Selbstdarstellung auf Twitter als Bestandteil einer Online-Identität und Kommunikationshandlung / Self-generated information created on Twitter as an integral part of the online identity and the communicative act
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.13-17 (online zugänglich: 2019-02-04)
Schlüsselwörter: Selbstdarstellung, Twitter, Online-Kommunikation, Tagging, Folksonomie, semiotische Kommunikationsoperatoren
The main subject of this article is the linguistic analysis of self-generated information in selected Twitter accounts. The author concentrates on both textual and multimodal elements of building one’s online image and draws his attention especially on smaller and medium media public spheres. According to the platform (forum, chat or social media) the users reveal different facets of themselves with wide repertoire of expressions. Especially Twitter, with its transparent communicative structure, is a data medium enabling users to update different relevant information very quickly (especially as far politics or social life are concerned). What is more the versatile sign structure (i.e. semiotic communication operators like @ or hashtags) constitutes a well-built reference system.