation, the following constructions were identified: composites, clippings or abbreviations, derivatives, multi-word terms, and simplices. With regard to the degree of specialisation, three levels could be distinguished.


Quasiendozentrische Komposita – gibt es Platz fur einen neuen Typ? / Quasiendocentric Compounds – Is There Room for a New Type?)

Andrzej Szubert, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-17 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 287–301

Keywords: word-formation, compound, classification of compounds, quasiendocentric compounds

Compounds are the most widespread morphological products in Danish as well as in other Germanic languages. Compounding is also the simplest morphological process. However, although a great number of studies have been carried out, there is no consensus among scholars working in the field regarding the definition of compounding, as well as the classification of compounds. In the first part of the paper, various definitions of compounding are discussed, which allows me to demonstrate and analyze the different approaches that underline them. Subsequently, my own view on compounding is discussed. In the second part of the article, both the most widespread and the lesser known classifications of compounds are presented. In their light, my own classification is proposed in order to include a particular category of compounds that do not fit well into either of the already existing classifications. These compounds can neither be classified as determinative nor exocentric and, as argued in the present article, they should be perceived as a separate category. I propose to name them quasiendocentric compounds.


Es lebe die Landeshauptfrau – Österreichische Fachsprachen im DaF-Unterricht / Long Live the Provincial Governess – Austrian Languages for Special Purposes in GFL Lessons)

Reinhold Utri, University of Warsaw (ORCID: 0000-0002-8714-3068)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-18 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 303–316

Keywords: Austria, specialised languages, variety, provincial governor, pluricentric teaching

Pluricentrism is already well-established in German studies – the concept is comprehensible, logical, and clear. It has been thoroughly developed, with several authors (e.g., Muhr) having described and explained the phenomenon of Austrian German in numerous essays, emphasizing that it is neither superior nor inferior, but should be regarded as equal. However, the necessary implications for dictionaries, translation studies (both the theoretical basis and practical application, e.g., at the European Union level), university practice (e.g., exercises in interpreting institutes, translation didactics), and general GFL (German as a Foreign Language) teaching in (Polish) schools and universities are still awaited. This article aims to provide examples of Austrian German to offer insight into how diverse the differences can be and to propose suggestions for addressing them. Even at an intermediate level (e.g., in Polish high schools), it is possible to teach learners grammatical, lexical, phonetic, idiomatic, and pragmatic units that they will later be able to use in communication with Austrian German speakers. Advanced learners (at the university level) should engage more intensively with literary and specialized texts of Austrian origin to better prepare for their professional work in language teaching or translation.


Komischer Diskurs: kognitiv und kulturbedingt / Comic Discourse: Cognitively and Culturally Determined)

Oksana Zubach, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (ORCID: 0000-0003-1884-6875)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-19 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 317–329

Keywords: comic discourse, comic text, comic effect, cognitive correlate, communication expectations

This article presents the research results that are dedicated to the peculiarities of the German laughter culture. The research is based on the foundations of pragmatics and is carried out using the integrative approach so that contextual, content, functional and structural features of the text are addressed. A significant subject in the broad field of discourse was and still is the area of the comic (humor, jokes, satire). The article accepts relevant criteria (sociological, psycholinguistic, communicative, pragmatic, gender-sensitive, etc.) that reflect the expression of humorous elements in the German language and culture. The analysis of comic discourse focuses on the interaction between the sender of information, who conveys his own intentions in the statement, and the recipient of information, who in turn interprets information in terms of background knowledge. Comic discourse is viewed in a broad social context. The cognitive correlate of a comic discourse is the basic system of knowledge about a situation and its planning, production and acceptance. The study focuses on comic texts from Internet sources that reflect people’s attitudes through comments not only on comic texts as a means of entertainment, but also on situations and phenomena. The comic texts are described as a hallmark of the German laughter culture. The comic effect in the text is based on communication expectations, on variations in reality, on juggling with objects, issues, facts, and the reflection of human adaptation in all areas of the target language culture.


Geschlossen, lang oder gespannt? Die Beschreibung der Artikulation niederländischer Vokale aus einer polykonfrontativen (und didaktischen) Perspektive / Closed, lang or gespannt? Describing Articulation of Dutch Vowels from a Polyconfrontative (and Didactic) Perspective)

Zuzanna Czerwonka-Wajda, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-2578-1387)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-20 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 333–351

Keywords: terminology, describing vowel articulation, language comparison, Dutch, English, German, Polish

By analyzing the descriptions of Dutch vowels in the selected literature in four languages (Dutch, Polish, German and English), this paper addresses issues at the intersection of terminology and phonetics, while also placing them in the context of comparative research to provide a new broader perspective. The starting point are the articulatory features of vowels based on which the course of vocalic articulation is later described separately for every language. Material for the analysis comes from two sources per language. In the first part of the analysis, a question about the (lack of) quality of terminology used in the material is being answered, followed by indicating different interpretive traditions of vowel description in the given language, which are e.g. expressed by the use of terms such as “closed”, “lang” and “gespannt”. The second part of the analysis uses the multilingual nature of the corpus to provide a polyconfrontative view of the problem. It is being shown that the terms used in the descriptions in the four chosen languages are hardly international in nature which makes finding equivalents quite difficult. This lack of equivalence in the descriptions not only makes the language comparison harder but also impacts the didactics of pronunciation, as students of Dutch have to re-learn terminology in this language even if they learned it in Polish, English or German.


Methodologische Probleme in der phonetischen Forschung des Polnischen als Fremdsprache / Methodological Issues in Phonetic Research of Polish as a Foreign Language)

Alicja Derych, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0002-8819-2080)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-21 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 353–367

Keywords: phonetic research, methodology, Polish as a foreign language, Polish as a second language, Polish phonetics

The present paper is concerned with the methodology of phonetic research of Polish as a second/foreign language. Polish phonetics is approached here from the perspective of methodological problems that may be encountered during the study conduction. There exists a number of methodological approaches to this kind of studies, not so many comprehensive ones though (apart from e.g. Zaśko-Zielińska/Majewska-Tworek/Śleziak/Tworek 2020). The aim of the article was to signal issues that may be met by the researchers attempting to design their studies: selecting a study group meeting specific criteria, determining their language proficiency level, proposing adequate source materials, and planning the recording phase. The analysis was inspired by the study conducted during the preparation of a PhD dissertation on realisation of Polish consonants by native speakers of German. Material examples presented come from the recordings made for this purpose at the University of Leipzig in 2023. Due to a relatively less number of methodological guidelines dedicated to phonetic research of Polish as a second/foreign language, the author, having encountered some challenges during both assemblance of the study group and data collection, shared her reflections exemplified in the doctoral study along with some others which may emerge in similar research. The paper shows that phonetic studies concerned with Polish as a foreign/second language trigger methodological issues which relate to, apart from problems of equipment and data processing, the assessment of proficiency of the respondents, linguistic proficiency itself (especially related to orthography and vocabulary) and requirements in source material design, as well as study design (its temporal aspects), personal, extralinguistic factors, communicative situation and the role of the researcher in it, and the question of spontaneity closely linked to the textual type of the samples collected. The analysis may serve as a starting point both at the stage of planning one’s research, and evaluation of specific problems that were already encountered.


Polnische Nasalvokale, grafisch geschrieben als <ę> und <ą>. Eine Vielzahl von Studien zur auditiven, artikulatorischen und akustischen Phonetik / Polish Nasal Vowels Written Graphically as <ę> and <ą>. A Variety of Studies on Auditive, Articulatory and Acoustic Phonetics)

Sofia Kamińska, University of Siedlce (ORCID: 0000-0002-0393-3178)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-22 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 369–387

Keywords: nasal vowels, nasality, experimental techniques, auditory research, acoustic research, articulatory research

This text attempts to collect and present the more important Polish and worldwide research on vowel nasality. The article showcases the diversity of research conducted over the decades to carry out a description of nasal vowels, including Polish nasal vowels graphically written as <ę> and <ą>. Nasal vowels are complex sounds in terms of articulation. Studies have been carried out by linguists (phoneticians, phonologists) as well as researchers from other disciplines, including medicine, physiology, and physics. The interdisciplinary nature of the research carried out meant utilizing various research techniques and methods. In chronological order, these included palatography, kymography, labiography, electromyography, fibero-optic endoscopy, radiography, MRI, ultrasonography, velotrace device, X-ray microbeam, electromagnetic articulation, and nazometry. Auditory studies have also been a significant part of the research, especially in adults and children. Research on nasal vowels aimed to better understand functioning of muscles controlling the activity of the soft palate and pharyngeal wall, analysing velar-pharyngeal movements, and aerodynamic conditions created by the varied movements of active articulators. These studies also explored the impact of the acoustic signal on listeners. The review concludes that contemporary instrumental techniques are very sought-after and often used in research on nasality. However, such studies involve a small group of participants. It therefore seems that auditory research could complement and enrich the results of research conducted with experimental techniques.


Das Kind mit APD und CAPD: Untersuchung zentraler auditiver Verarbeitungsstörungen und der Wirksamkeit des Hörtrainings / Child with ASD and CAPD: Investigation of Central Auditory Processing Disorders and the Effectiveness of Auditory Training)

Agnieszka Kuniczuk, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0002-6305-7595)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-23 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 389–400

Keywords: Central Auditory Processing Disorders, case study, auditory training

In recent times, there has been a notable rise in the number of children exhibiting indications of Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD). It is frequently the case that the symptoms exhibited by young people are overlooked, and the symptoms of the disorder are erroneously attributed to stupor, discourteous behaviour, reluctance to heed the instructions of adults and even hearing loss. This has significant implications for children’s communication and functioning in educational settings. The objective of this article is to highlight the existing issue, identify the fundamental symptoms of CAPD in accordance with the current state of research, and examine the possibilities of assessing the functioning of a child with Central Auditory Processing Disorders. Furthermore, potential avenues for examination and therapy for individuals with CAPD will be delineated. The article presents the case of a girl who exhibits such difficulties. Furthermore, it outlines the potential avenues for evaluating the client’s condition and suggesting tailored training programmes. The case of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) was selected for analysis. The article has both a theoretical and a practical dimension. The child’s condition was evaluated using an interview sheet, tests examining Central Auditory Processing Disorders, and methods and techniques aimed at neural networks to enhance brain neuroplasticity and improve Central Auditory Processing Disorders. The results of the Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) test and the effects of training were discussed. The proposals included in the article for both testing and auditory training of a child showing symptoms of CAPD are based on the author’s observations of both testing and therapy on a daily basis.


Phonologisches Bewusstsein bei einem polnisch-amerikanischen Kind mit Legasthenie. Eine Fallstudie / Phonological Awareness in Polish-American Child with Dyslexia. Case study)

Rafał Młyński, Jagiellonian University (ORCID: 0000-0001-9069-06127)
Agata Guzek, Chicago Public Schools (ORCID: 0009-0000-8583-0625)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-24 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 401–418

Keywords: dyslexia, bilingualism, phonological awareness, errors, linear evaluation

The case study is focused on phonological awareness in Polish and English of a bilingual child with a diagnosis of dyslexia. The choice of this topic was dictated by a paucity of studies focusing on Polish-other bilingualism in Polish literature. The theoretical portion of the article includes information regarding phonological awareness and its relationships with dyslexia and bilingualism. The empirical portion contains the methodology, assessment instruments, data analysis, and their interpretation chosen by the authors. In addition, information on the subject’s language use was included. There were 3 research questions formulated: 1) What are the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of syllable segmenting and blending in Polish and English in a bilingual child with SRD? 2) What are the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of phoneme segmenting and blending in Polish and English in a bilingual child with SRD? 3) What is the phonological memory capacity in both languages in a bilingual child with SRD? The “unknown language” test was used to collect data, while the language biography method and the classification of errors made by persons with dyslexia were used for the analysis. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. They revealed deficits in segmenting and blending of sounds and syllables in both languages. The errors made by the subject on the segmenting and blending of phonemes tasks were syntagmatic – they indicated deficits in the linear evaluation of auditory stimuli. This type of errors is typical for dyslexia defined as a disorder of linear processing of linguistic information. In addition, the subject presented with significant difficulties with his phonological memory across languages. These results are indicative of the need to enroll the boy in speech-language therapy and reading interventions focusing on the deficits common in dyslexia. The therapy should be in both languages and address phonological and neurobiological skills. Additionally, reading training in Polish and English should also be conducted.


Ist es notwendig polnische Nasalvokale zu untersuchen? / Is it Necessary to Study Polish Nasal Vowels?)

Molenda Aleksandra, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-9309-9289)
Artur Tworek, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-0975-9358)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-25 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 419–431

Keywords: nasal vowels, realisation variety, abstractness of phonological systems, real speech reality

The declared aim of this article is to draw attention to Polish nasal vowels. The motivation for its creation is the lack of complexity in the description of this subsystem noted in the specialised literature. The descriptions of Polish nasal vowels offered in the specialised literature were usually prepared within the framework of Polish phonology as a whole. The focus of characterisations of Polish nasal vowels based on the phonetic perspective, on the other hand, is usually on nasal consonants (cf. Dukiewicz 1967, among others). The comparative publications also focus primarily on the phonological descriptions of this subsystem. At this point, the need for a complex phonetic description of Polish nasal vowels in comparison with those languages in which speech sound inventories also contain such subsystems becomes apparent. In favour of the complexity of this description of Polish nasal vowels, we propose the following perspectives: phonetic, phonological, sociophonetic, didactic and typological (comparative). Approaching the phenomenon of nasal vowels not only from a segmental perspective but also from the perspective of the higher levels of language structure (expression, text) would allow the abstractness of phonological systems to be adapted to the realities of speech. This adaptation is hardly possible without a systematic explication of the pronunciation varieties. In addition to the question of articulatory variants, there is also the question of co-articulatory and dialectal or regiolectal factors as well as idiolectal tendencies in the realisation of nasal vowels. A concrete communicative consonant situation in which the nasal vowels discussed in the article are realised should also be taken into account.


Enklitika in den deutschen Mundarten Mährens und Schlesiens / Enclitics in the German Dialects of Moravia and Silesia)

Mojmír Muzikant, Masaryk University

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-26 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 433–446

Keywords: enclitic personal pronouns, competing independent forms, variants of enclitics, distribution in the dialectal space

The present article examines the realization of personal pronouns in spoken language in the dialectal territory of Moravia and Silesia. The scope of the pronoun forms studied is limited by their occurrence in seven sentences (see below), which were explored using a direct method based on questionnaires for the Linguistic Atlas of German Dialects in the Czech Republic. It turned out that in addition to accented and unaccented forms, reduced pronoun forms (enclitics) are not infrequently used. In the following discussion, individual variants of enclitics are presented, including their territorial characteristics. The extent to which the individual sub-areas of a given dialect territory are defined by the identified pronoun forms (both unabbreviated forms and enclitics) is also examined. (des), (eis) denotes that the Jihlava, Brno and Vyškov language islands are under the influence of Bavarian dialects, from reduced forms, which are clearly predominant compared to the unreduced forms, although their considerable variability and dispersion throughout the study area make unambiguous territorial assignment difficult, the accusative of the personal genitive pronoun er is characterized by the enclitic variant in Javorník (Jauerniger Ländchen) and along the western border of northern Moravia. Also, the enclitic variant b instead of wir (1st person plural) can be attested only in North Moravia with one exception. Furthermore, it appears that the Hrebečsko region (Schönhengst) is closer to North Moravia than to the islands in South Moravia in terms of the repertoire of enclitic variants. This complements to some extent Volume V “Morphology” (2020: 142–145) of the Language Atlas (“Atlas der deutschen Mundarten in Tschechien”, 2014–2020), which does not treat personal pronouns with the exception of er and Ihnen (the polite form).


Auditiv-akustische Analyse linguistischer Daten mit Hilfe von Computerprogrammen: EXMARaLDA und Praat / Auditory-Acoustic Analysis of Linguistic Data Using Computer Programs: EXMARaLDA and Praat)

Marta Rogozińska, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-1533-1577)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-27 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 447–459

Keywords: EXMARaLDA, Praat, auditory-acoustic analysis

The purpose of this article is to present selected features of two computer programs that can be used to perform auditory-acoustic analysis of linguistic data: EXMARaLDA and Praat. Depending on the research interests and the degree of precision of the linguistic description (from recording the wording of the utterances to the additional description of suprasegmental and prosodic phenomena and phonetic analysis), these programs allow the transcription, annotation and analysis of speech. Due to their functionality, they can be used separately, providing technical support for in-depth auditory (mainly EXMARaLDA) or acoustic (mainly Praat) analysis, or together, allowing visualisation or objectification of auditory impressions. EXMARaLDA is particularly suitable for speech analysis, as it can preserve and transcribe the sound of very long utterances, select specific phenomena, and create and manage text corpora. For acoustic analysis, Praat allows detailed analysis of the physical properties of speech, including fundamental frequency analysis, sound intensity analysis, spectral analysis, formant analysis or voice quality analysis. Depending on the research question, the two methods (analysis of auditory impressions and analysis of the physical properties of speech) can be used independently or in parallel. The research material obtained in this way can contribute to in-depth analysis of linguistic data and is used not only in speech and communication research in the broadest sense, but also in interdisciplinary research combining different disciplines and research approaches. The article is of a practical nature and aims to familiarise the interested reader with selected functions for qualitative and quantitative (signal) analysis of speech.


Die vergleichenden linguistischen Untersuchungen im Bereich der Sportsprache – Methoden und Tendenzen / Comparative Linguistic Studies in the Field of Sports Language – Methods and Trends)

Jakub Dzidek, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0009-0000-0807-5726)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-28 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 463–468

Keywords: linguistics, language of sport, language of football, comparative linguistics

The review article discusses the book ‘Language and Football’ by Eva Lavric and Gerhard Pišek (ed.), published in 2024. The introductory section addresses the role of sport, the value of which has increased over time. It has been an important part of shaping society with its currencies since ancient times. Language plays an extremely important role in sporting society because communication takes place within and through sport. However, sports language is constantly regarded as an undiscovered and complex phenomenon. As a result, any research in its field helps to clarify the phenomenon. Due to the lack of inter- and interlingual comparative research, any opportunity to highlight it is more valuable than gold. Consequently, the next part of the paper will highlight the articles in the volume that present comparative inter- and intralingual research at different levels. Above all, they look for the differences and similarities within the framework of the languages or language variants analysed. In the concluding section, brief evaluations and recommendations are suggested after reading the work.


Fußballlinguistik als Forschungsbereich der Sportlinguistik – Neue wissenschaftliche Perspektiven / Football Linguistics as a Research Area of Sports Language – New Scientific Perspectives)

Jakub Dzidek, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0009-0000-0807-5726)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-29 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 469–475

Keywords: football, linguistics, sports language, football language

The reviewed article discusses the book ,,Reingegrätscht. Eine kleine Linguistik des Fußballs‘‘ by Simon Meier-Vieracker (eds.). The introductory part mentions the role of sport, especially football, in today’s society, which requires and justifies research in all its areas. Language is an important aspect of the whole phenomenon, which for various reasons manifests itself not only within the sports environment. In the next section, attention is given to the motivations and research areas of the articles, which cover a range of consensual situations (Internet, language of fans, language of commentators, women’s football, etc.). However, those that provide a new overview of the issue seem particularly important. As a result, they are discussed in detail, which allows appropriate conclusions to be drawn later. The concluding section presents both the evaluation and the potential further research topics that can be found after reading the volume.


O potrzebie monitorowania treści językoznawczych w szkolnych i akademickich programach kształcenia / On the Need to Monitor Linguistic Content in School and University Curricula)

Józef Jarosz, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0002-7820-667X)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-30 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 477–483

Keywords: Paedolinguistics, educational linguistics, language didactics, curriculum, linguistic competences

The content of the review is a discussion of the anthology „Zagadnienia lingwistyczne w dydaktyce szkolnej i uniwersyteckiej” edited by Tomasz Kurdyła and Beata Ziajka. It begins with a general description of the objectives, theoretical foundations and methodological solutions of Polish paedolinguistics, using selected publications as examples. This field of research, established on the borderline between linguistics and didactics, already has a tradition in the scientific literature and its scientific output includes not only empirical analyses but also theoretical publications describing the tasks and methodological foundations. The anthology is made up of eleven academic essays whose problems can be located in the fields of paedolinguistics, educational linguistics and language didactics. Although the contributions are characterized by different research interests and methodological diversity, the focus on linguistic problems in a didactic context gives all of them a common thematic framework. The contributions address the acquisition of linguistic competences both in school education (in the areas of word formation, onomastics, grammatical terminology and pupils with language disorders) and at university level (word formation, text type analysis). Four essays are dedicated to selected aspects of communication: the categories of sender and receiver, non-verbal communication, barriers and obstacles in communication and successful communication. One article analyses the text-linguistic competence of teachers. Finally, the thesis formulated in the article topic is substantiated and analysed in more detail. The analysis of linguistic components in curricula at all levels of education is necessary due to changing social and civilisational circumstances and can be useful for two target groups. Learners find consistent terminology and desired progress in textbooks, students are provided with the latest theories that can be applied in their theses. Teachers benefit from the results of the research by fulfilling the postulates and thus optimizing the teaching and learning process through innovations.


Zu hybriden Kommunikationsformen im Online-Diskurs von NGOs / On Hybrid Forms of Communication in the Online Discourse of NGOs)

Marcelina Kałasznik, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-2713-5880)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-31 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 485–490

Keywords: hybrid forms of communication, multimodality, text linguistics, pragmalinguistics, visual linguistics

The rapid development of the internet and its ubiquity have had a huge impact on forms of communication and text types. The emergence of new and the modification of traditional forms of communication are not new phenomena. However, the changes in this area are so diverse that the topic has been taken up in many linguistic publications. One example of this is the comprehensive monograph “Stille, Bilder und Wörter. Die Bedeutungskonstitution in der digitalen Multimodalität. Mit einer Einführung von Gerda Haßler und einem Vorwort von Carla Marello” by Silvia Verdiani, which was published by Frank & Timme in 2023 and is discussed in the following article. In her study, the author aims to grasp the nature of language-image conglomerates, to characterize their typical features and to point out mechanisms of how the meaning of digital texts emerges from the interplay of their various elements. Verdiani develops an integrative model for the interpretation of digital texts against the background of a detailed theoretical introduction in which she addresses concepts from cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics and text linguistics. The corpus with which the author works consists of digital texts from non-governmental and non-profit organizations that represent the online discourse on migration between 2015 and 2019. In her analysis, the author draws attention to the process of hybridization as well as to the phenomena of intertextuality and deixis, which play a special role in the constitution of meaning in digital texts. In this sense, the monograph is a comprehensive account of the production, organization and reception of digital texts.


Lingwistyka dyskursu i lingwistyka mediów – perspektywa germanistyczna / Discourse Linguistics and Media Linguistics – a Germanistic Perspective)

Marcelina Kałasznik, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-2713-5880)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-32 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 491–497

Keywords: discourse linguistics, media linguistics, multimodality, media, German-language studies

Research topics such as discourse or discursivity, media or mediality and multimodality are at the centre of studies by both Polish and German-speaking linguists. If one observes the research in this area conducted in Poland and in German-speaking countries, similarities and differences become apparent. Based on the assumption that representatives of the Polish and German research cultures partly represent different approaches, initiatives that enable a dialogue between these two research traditions are extremely important. The publication to be presented in the article „Dyskurs, media, multimodalność. Przyczynek do dialogu germanistyczno-polonistycznego“, which was published in 2022 by Waldemar Czachur, Anna Hanus and Dorota Miller, aims to provide Polish readers with an insight into the research findings of the German studies community. The monograph consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to discourse linguistics and contains translations of five articles by German researchers. The second part of the publication which focusses on media linguistics, includes translations of four articles by German researchers into Polish. The two parts also contain interviews with German and Polish linguists and media scholars, in which the problems of discourse, media texts, multimodality and media linguistics are discussed.


Über die Beziehungskonstellationen der Liebe / On the Relationship Configurations of Love)

Rafał Szubert, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-1367-1770)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-33 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 499–508

Keywords: Linguistic sign, meaning, cultureme, language theory, onomasiology, linguistics as cognitive science

The subject of this review article is an edited volume by Nina-Maria Klug and Sina Lautenschläger. From the perspective of semantics and linguistics as a cognitive science, the works collected in this volume contribute to cultural, culturally-related onomasiological considerations within the context of language as a cognitive science. The conceptual domain of love is explored through examples from various areas of language use: in online dating communication, gender-specific advice on flirting and courtship communication, the mourning of parents for their deceased children, the grieving process after the death of a surviving partner, marketing strategies, musical-dramatic imaginings of love from a linguistic perspective, the non-linear structure of language, staged animal love in zoo documentary soaps, children’s books, and in the design of interstate relationships. The authors employ interdisciplinary approaches to illuminate the phenomenon of love from both linguistic and cultural-social science perspectives. The book serves as an inspiration and challenge for the reader, occasionally provoking contradiction and critical voices. Precisely because it does not leave the reader indifferent to the important topics addressed in this thematic volume on love, it is highly recommended for conscious and mature language connoisseurs. It is a valuable contribution to the interdisciplinary dialogue on the cultural and linguistic dimensions of love.


Bericht über den 7. Kongress des Mitteleuropäischen Germanistenverbandes: „Verbindungen – Netzwerke – Synergien“, 18.–21.09.2024, Technische Universität für Bauwesen in Bukarest

Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-34 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 511–513


Bericht über das Projekttreffen „Datenbearbeitung und Übersetzung im Repositorium auf GitHub“, 4.–6. September 2024, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia im Rahmen der COST ACTION CA22115: A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages (PhraConRep)

Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.26-35 (published online: 2025-02-02)

pp. 515–517