• Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław •

ISSN: 2084-3062 • e-ISSN: 2657-5647 • DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff • Bounce Rate: 35% (2023)

Ethical standards observed in the Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław journal

Ethical standards observed in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław have been formulated on the basis of the ethical standards found in the COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board declare that it has adopted the guidelines formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics and that it applies them in their entirety in its editorial work with regard to all individuals taking part in the editorial process (the journal’s Editorial Staff, the Editorial Board, authors, reviewers, publisher). All individuals taking part in the editorial process are obliged to familiarise themselves with the following principles and to observe them.

At the same time the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board of Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław declare that it constantly seeks to maintain the COPE ethical standards in its publications. All manuscripts submitted for publication are verified in terms of their scholarly integrity (plagiarism, ghostwriting, guest authorship) and compliance with ethical and editorial standards.

The journal has implemented and applies procedures that secure the originality of scientific publications. The editors use anti-plagiarism software - the Antyplagiat system on the Plagiat.pl platform. The texts submitted for publication in the journal are checked in the system available on the platform for originality and any unauthorized borrowings.

1. Responsibilities of the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board

  • A. Qualification of submissions for publication

    • The editors of Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław are responsible for decisions concerning acceptance of submissions for publication or their rejection. The participants in the decision-making process concerning acceptance or rejection of a submission include members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Board of the journal.
    • With regard to the qualification of submissions for publication, the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board seeks to constantly raise the quality of the journal.
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board are obliged to ensure consistency of the published material. The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board exclude scholarly and ethical compromises in the editorial process.
    • The main premises for accepting or rejecting submissions are as follows:

      • the journal’s publication policy,
      • compliance of the subject matter of a submission with the journal’s academic profile,
      • originality of a submission with regard to the research methodology, research results, conclusions and analyses,
      • conclusions of external reviews prepared for every submission,
      • legal requirements, especially concerning breaches of copyright and protection of intellectual property,
      • compliance of submissions with the existing standards and requirements for scholarly publications.
    • The editors of Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław evaluate manuscripts submitted for publication with regard to their substantive content in a manner that is impartial, objective and excludes qualification parameters like the race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality or political views of the authors of the manuscripts. The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board observe the existing anti-discrimination laws.
  • B. Honesty and integrity

    • At every stage of the editorial process the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board seek to protect scholarly honesty and integrity.
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board are obliged to reveal any shortcomings with regard to scholarly honesty and integrity in papers and reviews submitted for publication. Information about scholarly misconduct is given to relevant bodies to enable them to take appropriate action in line with the existing legal regulations.
    • If any shortcomings with regard to scholarly integrity (plagiarism, ghostwriting, guest authorship etc.) are detected after publication, the Editorial Staff and the Board inform the relevant bodies and retracts the published material.
    • With regard to publication honesty and integrity, the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board follow procedures compliant with the Committee on Publication Ethics’ guidelines – COPE flowcharts. They contain algorithms describing steps to be taken with regard to a manuscript submitted for publication and a published manuscript in the following cases:

      • suspected redundant (duplicate) publication,
      • suspected plagiarism,
      • suspected fabricated data,
      • changes in authorship,
      • suspected ghost authorship, guest authorship or gift authorship,
      • a reviewer suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a submitted manuscript,
      • a reader suspects undisclosed conflict of interest in a published manuscript,
      • an editor suspects an ethical problem with a submitted manuscript,
      • suspected appropriation of an author’s ideas or data by a reviewer,
      • whistle blowers raise their concerns directly,
      • whistle blowers raise their concerns on social media.
  • C. Confidentiality

    • All manuscripts submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław are treated as confidential, with editors acting with due diligence in protecting the authors’ personal data, copyright and intellectual property. In this respect the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board of Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław observe the existing legal regulations concerning protection of personal data, copyright and intellectual property.
    • The data of authors of manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Staff are made available with due diligence concerning their protection to members of the Editorial Staff, the Editorial Board, and the Scientific Board as well as the Publisher only for the purposes of the editorial process.
    • All data that could identify the author of a manuscript submitted for external review are removed from the manuscript.
    • The data of external reviewers that could identify the author of the review are removed from the review form.
    • All individuals involved in the editorial process who have access to submissions and their authors’ data are obliged to maintain confidentiality and due diligence with regard to their protection.
    • No individual involved in the editorial process may disclose information about a submitted manuscript to third parties, nor can they in any way use the results of analyses, methodology, theses, opinions, assertions etc. presented in the manuscript submitted for publication.
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board exercise the same due diligence with regard to submissions that have not been accepted for publication. Submissions not accepted for publication are sent back to their authors. No individual involved in the editorial process may use these submissions.
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board declare that no advertisements, reprints and other commercial activities have any influence on decisions concerning qualification of submissions for publication.
  • D. Conflict of interest

    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board are obliged to disclose and exclude any conflict of interest (competition, collaboration, relations between the authors and the reviewers, external institutions etc.) before deciding whether or not to accept a submission for publication.
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board require all individuals involved in the editorial process to disclose any conflict of interest concerning the author of a submission and the submission before deciding on publication. To this end reviewers submit relevant declarations that are an integral element of the review form.
    • If a conflict of interest is disclosed after a submission has been published, the Editorial Staff publishes a correction or retraction concerning the manuscript in question.
    • The Editorial Board requires the authors to indicate and disclose any sources of financing of their submission, contribution of research and development institutions, associations etc. and to point to any possible conflict of interest. To this end the authors submit relevant declarations with their manuscripts.
  • E. Collaboration with authors

    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board are obliged to collaborate with authors at every stage of the editorial process. The Editorial Staff communicates with authors through the Editorial Assistant.
    • The Editorial Staff is obliged to collaborate with authors on any essential corrections to their manuscript submitted for publication as well as any clarifications concerning the editorial process.
    • The Editorial Staff is obliged to protect the authors’ personal data.

2. Responsibilities of authors

  • A. Authorship

    • Authors are obliged to unequivocally define the authorship of their submissions. Such information should be placed on page one of each submission.
    • Authorship data should include the data of all individuals who contributed significantly to the submission at every stage of the process.
    • Any contribution of individuals other than those indicated above or contributing to the submission in a manner different from the one indicated above should be appropriately marked in the submission. In their declaration authors provide an estimate of the contribution of the various co-authors.
    • Authors submitting manuscripts for publication are obliged to obtain any co-authors’ consent to the submission for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław and at the successive stages of the editorial process – their acceptance for the version to be published.
    • All of the above is included in the authors’ declaration submitted together with their manuscripts submitted for publication.
  • B. Sources of financing

    • Authors are obliged to disclose any sources of financing and support for their manuscript submitted for publication (financial disclosure).
    • In the case of a financial contribution of third parties to the preparation of a manuscript, including to financing of the relevant research, the author submitting the manuscript is liable for any breach of copyright on the manuscript.
    • Financial disclosure is part of the author’s declaration submitted together with the manuscript submitted for publication.
  • C. Originality and publication priority

    • Authors are obliged to confirm the originality of their manuscripts submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław.
    • Authors are obliged to observe publication priority rules. Manuscripts accepted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław may not be published elsewhere in other forms (in other journals, multiple-author monographs etc.) and may not be submitted or be in the course the editorial process elsewhere. The rule also applies to submissions originally published elsewhere in another language.
    • The author may not publish the manuscript submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław or its part in another publication in any form without the Editorial Board’s consent.
  • D. Honesty and integrity

    • Authors of manuscripts submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław are obliged to observe the principles of scholarly honesty and integrity.
    • When referring to third sources, authors are obliged to observe the principles of scholarly honesty and integrity in this respect. Any fragment of a submitted manuscript that is not the author’s intellectual property should be appropriately marked and linked to relevant bibliographic information, in accordance with the formatting guidelines followed in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław.
    • Authors are obliged to prepare their submissions on the basis of appropriate and up-to-date literature on the subject, with a relevant list of works to be put at the end of every submission.
    • If authors present content obtained by means of oral communication or correspondence, they are obliged to obtain the consent of the author of such content to its inclusion in the submission.
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board of Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław declare that any violations of scholarly ethics will be denounced, with the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board informing the relevant entities (institutions employing the authors, scholarly societies, associations of academic editors etc.).
    • The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board exclude from publication any material containing confirmed examples of scholarly dishonesty, in particular:

      • ghostwriting – a situation when someone has made a significant contribution to an article without revealing his or her role as one of the authors or without being mentioned in the acknowledgements.
      • guest authorship – a situation in which the contribution of an author is minimal or non-existent, and yet such an individual is named as the author/co-author of a submitted manuscript.
      • plagiarism.
  • E. Conflict of interest

    • Authors are obliged to disclose to the Editorial Staff any potential conflict of interest associated with their manuscripts submitted for publication.
  • F. Corrections

    • At every stage of the editorial process authors are obliged to follow the Editorial Staff’s recommendations and guidelines.
    • Authors are obliged to include in their manuscripts corrections suggested at every stage of the editorial process, especially corrections from external reviews.
    • Authors are obliged to correct their submissions in line with the Editorial Staff’s guidelines and within a deadline set by the Editorial Staff.
    • Authors have a right to indicate errors in published manuscripts. All inaccuracies and errors should be reported to the Editorial Staff. In this respect authors collaborate with the Editorial Board in order to introduce corrections and/or publish errata, annexes or disclaimers.

3. Responsibilities of reviewers

  • Reviewers support the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board in making decisions concerning manuscript publication and support authors in raising the scholarly quality of the material submitted for publication.
  • Every manuscript submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław is sent by the Editorial Staff in collaboration with and with support of members of the Editorial Board and Scientific Board to two independent reviewers.
  • Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editorial Staff, without undue delay, of any conflict of interest with regard to the material under review. If there is no conflict of interest, reviewers confirm this in their declaration included in the review form.
  • Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editorial Staff, without undue delay, when they recognise the author of the submission. In such a case the Editorial Staff designates another reviewer within seven days.
  • Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editorial Staff, without undue delay, that they are unable to prepare reviews of the manuscripts submitted to them owing to a lack of time or relevant qualifications.
  • Reviewers agree to accept only those manuscripts for review with regard to which they have the required expertise.
  • Reviewers are obliged to maintain strict confidentiality with regard to the material to be reviewed by them. The material entrusted to reviewers for review is covered by copyright and intellectual property regulations.
  • Reviewers do not discuss and consult the material entrusted to them for review with third parties.
  • The theories, descriptions of methodology, research results and assertions included in the material to be reviewed may not be used by reviewers in their own research.
  • Reviewers are obliged to objectively assess the contents of the material entrusted to them, excluding any private considerations.
  • In preparing their reviews, reviewers are obliged to follow the rules described in detail in the review procedure to be applied with regard to manuscripts submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław.
  • When assessing the material entrusted to them for review, reviewers use the review form for manuscripts to be published in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław and take into account the following aspects:

    • compliance with the profile and subject matter of the journal,
    • original and scholarly nature of the publication and its contents,
    • contribution of the author to the development of the discipline,
    • achievement of the research objectives,
    • presentation of the research problem,
    • correctness of argumentation and reasoning,
    • use of the most recent literature on the subject.
  • Reviewers are obliged to indicate any errors, places requiring corrections and additions in the descriptive part of the review and in the manuscript. Places requiring corrections should be marked in the manuscript or described in an unequivocal manner.
  • Reviewers are obliged to inform the Editorial Staff, without undue delay, when they suspect scholarly dishonesty (plagiarism, ghostwriting, guest authorship).
  • Reviewers are obliged to prepare their reviews within a deadline set by the Editorial Staff.

4. Responsibilities of the Publisher

  • The Publisher is obliged to closely collaborate with the Editorial Staff and Editorial Board in the editorial process.
  • Working closely with the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board, the Publisher seeks to ensure editorial consistence and quality of the journal.
  • The Publisher is obliged to submit to the Editorial Staff and the authors one proof to be corrected by the author and to introduce any corrections and additions as instructed.
  • If there are errors in the published material reported by the Editorial Staff or the author, the Publisher is obliged to publish relevant errata.
  • In the case of suspected scholarly dishonesty, the Publisher, working closely with the Editorial Staff of the journal, takes all the necessary steps to clarify the situation and correct or retract the article in question. In such a case the Publisher, working closely with the Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board, follows the COPE guidelines.