Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław
Numer 23 (2023): I
Redakcja: Iwona Bartoszewicz (Uniwersytet Wrocławski), Joanna Szczęk (Uniwersytet Wrocławski), Artur Tworek (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
Des Linguisten Einführung zu menschlicher Fehlbarkeit und kognitiven Verzerrungen: deren Evolution, kognitiver Stellenwert und Einfluss auf die Entscheidungsfindung / The Linguist’s Guide to Human Fallibility and Biases: their Evolution, Cognitive Significance and Impact in Decision Making)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-1 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 17–37
Słowa kluczowe: percepcja, błędy poznawcze, teoria językoznawcza, metodologia językoznawcza
Most people, including many scientists, readily assume that human perception depicts reality truthfully, that human thought processes are essentially rational, and that episodic memory aptly stores and recalls factual information about personal experiences. However, these notions are only partially true. Of course, evolutionary pressures have culminated in an overall quite powerful cognitive system that allows humans to adequately cope with the circumstances present within their ecological niche(s), but nevertheless, perception of the outside world is subject to the brain’s “motivated” interpretation out of imperfect input, thinking is guided by heuristic shortcuts as well as a plethora of unconscious biases, and memory shows itself to be imperfect as well as malleable to a variety of influences. As a result, intuitive judgments on reality are, in principle, to a certain degree unreliable. Cognitive shortcomings constitute an intrinsic condition of human nature and profoundly impact how people interpret the world and interact with their material and social surroundings. This paper is motivated by the fact that many scholars within linguistics, as well as most students of the field, have little to no awareness of the pertinent literature, even though these biases may directly or indirectly influence their work. The following therefore aims to present a concise introduction to the topic, from the evolutionary background to practical implications within linguistic research.
Partikelverben als Pleonasmen? / Particle Verbs as Pleonasms?)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-2 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 39–46
Słowa kluczowe: czasowniki złożone, konstrukcje pleonastyczne
The article deals with the problem of a possible pleonastic interpretation of the constructions with particle as verb adjunct and a preposition semantically and partly formally corresponding with it. The topic concerns one aspect of the local modification of verbs. The focus of the analysis is on prepositional and adverbial verb particles. They are separable verbs. The classification into single particles and double particles is carried out, as well as their morphological and semantic difference is discussed. The controversial status of the separable part of the verb is also discussed. The constructions discussed here consist of a preposition that indicates a goal, starting point, or distance of the movement, and a particle that names the direction and reference point from which the movement originates. Although the topic of verb particles has been treated broadly, what status verb particles and prepositions have in constructions remains open. Do such compounds as climb up the mountain or stick to the blackboard bring additional information and are optional, or are they necessary for understanding localization? The assumption that the constructions are pleonasms, that is, words with the same meaning, is rejected in the article. Both the preposition and the verb particle have their semantic function.
Sprachliche und grafische Gestaltung der Schlagzeilen zum Thema Coronavirus in der Online-Boulevardpresse im Deutschen und im Polnischen / Linguistic and Graphic Design of the Headlines on the Corona Virus in the Online Tabloid Press in German and Polish)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-3 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 47–63
Słowa kluczowe: prasa online, nagłówek, prasa tabloidowa, język i koronawirus, dyskurs o covidzie
In this article, selected headlines on the topic of coronavirus in the German and Polish online tabloid press will be analysed and described. The aim is to shed light on linguistic and graphical characteristic of the headlines examined as well as to show differences and similarities in the design of the headlines in the two languages. The following text presents press headlines from two online sources – the Bild newspaper and Superexpress ( and Based on the collected material the author discusses the following phenomena: graphic distinctions, noun accumulations, exclamations, questions in the headline, as well as the area of evaluating vocabulary. The used phenomena attract the reader’s attention and encourage to read. It is also not without significance that the issues discussed evoke emotions and feelings of fear, anxiety and uncertainty in the reader, which accompany the epidemic situation. The article ends by summarising the analysis and pointing out the differences between the two languages and styles.
Kommunikation ÜBER / PER / VIA Internet, Chat, SMS und E-Mail. Wie lassen sich diese digitalen Wege ausdrücken? / Communication ÜBER / PER / VIA Internet, Chat, SMS and E-Mail. How Can these Digital Ways be Expressed?)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-4 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 65–80
Słowa kluczowe: wyrażenia przyimkowe, uzualizacja, kolokacje, analiza korpusowa
The article focuses on prepositional word phrases that are considered usualised and lexicalised word compounds. Lexicalisation is marked by the zero article between the preposition and the noun. Their meaning is compositional, so they do not affect correct comprehension in receptive language skills. In the productive language skills, non-native speakers often have problems because the lexicalisation processes are unique to each language. The lexicographical description only takes very limited account of such usualised word phrases, often they are not even mentioned in the dictionaries, although they form an integral part of communication. In the article, these word compounds are examined in the meaning of the medium in the digital environment. Their formal properties – preference of the individual prepositions with base words internet, email, chat and SMS – are examined to determine which of the word compounds is most frequently used in communication. The qualitative analysis of the corpus evidence shows in turn whether the word compounds studied can be considered synonymous. This can be analysed on the basis of the typical contexts of studied compounds, which is possible by analysing their verbal collocates. Such analyses of electronic corpora show the concrete preferences on the quantitative and qualitative levels and contribute to a better formal, semantic, lexicographic and linguistic-practical description of the word phrases. The article emphasises the importance of corpus linguistic approaches in current linguistics.
Form-Fokus versus Inhalts-Fokus: Zur Nutzung von CALL+ als Instrument zwecks Bestimmung des optimalen Kontextualisierungsgrades beim L2-Lexik-Lernen / Form Focus versus Content Focus: On the Use of CALL+ as an Instrument for Determining the Optimal Degree of Contextualization in L2 Lexical Learning)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-5 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 81–98
Słowa kluczowe: akwizycja leksykalna L2, leksykalność, tekstualność, efektywność uczenia się
The controversy about form focus versus content focus or lexicality versus textuality and the relevance of the respective chosen degree of contextualization of the teaching material for successful L2 vocabulary acquisition is still considered unresolved. While on the one hand Krashen with his input hypothesis (1985 ff.) and the work that followed him (e.g., Wu 2010, Yang 2011, Jergerski 2021, Lichtman/VanPatten 2021, Lowen 2021) advocate content-oriented vocabulary work, other researchers such as Laufer (et al. 2009, 2010, 2017a,b), Spada (2011), Shintani (2013), Yang/Shintani/Li/Zang (2017), Kang/Sok/Han (2019), Sima (2019), McLean/Stoeckel (2021), Soodmand (2021) and other representatives of modern language teaching research argue for paying much more attention to form-oriented vocabulary work. One of the main reasons for this divergence may be that many empirical studies only cover a small database of a few test vocabulary items in observation periods that are also very limited in time, which severely limits gene- ralizable statements from the outset. This paper addresses this problem and discusses the possibilities of a computer-based longitudinal analysis and optimization of the complex learning conditions of L2 lexicon acquisition. The focus is on the extent to which the contrast of context isolation versus context integration of lexical learning material influences learning efficiency and success. The empirical data collected in the pilot study presented here (based on more than 107,000 computerized lexical learning and reactivation records) and their systematic analysis demonstrate that the dependence of lexical learning and reactivation performance on the chosen degree of contextualization is apparently much lower than propagated by both representatives of the input hypothesis and proponents of form-focusing.
Counterness. Merkmale von Gegenrede in Online-Debatten über Political Correctness / Counterness. Features of Counter Speech in Online Debates on Political Correctness)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-6 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 99–111
Słowa kluczowe: sprzeciwianie się, pozycjonowanie epistemiczne, lingwistyka Internetu, lingwistyka korpusowa
This paper deals with debates about political correctness as they can be observed in comment sections of the website “Zeit Online”. Under articles on the topic of political correctness, numerous critical comments can be found which are then in turn reacted to with counter speech. On the basis of a corpus of 4791 comments of nine articles, in which the thread structures are also marked up, typical linguistic features of counter speech which are summarized as characteristics of counterness, are determined with quantitative corpus linguistic methods. In qualitative fine analyses, selected findings are further enriched. It will be shown that epistemic positioning, i.e., the indexing of one’s own and other people’s knowledge, and the associated acts of demarcation play an important role in the articulation of counter speech.
Routiniertes Sprachverhalten an der deutsch-polnischen Grenze aus diachroner Perspektive (Beispiele für Redemuster in Deutsch) / Conventionalised Patterns of Language Behaviour at the Polish-German Border Crossing, from a Diachronic Perspective (incl. Examples of Speech Formulae in German))
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-7 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 113–134
Słowa kluczowe: formuły rutynowe, granica, badanie diachroniczne
The paper deals with conventionalised linguistic formulae that once were or still are in use in communication when crossing the German-Polish border. The research material for this analysis comes from selected German-Polish phrasebooks, from the first printings in the 16th century to recently published editions. Numerous examples of German expressions regarding the specified area are excerpted from the contents of the above-mentioned reference works, then grouped thematically and presented chronologically, sometimes with brief commentary. The aim here is to present expressions used repetitively in language interaction between travelers and customs officials at border control points retrospectively. In addition, reference is made to the (im)politeness and emotional charge of the language used at the border. The analysis carried out showed that the language formulae used at border control points have not changed much over the course of time, starting from the 19th century. Furthermore, it was determined that the communication between customs officials and travelers in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century relied on a large number of conventionalized politeness formulae. In the more recent examples, the language used is also polite, though the formulaic expressions are different as the manner of linguistic politeness itself has changed over the years. In addition, it was possible to find out which regulations applied at the German-Polish border. The present study thus represents a contribution to sociopragmatics while also addressing phraseological issues from a diachronic perspective.
Adjektive aus pragmatischer Perspektive / Adjectives from a Pragmatic Perspective)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-8 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 135–149
Słowa kluczowe: przymiotnik, pragmatyka, funkcja, kontekst, perspektywa zorientowana na działanie
From a pragmatic perspective, goaloriented communication focuses not only on the linguistic and situational context, but also on the speaker‘s intention and strategy. Using the example of three text excerpts, which represent three different text types, the aim of the article is to show which role adjectives play in different communication situations, which communicative purposes they are used for, and which functions they perform in different contexts. It is shown which linguistic and grammatical specifics lead to the fulfillment of a certain communication goal in connection with the intention of the text producer and the text function. Adjectives in contemporary German are examined from the action-oriented and function-oriented perspectives.
Eine Typologie der IAW-Phrasen in Ergänzungsfragen / A Typology of IAW Phrases)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-9 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 151–164
Słowa kluczowe: frazy typu IAW, język niemiecki, język holenderski, język francuski, język angielski
The notion ‘IAW phrases’ refers to fixed expressions such as in aller Welt ‘in all world’, um Gottes willen ‘for God’s sake’, and zum Teufel ‘the devil’ that are used in wh-questions as a kind of illocutionary intensification. This contribution presents an attempt to come up with a typology of IAW phrases in wh-questions in German. This typology consists of ten groups of IAW phrases (partly with subgroups) that are defined primarily on the basis of formal patterns. The patterns under discussion are [zu X] (with the variant [X]), [bei X], [beim Barte Xs], [in Xs Namen], [um Xs willen], and a group of patterns such as [in all- X], that refer to the world as a whole. The four remaining groups are not based on such a structural pattern; these are swearing words used as IAW phrases, IAW loans, blends, and a small rest group. In a second step, it is shown by means of spot checks that this typology can also serve as a star- ting point for the description of IAW phrases in German imperative sentences and in other languages.
Textlinguistische Analyse von Breslauer mittelalterlichen Bürgertestamenten / Medieval Wills of the Burghers of Wrocław Examined from the Perspective of Textual Linguistics)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-10 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 165–180
Słowa kluczowe: testament, średniowiecze, rodzaj tekstu, historyczna lingwistyka tekstu, Wrocław
Scientists often criticize there are not enough diachronical empirical investigations about sorts of texts. The analysis I did, is trying to close this gap. The choose was falling on the beginning of testaments when they wrote down. I’m geared at the dictum of linguists, that the history of language is at the same time the history of sort of texts. The corpus of my investigation includes material I found by my own. I also transliterated it. Already in further time I analyzed the linguistic structure of testaments of citizens in Krakow. These investigations were very successful. Therefore, I wanted to use the same method for testaments of citizens in Breslau. I started with the historical background and the registration of testamentery texts in the so called “Stadtbuch” (registry of town). I explained four levels of description. The same method I used for the investigation of the last will of the citizens of Breslau. In this present paper I give attention on text-linguistical aspects. But there is one difference between two levels: the axiological-ontological and the stylistic level – compared to the contemporary conception of a testament. My contribution can also understand as an invitation for forthcoming investigations of the diachronic of such sorts of texts. The benefit for the subject linguistic shouldn’t underestimate.
Zum Wirtschaftswortschatz in der schriftlichen Wirtschaftskommunikation des ausgehenden 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: fremdsprachige Wörter in historischen Zitaten aus der Wirtschaftspresse / On Business Communication in the late 19th and 20th Centuries: Foreign Language Terms in Historical Quotations from Business Press)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-11 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 181–198
Słowa kluczowe: komunikacja biznesowa, prasa biznesowa, analiza historyczna, wyrazy obce, XIX wiek, XX wiek
In this paper, selected foreign words are presented and analysed in historical quotations from business articles from 1885-1886 (19th century) and 1995-1996 (20th century) to show how business language has changed over a period of 100 years. The end of the 19th century and the end of the 20th century were thus chosen because there has been a great technical progress during this period, which resulted in an expansion and change of vocabulary. The study aims to show how business communication had developed, especially in the field of trade and industry, which words remained unaffected by the upheavals, and which came out of use. The focus here is on frequently occurring foreign words as well as expressions with foreign words; interest is also directed at hybrid compounds of both native and a non-native words. The article is part of a longer analysis of economic vocabulary from the 19th and 20th centuries, covering economic areas such as trade, industry, the labour market. The article is based on a longer analysis of economic vocabulary from the late 19th and 20th centuries, covering economic areas such as trade, industry, the labour market and finance. The vocabulary examples are drawn exclusively from the business press. These studies also want to join the contributions dedicated to LSP (languages for specific purposes).
Die ausgewählten manipulativen Strategien in den öffentlichen Propagandareden der NS-Zeit. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Sportpalastrede / The Selected Manipulative Speech Tactics in the Public Propaganda Speeches in the Nazi Germany. Analysis Using the Example of Total War Speech)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-12 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 199–211
Słowa kluczowe: manipulacja językowa, strategie manipulacyjne, propaganda nazistowska, pragmatyka, implikatury, presupozycje, Przemówienie w Pałacu Sportu
The article is devoted to use of the linguistic manipulation techniques in the public speeches from the Nazi Germany. The main aim of this article is to study what kind of language-manipulative-techniques were used by the propagandists to create propaganda speeches to influence the audience and convey ideological content. Because the spectrum of linguistic strategies and tactics of manipulation is very broad, the exemplary analysis is limited to the selected rhetorical and pragmatic tactics and sentence structures that allow for hidden hints. All these selected examples and suggestive tactics occur particularly often in texts of this type and can therefore be considered prime examples of manipulative strategies. In addition, the terminology is specified in this article. Terms such as persuasion, linguistic manipulation, manipulation of language and propaganda are often confused with one another in linguistic discourse or used synonymously. Accordingly, a clear and concise definition of these terms is made in the article. The selected manipulative strategies are illustrated by an example of the speech in the Berlin Sportpalast (Total war speech) from February 18th, 1943. So, the contribution also deals with the context and the historical background of the speech, as well as the other mass suggestive tactics that can be found in the text. The examined strategies are still used in texts with a persuasive and manipulative character.
Was sagt uns das Deutsche über den Teufel? Axiolinguistische Überlegungen in Anlehnung an repräsentative Redewendungen / The Portrayal of the Devil in the German Language. An Axiolinguistic Analysis of Representative Phraseological Units)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-13 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 213–225
Słowa kluczowe: frazeologia niemiecka , diabeł, wartościowanie, dobro/zło
This aim of this article was to describe the representations of the devil in German phraseology based on an analysis of representative phraseological units. Special emphasis was placed on the axiological potential of these depictions, which is why the descriptive method relied on the conceptual apparatus of axiological linguistics. The study demonstrated that in semantic presuppositions, the main axiological criterion for formulating value judgements about the devil is associated with the concept of moral evil. The analysis also revealed that some of the analyzed phraseological units carry information about esthetic and pragmatic criteria for evaluating the devil. In language, the devil is portrayed metaphorically as a creature that elicits disgust and disapproval. The devil is also depicted as a hybrid being with both animal and human characteristics, and as a deceitful and cunning creature that leads man to evil. The devil exercises authority through its duplicitous influence on human beings. However, an analysis of deeply-seated beliefs that are epitomized by the German language indicates that devil’s power is not absolute because in language users’ perception, it can be broken by supreme forces that are imbued with a sense of holiness. It was found that phraseological units containing the lexeme devil assign negative value to undesirable human attitudes, life situations and states. The axiolinguistic analysis also revealed that these phraseological units can perform expressive and persuasive functions in a given speech situation.
Wiederspiegelung der Wende im deutschen Wortschatz – am Beispiel der Personenbezeichnungen / Reflection of the Wende in the German vocabulary – Using the Example of Personal Names)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-14 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 229–244
Słowa kluczowe: określenie osobowe, zwrot, zjednoczenie, analiza oparta na korpusie
In this paper, the personal names which came into use during the period of change (Wende) in Germany were analyzed. In the theoretical part, the historical background of this period was discussed. In addition, the term Wende was explained here, as well as its origin and the values that this word conveyed. The aim of the empirical part was to determine which new personal terms emerged during or just before this period and to which semantic domains they can be assigned, what character they have and whether these words still appear in today’s usage. It was also analyzed whether any semantic changes occurred in certain words. In order to answer the research questions, a corpus-based analysis was carried out, which proved that the new personal names of the Wende refer to the place of origin, representatives of the old GDR system, mentality, political and social role, or political behaviour, cultural life and departure. It follows from the analysis that most of the studied words evoke negative connotations and are present in today’s usage, with the majority of them referring to the Wende period. Moreover, the study showed that some words changed their meaning during and after the Wende.
Humor in der kulturellen und sprachlichen Perspektive. Strategien zur Humorerzeugung in deutschen und britischen Panel-Shows / Humour from the Cultural and Linguistic Perspective. Strategies Used to Evoke Humour in British and German Panel-shows)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-15 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 245–259
Słowa kluczowe: badania nad humorem, pragmalingwistyka, panel show, badania porównawcze, lingwistyka tekstu
A special place among the research conducted in the field of linguistics, but also other scientific disciplines, is occupied by the broadly understood issues of humour. The aim of the project is primarily to show ways and mechanisms of generating humorous effects in German and British panel shows. Spoken spontaneous humorous utterances have not undergone sufficient studies. The existence of comedy has its origin in the noticing of inconsistent elements constituting structure or content of a comical act. Emphasis has been put on presenting how humorous content is constructed. The explanations were delivered thanks to pragmalinguistic theories and GTVH. There is possibility to include methods used in cognitive linguistics as well. In the research field remain axiological elements as well as the cultural background. The compilation consisting from video clips from both- German and British panel shows, allowed the creation of a comparative base to reach linguistic and cultural conclusions revealing differences and similarities between the compared programmes of the same type that were produced in different countries.
(Un)Übersetzbare Anglizismen in deutschen Stellenanzeigen / (Un)translatable Anglicisms in German Job Advertisements)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-16 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 261–277
Słowa kluczowe: anglicyzmy, zapożyczenia, ogłoszenia o pracę
This article focuses on outlining the trend of the appearance of Anglicisms and determining the desirability and necessity of their use in the current language of German job advertisements. The study covers the theoretical aspect of the issue described and its empirical analysis, presented in the form of a tabular layout of German-language equivalents to foreign-English terms. The phenomenon of borrowing will be examined in terms of its normativity in the language of the recipient. The study juxtaposes two professional groups – those for whom knowledge of a second language is regarded as an asset, and a second group – those working in an international environment – and thus having plurilingual status. The material studied is a selection of job offers from the last quarter of 2022 sourced from the German online portal Indeed. In the tabular summary, the author aims to translate the content of the English vocabulary into German target terms preserving their original meaning, being their equivalents in the language of the recipient.
Mehrworteinheiten in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Die Vorstellung des Projekts PHRASEOLAB / Multi-Word Units in Foreign Language Didactics. The Presentation of the PHRASEOLAB Project)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-17 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 279–289
Słowa kluczowe: stałe jednostki wielowyrazowe, dydaktyka języków obcych, frazeologia, badanie korpusowe
Multiword Units are an inseparable part of learning foreign languages. Routineforms, collocations and idioms are being researched in many studies. The foreign language didactics is focused on optimizing language acquisition of multiword units. In this article will be presented the international project “PhraseoLab –Learning multiword units through English”, which purpose is to share an Open Educational Ressource for learners, who already have gained adequate English skills to use them in learning German. An important issue by formulating PhraseoLab teaching materials is the selection of multiword units. Only these routineforms, collocations and idioms, which are frequent in spoken German and are essential for the learning person will be consulted in future PhraseoLab tasks. In second part of the article will be shown the results of the corpus survey, which researched the frequency of about 1100 idioms by using DGD Mannheim corpus taking into consideration the spoken language. The investigation, which is presented in the empirical part was carried out by the author of this article and Sulikowska about 20 years after the publication of “Phraseologisches Optimums” by Hallsteinsdóttir, Sajánková and Quasthoff. The goal was to become newer and current results. At the end are highlighted 30 idioms, which frequency in spoken German from DGD corpus is the most common.
Realienbezeichnungen in deutschen Reisekatalogen aus translatorischer Sicht / Culture-Specific Expressions in German Travel Catalogues from a Translational Perspective)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-18 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 291–303
Słowa kluczowe: wyrażenia specyficzne dla danej kultury, tłumaczenie, katalog podróży, kontekst kulturowy
The aim of this paper is to analyse culture-bound units that appear in German travel catalogues. The following German travel catalogues constitute the research material: “Chamäleon” and “Gebeco”. Selected examples of the culture-specific expressions from the above-mentioned catalogues are subjected to the analysis, assigned to the corresponding type and subsequently discussed. The paper focuses also on the methods of rendering techniques of the selected culture-bound units, which encounter translations problems while being translated into Polish. The paper’s conclusions point out the importance of cultural background understanding for both the source and the target language, in order to accurately render the culture-specific items. Country- and culture-specific foreign terms appearing in the travel offers refer to the places all over the world and are available in great numbers for people interested in excursions. It can thus be noticed that different countries and cultures constantly bring with them new culture-specific words or expressions. Hence, a certain world knowledge is required while reading holiday offers. Even though readers interested in travels do not need to know the exact meanings of the culture-specific expressions, they should have a general idea of country-specific foreign terms. Besides, at least a basic knowledge of the English language is indispensable, because the travel catalogues contain a plethora of Anglicisms. Tourist offers also contain short slogans in English, which are usually translated neither into German nor into the other language. Some words that are commonly used, such as pizza or safari, do not require translation or additional explication. However, there are some expressions that are not comprehensible for most of the readers because of the fact that they are less common or conceal very specific, complex meanings. Therefore, this paper aims to present the best potential translation solutions for such culture-specific expressions into Polish.
Językowy obraz miłości we frazeologii języka francuskiego i języka polskiego / The Linguistic Image of Love in French and Polish Phraseology)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-19 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 305–318
Słowa kluczowe: frazeologia potoczna, językowy obraz świata, analiza semantyczna, analiza porównawcza
The article presents phraseological compounds in contemporary Polish and French. The material in- cludes colloquial phraseologisms and phraseologisms established in the language. The analysis extends the research – conducted by both Polish and Romance experts – on the cultural image of love by adding colloquial phraseological material and a comparative element, which made it possible to show common tendencies in the multiplication of the phraseological resources of both languages. The originality of the text results primarily from the description of phraseologisms not yet described in both languages – colloquial, borrowed from English, vulgar, offensive. The research goal of the article is to reconstruct the cultural image of love in both languages and to indicate common developmental tendencies, similarities and differences within both resources. The goal has been achieved, the research can be continued and extended by the analysis of phraseological compounds subjected to phraseological innovations. In order to reconstruct the cultural image of love I made a semantic and lexical analysis of lexemes that appear in many phraseological compounds related to love (e.g. heart) and the phraseologisms themselves. The results of the research indicate a common tendency in the way the phraseological resource is multiplied in both languages – borrowings from English, which can partly match the orthography of the target language’s rules. Common to both languages is the use of heart and eye symbolism in many phraseological compounds. French has more phraseological compounds containing animal names than Polish. Several phraseologisms can be distinguished, which have their exact equivalents in both languages.
Phraseme mythologischen Ursprungs im heutigen Sprachgebrauch – dargestellt an zwei Beispielen / Phrasems of a Mythological Origin in a Contemporary Language)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-20 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 319–333
Słowa kluczowe: mitologizmy, pięta Achillesa, koń trojański, język potoczny
The main aim of the following research paper is to conduct a study on the use of idioms with elements of mythology in contemporary language. Because of the fact, that part of the analysed mythologisms were one-word phrasemes, their properties have been characterized in detail. Subsequently, on the one hand, the influence of the mythology on the language is discussed, and on the other hand, the connection between mythology and phraseology. Furthermore, the paper additionally shows an overview of the state of the research on mythologisms. The closing part presents the results of the empirical study. The study was centred on a corpus-based analysis that has shown, that the mythologically originated phrasemes (such as Achilles heel and Trojan horse) occur in many different areas of life and they are often enhanced by various lexical elements. The analysis revealed that the phrasemes of mythological origin have expanded their meaning, which is why their semantics do not correspond in most cases to the mythological one.
Zum Verletzungspotenzial der deutschen und polnischen Bezeichnungen für Flüchtlinge – Analyse am Beispiel der Internetkommentare / On the Injury Potential of German and Polish Designations for Refugees – Analysis Using the Example of Internet Comments)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-21 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 335–357
Słowa kluczowe: potencjał obrażania, uchodźcy, komentarze internetowe, porównanie polsko-niemieckie
People hurt others not only with weapons, but also with words that can be used as weapons. In language, a lot of linguistic units can be found that serve the emotional injury. These include vulgarisms, swear words or swear names and curses used with the intention of harming others. Also in the refugee discourse can be found such units that express negative attitudes towards refugees and are verbalized with the help of certain means of language. They occur mainly in everyday conversations and in Internet comments that are spontaneously expressed on the net. In addition, certain lexical units, which occur as neutral expressions, are extended by an aggressive or pejorative character. My presentation aims to present certain expressions for refugees that are present in German and Polish comments of Internet users. Comments come from online press websites, where they have been added under certain articles about refugee issues or refugee life. On the basis of the analysis, it will be possible to point out certain thematic areas that are expressed to the refugees topics. These have an offensive potential and can be considered hurtful by refugees. In addition, it can be pointed out that they can create or reproduce a certain negative image of the refugees.
Motive für die Wahl des Fremdsprachenstudiums – am Beispiel von Germanistik-Studierenden mit ukrainischem Migrationshintergrund / Motives for Choosing a Foreign Language Study – Using the Example of German Philology Students with an Ukrainian Migration Background)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-22 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 359–370
Słowa kluczowe: studia języka obcego, filologia germańska, ukraińscy studenci w Polsce, motywy
The reasons for choosing a specific university and a specific field of study are frequently researched. Among other things, the question is asked which factors primarily influence the choice. The present study follows up on this research question but focuses only on a group of students with Ukrainian background who took up German studies at the University of Szczecin. In the following article, the question of why persons of Ukrainian background choose to study foreign languages is explored. Given the constantly growing number of Ukrainians at Polish universities, addressing this issue is essential and fills the research gap. Results of a study conducted by the author as part of her dissertation are presented. The results presented in this paper are from both the pilot study and part of the main study. A total of fifteen respondents were interviewed. The study is based on a qualitative method. The respondents’ statements, collected through in-depth interviews, reveal their reasons for choosing German studies, especially positive experiences in language learning in the past. Financial considerations and professional aspects also seem to be relevant factors. In addition, interest in language learning in general and interest in German culture play a major role in the choice of foreign language study.
Substantivische Mehrfachkomposita im Gegenwartsdeutschen am Beispiel der Medizinsprache / Multiple Nominal Compounds in Contemporary German on the Basis of the Language of Medicine)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-23 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 373–378
Słowa kluczowe: słowotwórstwo, złożenia, język fachowy, język medyczny
For a long time, specialized languages have been an important and popular area of linguistic research. So far, research works have been based on defining and dividing certain specialized languages in order to describe their complex structure or processes which influence them. This approach is also applied in the analysis of technical vocabulary which is considered as an integral part of every specialized language. In the world of continuous changes people need new terms for current phenomena, processes and products. In this particular aspect, word formation has a specific role as it provides people with the opportunity to fill in the gaps in onomastics. This statement is also true when it comes to medical language where many medical terms function as multiple nominal compounds. Maciej Choromański presents those areas of research in his monograph. In the theoretical part, the author provides the characteristics of the main rules of word formation processes and points at the issue of forming compounds. Then, the description of specialized languages and medical language is given. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of multiple nominal compounds in medical nomenclature of contemporary German. The author’s research includes morphological, spatial, semantical and orthographical criteria. Describing all aspects mentioned above, allows the following monograph to be considered not only as a set of clues about the word formation system, but also as a reference to the context of specialized language. This work can serve as a valuable complement to current publications on that topic.
Internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Doktorandenausbildung. „Lehrmaterialien für Germanistik-Doktorandenkurse“ als didaktische und inhaltliche Unterstützung in ausgewählten Themenbereichen / International Cooperation in Doctoral Education. “Lehrmaterialien für Germanistik-Doktorandenkurse” as Didactic and Content Support in Chosen Topics)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-24 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 379–382
Słowa kluczowe: germanistyka, zajęcia dla doktorantów, studia doktoranckie, współpraca międzynarodowa, podręcznik, materiały dydaktyczne
Recently, interest in doctoral studies picked up in general, including among German studies students. As a result, the demand for teaching materials for doctoral students has increased. My own interest in third-level study has prompted me to undertake an analysis of certain teaching resources suitable for doctoral students. The aim of the research was to analyze one of the available, recently published textbooks for PhD students in order to review this publication from a didactic and content point of view. “Lehrmaterialien für Germanistik-Doktorandenkurse” (2021) is one of the most recent publications, which is why it is the subject of the review. It also stands out from other books for doctoral students in German studies, as it is the result of international cooperation between three universities from Poland, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. It is aimed at anyone interested in doctoral courses of German studies, regardless of their home country. Is the book able to simultaneously meet the needs of lecturers and doctoral students of German studies from different academic disciplines (literature, linguistic and cultural studies)? The results of the analysis show that the production of such thematically comprehensive book is feasible thanks to international cooperation. After the analysis, it can be concluded that this is a work that is useful for students of German studies regardless of their specialization.
Nowe gatunki medialne i ich rola we współczesnej komunikacji / New media genres and their role in contemporary communication)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-25 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 383–389
Słowa kluczowe: medialne gatunki tekstowe, komunikacja, świat medialny, recenzja online, blog, portal kulinarny, tutorial video, Wikipedia
Today‘s world, dominated by digital media, also exerts a significant influence on interpersonal communication. Indeed, the digitized world offers one more possibilities than the analog world. These encourage the emergence of new formats and new types of texts in which the technical achievements find their application. Whether the formats occurring in the digitalized media can be regarded as new text types or only as a further development stage of the already known text types is to be examined in the contribution. On the basis of the publication by Anna Hanus and Dorota Kaczmarek: “Sekretne życie gatunków. Komunikacja w przestrzeni medialnej – perspektywa germanistyczna”, published by ATUT in 2022, the following types of texts are discussed: online reviews of literary works, blogs, video tutorials, cooking portals and Wikipedia. The analysis carried out by the authors of the work is contrastive. The investigation concerns the question of the ontological status of the mentioned forms, which is relevant for text linguistics. On the base of the extensive corpora, the characteristic features of the mentioned formats are investigated and comparatively compiled. The analysis has model and exemplary character in every respect, and the methodology employed by the authors can be applied to other text types and corpora. Therefore, the publication is suitable for analyses in the field of textlinguistics, pragmalinguistics and media linguistics.
Eine Grenzgängerin auf einer Spritztour / A Border Crosser on a Joyride)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-26 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 391–398
Słowa kluczowe: antyesencjalizm, Arystoteles, znaczenie, definiowanie, znak językowy, Karl Popper
The subject of this review article is the Festschrift „Grenzgänge: Eine Spritztour durch Text-, Stil- und Zeichengefilde“ (Border Crossings: A Journey through Textual, Stylistic and Significant Fields), edited by Bettina M. Bock, Steffen Pappert and Tanja Škerlavaj, published by Frank & Timme, Berlin, on the occasion of Ulla Fix‘s eightieth birthday. Based on the thesis formulated in the title of the Festschrift, the essence of the philological-scientific contribution of the jubilarian is reflected upon against the background of the model of the linguistic sign and the terminological considerations. The short contributions collected in the Festschrift present fields of research by Ulla Fix. These fields of research are thematised, reflected upon and thought about further. They are not rambling analyses, but succinct, apt brushstrokes to the research questions Ulla Fix opened up and worked on. The construction of the Festschrift and the contributions presented in it can be read as a model representation of the linguistic sign. The contributions provide the semantic equipment for what the naming signalled in the title contains. They are the imagined, thematised, reflected content, concept of what the name Grenzgängerin essentially means. This method of reading the contributions corresponds epistemologically with the anti-essentialist approach to meaning-making opened up by Karl Popper in opposition to Aristotle‘s naïve method and intuitive conception of knowledge. Thus, the jubilarian‘s border crossings become synonymous with the epistemological search for truth in the sense of classical, traditionally grounded and forward-looking philological research. The contributions are also forward-looking in their message - communicative, but above all stimulating and inspiring for every lover of language - for experienced scholars and for those who want to become one.
Report on the popular science symposium “Greenland – the coveted island”. Department of Scandinavian Studies, Institute of German Philology, University of Wrocław, Poland, online, May 23rd, 2022
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-27 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 401–404
Projekt zur Fremdsprachenausbildung von Universitätsstudenten an der Technischen Universität in Košice mittels Sprachapp
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-28 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 405–409
Bericht über die 4. internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung zur Phraseologie und Parömiologie: „Interkulturelles und Interdisziplinäres in der Phraseologie und Parömiologie“, 23.–25.03.2023, Institut für Germanistik der Universität Wrocław
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.23-29 (data publikacji online: 2023-07-09)
s. 411–412