Schreckbilder des Terrorismus am Beispiel der ausgewählten multimodalen Kommunikaten / Terrifying Images of Terrorism Exemplified by Multimodal Messages
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.15-17 (published online: 2019-09-17)
Keywords: multimodal communication, multimodal text, multimodality, terrifying images, terrorism
The present paper focuses on the question of how the phenomenon of terrorism is conveyed in the form of terrifying images and which motives and aspects are thematised. The corpus is composed of multimodal communications, which were determined by means of an internet search with the help of the search engine Google. Multimodal communications are understood to be combinations of written texts and two-dimensional static images that, together with other relevant modalities such as typography and colour, determine the reception. The analysis will explore the following questions: What will be shown? How is it shown? What functions do the text and image as well as the multimodal communication as a whole have?