• Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław •

ISSN: 2084-3062 • e-ISSN: 2657-5647 • DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff • Bounce Rate: 35% (2023)

Information for authors

General information

Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław is a scholarly journal published since 2007. Its editors are members of staff of the Institute of German Studies, University of Wrocław. The journal is published by Oficyna Wydawnicza Atut in Wrocław and Neisse Verlag in Dresden. Currently, the magazine will be published biannually.

Open access

Papers published in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław are made available for free (open access) on the website of Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT. This open access policy is in line with the European Commission’s Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020 of 11 December 2013 as well as the guidelines included in the document Development of open access to publications and research results in Poland, adopted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on 23 October 2015.

Papers published in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław carry a digital object identifier, DOI.

Authors publishing their contributions in the journal give their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which is made available together with their publications.

The authors do not pay any costs associated with the publication of their contributions.

The journal has implemented and applies procedures that secure the originality of scientific publications. The editors use anti-plagiarism software - the Antyplagiat system on the Plagiat.pl platform. The texts submitted for publication in the journal are checked in the system available on the platform for originality and any unauthorized borrowings.

Processing time

  • Initial evaluation of the manuscript - about 15 days
  • Review - about 45 days
  • Publication - about 120 days

Types of publications

Papers published in the journal are only original papers that have not been previously published or submitted for publication by the author in another journal, collection of papers, series or other type of publication.

For the purpose of classifying papers submitted for publication, the Editorial Board follows the definitions of types of publications according to the Pol-index database:

  • original scholarly papers,
  • overviews,
  • reviews,
  • reports on academic events,
  • letters to the Editorial Board,
  • polemics


Papers accepted for publication in the journal are those whose topics are within the framework of the humanities and broadly defined linguistics.

If there are doubts and problems with assigning a submission to the main discipline, the decision to proceed with the submission will be taken by the Editorial Board.

Publication language

Papers submitted for publication can be in German, English or Polish. Every submission should feature a title, abstract and keywords in English as well as abstract and keywords in German. Authors using alphabets other than the Latin alphabet in quotations and bibliographic descriptions are requested to follow the rules of transliteration in line with the existing standards (ISO 9:2000 concerning transliteration of Cyrillic alphabets, and standards PN-59-01202, PN-70, N-01201, PN-83/N-01201).

Publication volume

Volume of submissions to be published in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław:

  • scholarly papers – approximately 12-15 pages (standard page in .doc/.docx format)
  • reviews – approximately 5-7 pages (standard page in .doc/.docx format)
  • reports on academic events – approximately 3-5 pages (standard page in .doc/.docx format)

In the case of longer submissions the Editorial Board reserves the right to decide whether or not to proceed with the submission.

Submission method and deadline

Submissions to be published in the following year should be sent in electronic form (a Word file – .doc or .docx format) by 30 November of the previous year to the e-mail address of the Editorial Assistant. Submissions sent after that date are assigned to subsequent issues, with the authors’ permission.

Papers submitted for publication should be prepared in accordance with the requirements listed below. Submissions that do not meet the editorial requirements will be sent back to their authors for relevant corrections to be introduced.

Structure of papers submitted for publication

Authors sending their submissions for publication are requested to follow the guidelines listed below. With regard to the structure of the submissions the Editorial Board recommends that they conform to the standards of German-language scholarly papers (DIN 1421).

  • scholarly papers
    model structure of page one
    Page one of every scholarly paper submitted for publication should contain the following information (in the order as listed): first name(s) and surname of the author/authors, affiliation (in German), paper title, abstract in German (approx. 300 words), keywords in German (approx. 5-6 words), paper title in English, abstract in English (approx. 300 words), keywords in English (approx. 5-6 words), paper author/authors’ data (first name(s) and surname, ORCID, full work address, work e-mail), information about sources of financing if applicable, information about contribution of academic institutions, associations and other entities, acknowledgements if applicable. The abstracts in German and English should be equivalent. Authors should make sure that the contents of the abstracts are not copied in the paper proper.

  • reviews
    model structure of page one
    Page one of every review submitted for publication should contain the following information (in the order as listed): first name(s) and surname of the author/authors, affiliation (in German), title, abstract in German (approx. 300 words), keywords in German (approx. 5-6 words), title in English, abstract in English (approx. 300 words), keywords in English (approx. 5-6 words), paper author/authors’ data (first name(s) and surname, ORCID, full work address, work e-mail). The abstracts in German and English should be equivalent. Authors should make sure that the contents of the abstracts are not copied in the paper proper.

  • reports
    model structure of page one
    Page one of every report on an academic event submitted for publication should contain the following information (in the order as listed): first name(s) and surname of the author/authors, affiliation (in German), title (name of the event, organiser, date, location), author/authors’ data (first name(s) and surname, ORCID, full work address, work e-mail).

Formatting guidelines

Submissions to be published in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław should conform to the MLA (Modern Language Association) style, which is recommended and used in the humanities. Authors are requested to send their submissions formatted in accordance with the guidelines listed below.

With regard to illustrations to be used in the publication, authors should follow the technical guidelines of the publisher.

Documentation of the sources

If submissions to be published in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław contain data from other publications in the form of quotations, tables, diagrams, illustrations etc., their source should be listed in every case. With regard to illustrations from other sources, the Editorial Board should be informed of the consent of the author/owner of the illustrations to their publication.


With their submissions to be published in the journal, the authors also submit declarations concerning the originality of their publications, their authorship as well as, if applicable, information about any (co-) financing (financial disclosure). In the case of multiple authorship, every author should submit such a declarations separately.

The Editorial Board states that plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship are marks of scholarly dishonesty. All cases of such behaviour will be made public by the Editorial Board, which will inform the institutions employing the authors, scholarly societies, associations of academic editors and other relevant bodies.

Author’s corrections and publication copy

After the current issue has been typeset, the authors will receive electronic files with their submissions to be corrected. The corrections should be made in accordance with the Editorial Board’s guidelines and within the deadline set by the Editorial Board. The author’s corrections should apply only to typesetting errors.

After the corrections have been introduced and the whole issue published, the authors will receive their copies of the journal.