• Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław •

ISSN: 2084-3062 • e-ISSN: 2657-5647 • DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff • Bounce Rate: 35% (2023)

Information for reviewers

The editors, in accordance with their academic specialties, make decisions concerning whether to proceed with the submissions, and designate two reviewers who are recognised authorities in a given field and discipline. The organisation of the review procedure and the procedure itself are supervised by the Editor-in-Chief. At this stage the Editorial Board collaborates with relevant members of the Editorial Council and Academic Council of the Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław journal. In cases of doubts, the Editor-in-Chief, following a request from other members of the Editorial Board or on his or her own initiative, asks the Academic Council of Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław for consultation.

When selecting reviewers, the Editorial Board takes steps to avoid any conflict of interest (lack of personal or professional relations with the author of the submitted paper). When undertaking to write a review, each reviewer guarantees confidentiality of the material under review and of the opinion about the material. In addition, the reviewer pledges not to use the theories, research results and knowledge of the paper under review before its publication.

The reviewers’ personal data are not disclosed to the authors. A list of reviewers is available on the journal’s website. In addition, once a year the Editorial Board makes the complete list of reviewers for a given issue available on the Editorial Board’s website and the journal’s website.

Every paper submitted for publication in Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław is reviewed by two independent reviewers, one of whom is a native speaker of German.

In its review process the Editorial Board follows the peer review – double-blind review procedure.

Before sending a paper for review, the Editorial Board removes from it any information that might indicate the author of the paper.

If the reviewer recognises the author or suspects who the author is, the reviewer is requested to immediately notify the Editorial Board. In such a case the Editorial Board designates another reviewer.

The review should be prepared in the review form sent to the reviewers together with the manuscript. The review should be prepared in German.

The review should be sent to the Editorial Board within two months from the receipt of the manuscript. If the reviewer is unable to meet the deadline, he or she is requested to immediately inform the Editorial Assistant. If requested by the reviewer, the deadline may be extended (by a maximum of one month).

The reviewers are requested by the Editorial Staff to send electronic versions of their reviews – a PDF file or a scan with their signature – or paper versions, signed by the reviewers, to the Editorial Staff’s address. If the reviewers introduce any corrections, additions etc. into the manuscripts, they should send the manuscripts back to the Editorial Staff.

The reviewers are requested to prepare their reviews with regard to the substantive content of the manuscripts. Details concerning substantive evaluation of the manuscript are included in the review form made available to reviewers. Proofreading is done by the Editorial Board, but the reviewer should point to the low linguistic quality of the manuscript under review, if this is the case.

The review should end with an unequivocal conclusion – recommendation for the Editorial Board concerning the manuscript in question. Acceptance for publication or rejection require a brief justification. All changes, corrections and additions should be indicated in the descriptive part of the review and/or marked in the review mode in the manuscript file or recorded on the paper version of the manuscript.

If applicable, the manuscript, also following the reviewer’s request, may be sent back to the reviewer for revision with the corrections introduced by the author or authors.

The final decision concerning publication is made by the Editorial Board.