Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław
Issue 18 (2020): II
Edited by: Iwona Bartoszewicz (University of Wrocław), Joanna Szczęk (University of Wrocław), Artur Tworek (University of Wrocław)
Emotionstransfer bei der Audiodeskription / Emotion Transfer in Audio Description)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-1 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 23–32
Keywords: audio description, emotions, blind and visually impaired people, audio film
In classic communication, emotion is transferred via three channels: verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal. With the audio description, which should enable blind and visually impaired people to perceive visual processes, the visual channel is omitted. Emotions are objectified using the available linguistic and para-linguistic means. On the basis of the corpora of the German-language audio films, relevant forms and forms of emotion transfer in the audio description are analyzed.
Hinwendung zum Adressaten als diskursive Strategie am Beispiel der Zeitschrift „Region“ / Turning to the Recipient as a Discursive Strategy Using the Example of the Magazine “Region”)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-2 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 33–48
Keywords: bilingual discourse, epistemological perspective, framing, profiling
In the present contribution, which follows on from the discussion already initiated, problems of profiling the bilingual discourse of understanding are discussed. Aspects of the shaping of the discourse are addressed on the basis of previously undiscussed evidence from the bilingual journal “Region”. The discourse makes an original contribution to reconciliation between the Germans and the Poles. The discourse is profiled in a specific way. In the discourse under investigation, aspects are addressed that concern Germans and Poles in mutual contact.
Zur Leistung der Polysemie beim Ausdruck von Emotionen als verbal kommunizierter Erfahrungen im Deutschen und Polnischen / The Use of Polysemy in Expressing Emotions as Experiences Conveyed Verbally in German and Polish)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-3 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 49–59
Keywords: expression of emotions, polysemy, emotive verbs
The present article discusses polysemy as a way of expressing negatively connoted emotional states in German and Polish. Our attention is focused on linguistic structures, on a specific part of speech, i.e. on those verbs which express a particular kind of verbal interaction, i.e. the emotional state of the speaker is only manifested, as a result of which the reception of their utterance may cause particular difficulties for language learners.
Linguistik und Literatur: Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zur Analyse des Themas „Emotionen“ am Beispiel Wolf Biermanns „Ermutigung“ / Linguistics and Literature. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Analysis of Emotions in Wolf Biermann’s Song “Ermutigung”)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-4 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 61–69
Keywords: Biermann, Ermutigung, word formation, Lexical Semantic Framework
This contribution investigates the expression of emotions in a song within German contemporary literature, namely Wolf Biermann’s “Ermutigung”, from a linguistic perspective. The paper focuses particularly on processes of word formation by applying the Lexical Semantic Framework (LSF) to the German morphology. Among the ontological classes defined by LSF, the situations, and more specifically the sub-classes states and events/processes, can provide a linguistic interpretation of Biermann’s main message – the encouragement. As the analysis of lexical items such as hart – verhärten, bitter – verbittern, verbrauchen – (ge)brauchen shows, the semantic features of German prefixes can play a certain role in this sense.
Affekte und Emotionen im rechtspopulistischen Diskurs / Affects and Emotions in the Discourse of the Right-Wing-Populism)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-5 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 71–81
Keywords: right-wing populism, political discourse, manipulation
The paper deals with the language and discourse of the right-wing populism and it analyzes the instrumentalization of emotions as part of the political marketing. The coding of emotional content using images and cultural symbols is primarily examined. The breadth of the emotional scale and the temporal dimension of linguistic and communicative strategies of right-wing populism should be pointed out.
Erscheinen und Zusammenwirken von Emotionen im multimodalen Werbespot aus diachroner Sicht / Appearance and Interaction of Emotions in the Multimodal Commercial. A Diachronic Analysis)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-6 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 83–95
Keywords: emotions, multimodality, persuasive functions, multimodal advertising
The advertising in words, images and sound not only focuses on conveying relevant information about products, but also on stimulating the corresponding emotions at the recipient. The boredom with traditional forms of advertising, negative attitudes towards advertising and often superficial reception of advertising messages make the use of emotional persuasion necessary. The article focuses on the types and interaction of emotions in culinary commercials from three periods: 50s, 80s and the present. It is assumed that different living and communication conditions a few decades ago and today have a significant influence on the appearance and interaction of emotions in the advertising text.
Sprachliche Kodierung der emotionalen Einstellungen zu ausgewählten Sachverhalten im politischen Diskurs / Linguistic Coding of the Emotional Attitudes to Selected Issues in the Political Discourse)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-7 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 97–107
Keywords: emotions, journalistic texts, political discourse, persuasion
Emotions are an inevitable part of everyday life. They can greatly influence human experience and action. It is therefore not surprising that their strength is also used in the area of political marketing. In this study, the emotions are treated, following its position in the public-political sphere, with special emphasis on the “party-voter” relationship. As a part of the empirical research, chosen texts will be examined with regard to the manifestations of the emotions presented there and then questions of possible effects on their reader.
Sprachliche Krankheitsbilder und emotionale Metaphern bei der Krebserkrankung / Language Images of Illness and Emotional Metaphors for Cancer)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-8 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 109–119
Keywords: cancer, concept, metaphor
Of all present diseases, the most cancer is metaphorized. The ancient name for the disease is already a metaphor that provides a certain frightening picture and awakens strong emotions. The brilliant essay Illness as a metaphor of Susan Sontag and the popular science book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer of Siddhartha Mukherjee provides a compilation of metaphors that relates not only to cancer but also to their treatment and beyond to doctors, scientists and patients. These metaphors are presented from the linguistic point of view in this article and analyzed in terms of the long metaphor research, which is not the case in the two sources.
Zur Funktion des Oxymorons und der Antithese in der Darstellung widersprüchlicher Gefühle. Am Beispiel der Briefromane von J. W. von Goethe und J. M. R. Lenz / On the Function of the Oxymoron and Antithesis in the Presentation of Mixed Feelings. By the Example of the Letter Novels by J. W. von Goethe and J. M. R. Lenz)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-9 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 121–135
Keywords: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Werther, J.M. R Lenz, oxymoron
Since the age of sensibility there has been a growing focus on inner subjective experience. The epistolary novels of Goethe (Die Leiden des jungen Werther [The Sorrows of Young Werther], 1774) and J. M. R. Lenz (Der Waldbruder. Ein Pendant zu Werthers Leiden [The Hermit. A Pendant to Werther’s Sorrows], 1776) provide an insight into the emotional world of a first-person narrator. His emotions, such as sadness or longing, are expressed through conventional rhetorical figures such as the oxymoron. However, the mixed feelings shown in the novels are rarely interpreted with reference to rhetorical figures.
Verbale Aggression und verbale Gewalt: Aspekte zum Einbeziehen in den Sprachunterricht / Verbal Aggression and Verbal Violence: Aspects for Involvement in Language Lessons)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-10 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 137–151
Keywords: verbal aggression, pejorativa, swear words, aggressive speech acts, verbal violence, nonviolent communication
The article is based on the science communication project “Verbal Aggression in the Action Field School: Causes, Forms, Violence Prevention” (FWF), which the author realized at 12 schools in Vienna with several classes (a total of 27 classes, pupils 11–17 years old) from 14.3.2018 to 13.9.2019 and on the experience she has gained as a “science ambassador” from the Austrian institution for the cooperation between science and school “Young Science” during the past five years as a result of meetings with Viennese schoolchildren. The activities mentioned provided impulses for this contribution, in which aspects of verbal aggression and verbal violence are presented that can be included in the Language-/German lessons.
Właściwości akomodacyjne i kolokacyjne nazw terminów procesowych z perspektywy translacyjnej / Accommodative and Collocational Properties of Names of Trial Terms from the Translational Perspective)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-11 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 153–167
Keywords: legal language, translation of legal acts, procedural deadlines, translation strategies
Due to the importance of observing procedural deadlines, phrases expressing temporal relationships show specific features. These are high turnout, templateness, the ability to develop temporal formulas in the form of collocation chains, the specific distribution of language means depending on the branch of law and the connectivity of the leaders of these phrases. The comparison of temporal formulas in Polish and German law showed significant interlingual differences. They are the main reason for translation difficulties in this area. Confrontative analysis of published translations of selected legal acts revealed significant disadvantages of the translation strategies used in them. It also confirmed the value of micro-comparisons for translational purposes.
Die Darstellung und die Rezeption der Wut in literarischen Werken (gezeigt am Beispiel des Romans „F“ von Daniel Kehlmann) / The Representation and Reception of Anger in the Literary Works (Shown on the Novel “F” by Daniel Kehlmann))
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-12 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 169–179
Keywords: anger, emotions, (sexual, intellectual, economic, artistic) inadequacy, emotion-meaning words and expressive words
The different emotional perceptions of reality have created in literature three specific modes: lyric, drama and epic. Epic works correspond more to the prose of life and reflect its presentation in literature, both fictional and aesthetical. It is clamed, that nowadays rage is booming and anger is fashion (Johannes Lehman). Then comes the question how modern authors present these phenomena in their works and how it is perceived. The novel by Daniel Kehlmann “F” (2013) could be seen as a material for the possible explanations of the emotion “anger” in relation to the cultural-historical background of modern time. The examples analyzed indicate that the rage of the protagonists comes from the inadequacy of solving their sexual, intellectual, economic, artistic and religious problems and is mostly named but not described.
Hassrede im Netz: Zur Macht von Fake News im aktuellen Flüchtlingsdiskurs / Hate Speech on the Web: the Power of Fake News in the Current Refugee Discourse)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-13 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 181–197
Keywords: fake news, refugees, hate speech, manipulation
Fake news is false, manipulative information that spreads rapidly on the Internet, especially on social networking sites. It mainly deals with controversial topics, such as escape or migration. It is because of such false information treated by its recipients as true that refugees are suspected of, among other things, violence, thefts or obtaining additional benefits from the receiving community. The article discusses selected fake news about refugees in order to show how easy it is to be manipulated on the Internet. The main aim of fake news is to arouse negative emotions in recipients and to incite them to feel hatred and to be violent towards refugees.
„Nun ſolte ich auch wohl bemuͤhet ſeyn, auff unterſchiedene bewegliche Argumenta, und ſonderbare Troſt=Gruͤnde ʒu dencken [...].“ Zu argumentativen Strategien in Danziger Leichenpredigten (1586–1746) / „Nun ſolte ich auch wohl bemuͤhet ſeyn, auff unterſchiedene bewegliche Argumenta, und ſonderbare Troſt=Gruͤnde ʒu dencken [...].“. Argumentative Strategies in Gdańsk Funeral Sermons (1586–1746))
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-14 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 199–211
Keywords: argumentative strategies, function of consolation, funeral sermon
While expressing consolation one aims at soothing a person who has just experienced something difficult or directing their negative emotions (e. g. bereavement) to the positive side. This is the aim of author of funeral sermons containing – mainly as an epilogue – the function of consolation. In this article argumentative strategies used by the authors to communicate consolation have been presented. The body of the text is formed by the chosen Gdańsk funeral sermons of 1586–1746.
Verbalisierung von Emotionen. Beweinung der DDR in Jana Hensels Buch „Zonenkinder” / Verbalization of Emotions. Mourning the GDR in Jana Hensel's Book “Zonenkinder”)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-15 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 213–224
Keywords: emotion, Wende, Hensel, Zonenkinder
The aim of the essay is to identify linguistic means that were used to describe emotional states in Jana Hensel’s bestseller book “Zonenkinder”, published in 2002. Quotations from the book are used to filter out and interpret feelings and attitudes. Zonenkinder is still regarded as a manifesto of an East German generation. The theses set out in this non-fiction book have been valid in practice until now, because they have in part a constitutive character for the new East German identity. A collectivism expressed with the collective We is also a move in the transition between the generation of losers and the generation of the new East Germans.
Weltbilder in der rechtspopulistischen Narration. Über Emotionen in den politischen Reden / The Image of the World in the Narrative of Right-Wing Populists. On Emotions in Political Speeches)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-16 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 225–235
Keywords: language of right-wing populists, emotions in language, political speeches
The language of populists uses arguments of strong power of persuasion resulting not from their rationality but from, first of all the degree of emotions present in the transmission. Populism assumes promoting political ideas consistent with expectations of majority of the public in order to achieve their support, influence them or to gain power. As the parliament election results show, the number of right-winged parties including right-wing populists in Europe has been rising recently. The common constituent in their narration of the world is the language which is strictly connected with promoting a specific system of values. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the right-wing language, an attempt at capturing its typical features and at reconstructing the right-wing image of the world promoted by politicians during their meetings with voters.
Diskurs und Kultur im Kontext von Migration. Eine diskurskritische Analyse der Berichterstattung über polnische Kultur in Deutschland / Discourse and Culture in the Context of Migration. A Discourse-Critical Analysis of the Reporting on Polish Culture in Germany)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-17 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 237–248
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, migration, culture, multiculturalism
Migrants from Poland in Germany belong to the second largest group of immigrants in Germany. Against this background, the question arises as to their presence in the German public sphere. The article deals with the discourse-critical analysis of the press texts (5 titles: “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, “Die Welt”, “Berliner Zeitung”, “General Anzeiger” as well as “Sächsische Zeitung”, altogether four volumes: 2006, 2011, 2013 and 2016). In the course of the analysis carried out, the following questions, among others, were asked: into which concepts of cultural processes does the reporting on migrants from Poland in Germany in the context of culture inscribe itself; how are they constructed discursively; which discursive strategies and which aspects of cultural and migration policy do they reveal? The article presents the central results of the analysis and discusses the selected visible and invisible logics of the German press discourse in the context of migration and culture.
Über akademische Höflichkeit ohne Emotionen…? Emotionale Bewertung der Höflichkeit von en Studenten aus Kielce am Beispiel der elektronischen Korrespondenz im universitären Bereich / Unemotionally about Academic Politeness…? Emotional Evaluation of Politeness by Kielce Students on an Example of the Academic Electronic Correspondence)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-18 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 249–264
Keywords: emotions, linguistic politeness, academic daily routine
Politeness has many faces and definitions. When people respect and use the politeness formulas which were adopted in their culture then this could be interpreted as a guarantee of a certain social order and hierarchy. To cease following the valid standards could possibly result in emotional reactions especially when it comes to environments where the power order matters more than elsewhere, which would include the academic communities in Poland. The main aim of the article is to answer the question whether the analysis of politeness manifestations in the university e-mail correspondence could perchance trigger emotions by the group of students, who were investigating the problem.
Wyniki ankiet dotyczących wiedzy na temat translacji a dydaktyka tłumaczenia a vista / Findings of a Survey on Translation Knowledge versus Sight Translation Teaching)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-19 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 265–276
Keywords: sight translation, knowledge, teaching
This paper presents selected sight translation exercises which address particular gaps in students’ expertise. These were identified by a survey on freshmen’s knowledge of translation. The study was conducted in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 among 1st year students of Applied Linguistics at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (Poland). Examples of exercises discussed in this paper are to develop particular competences and skills which guarantee an effective performance of sight translation, and which were chosen on the basis of students’ answers to the aforementioned survey. Thus the text describes some tasks which ought to develop anticipation of the source text as well as research skills of sight translation trainees.
Über die Liebe auf der Reise (anhand der Sprachführer für Deutsch und Polnisch) / About Love on the Journey (Based on German and Polish Phrasebooks))
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-20 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 277–291
Keywords: phrasebooks, German, Polish, love
In the article the emotion of love is discussed, based on reference books for travelers. Selected phrasebooks for German and Polish users were researched, starting from their first issues dating back to the 16th century to new publications from the early 21st century. The aim of the paper is to establish, whether in the phrasebooks, which in principle present language behavior in typical everyday life situations, love motifs are present, and whether there are any differences in this area in the perspective of time. In addition, picture motifs, which are related to the above mentioned topic, are also briefly discussed here.
Pojęcie CZUĆ a definiowanie emocji / The Predication czuć (feel) and Defining Emotions)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-21 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 293–305
Keywords: domain of CZUĆ (FEEL), regulating definitions of emotions, propositional definitions, conceptualisation of emotions, metonymic and synonymous definitions
Emotions, as recognizable only through experience and belonging to direct and extra conceptual knowledge (a person feels something), are formed into indirect knowledge, rational and of linguistic nature. Our direct experience of what we feel is cognitively and linguistically moulded into lexicalsemantic definitions of a particular emotion. Truth conditional definitions are given preference here. The research on such definitions can imply the following types of definitions: propositional definitions by explicating the cause of an emotion (Wierzbicka 1971) and by prototype effects (Wierzbicka 1999), metonymic definitions (Davitz 1969, Mikołajczuk 1997, 2009), synonymous definitions (Mikołajczuk 1997, 2009, Jasielska 2013), definitions in the form of conceptualisations of emotions (Nowakowska-Kempna 1995, 2001a, Mikołajczuk 1997, 2009) and in the form of the linguistic portrait of a concept (Apresjan 1994).
Der sprachliche Ausdruck der emotionalen Konzepte „Wut“ und „Freude“ im Deutschen und Russischen / The Linguistic Expression of Emotional Concepts “Anger” and “Joy” in German and Russian)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-22 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 307–319
Keywords: emotions, emotional concepts, language, linguoculture
The study is dedicated to the research of the emotional concepts “joy” and “anger” from the linguocultural view, which are verbalized by the lexical and phraseological units of Russian and German languages. The subject of the research is the universal and specific characteristics of language units that realize the meaning of the concepts “joy” and “anger”. The sources of the linguistic material are Russian and German explanatory dictionaries, as well as etymological, phraseological dictionaries, proverblies and associative dictionaries. In the article it is shown that “joy” and “anger” count to the basic emotions in both cultures and have a wide range of expression.
Von Begeisterung bis zu Enttäuschung – Welche Emotionen gibt es in Online-Beratungsforen? / From Enthusiasm to Disappointment – What Emotions are there in Online Consulting Forums?)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-23 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 321–334
Keywords: consulting forum, IT, emotions
The aim of the article is to discuss different emotional constellations and their language manifestation, which take part in the specialist communication in a selected consulting forum on the Internet. It shows which emotions are typically expressed by diverse language means on a digital internet-based communication platform, in which situations or contexts these emotions arise and how they are communicated during the online information exchange. The question is also discussed which situational and contextual communication causes emotions in digital discourse. Existing examples of emotional communication in the consulting process as well as different emotional language elements are analysed and their contribution to emotion expression is examined.
Emoticons und Smileys als eins der Mittel zum Ausdruck der Emotionen in der nonverbalen zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation / Emoticons and Smileys as a Way of Expressing Emotions in Nonverbal Interpersonal Communication)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-24 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 335–344
Keywords: emoticons, language digitization, nonverbal communication, smileys
Emoticons and smileys, which are a product of the digitization of language over the last decades, help in expressing moods and emotions in written communication, that over the Internet in particular, which in direct face-to-face communication interlocutors signal with their gestures, facial expressions and voice. Therefore, emoticons and smileys are a kind of shorthand used mostly by the youth in two prevalent forms of written texts, i.e. e-mails and text messages.
Didaktische Mittel zur Überwindung der Sprechangst am Beispiel der Jugendkurse des Goethe-Instituts im Inland / Didactic Means Used to Overcome Fear of Speaking as Exemplified by Courses for Teenagers at the Goethe-Institute in Germany)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-25 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 345–359
Keywords: fear of speaking, oral nature of communication, spoken language, youth courses
This article presents didactic measures which can help overcome the common fear of speaking. First, the communication competence required today is briefly discussed, with the greatest emphasis being placed on the role of “Mündlichkeit” (which is the oral nature of communication). It is shown what complex processes take place while speaking and what intensive training they require. The second chapter deals with the fear of speaking, its causes, levels and negative function. The problem of correcting errors and readiness to speak are also discussed. The third chapter discusses the ability to support speaking, including decentralized learning formats, exercises and speaking facilitation tasks as well as interesting speaking tasks. Finally, the specificity of youth courses and examples from these courses are presented.
Weniger ist mehr – Einige Reflexionen zur Vermittlung der Phraseme im DaF-Unterricht / Less means more – Reflections on the Traduction of Phraseological Expressions in Teaching German as a Foreign Language)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-26 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 361–371
Keywords: phraseology, teaching German as a foreign language, short texts, phraseological competence
The topic of the article is a reflection on the possibilities of using short press texts in teaching foreign language phraseology. In the article, examples of exercises and tasks developing language skills and phraseological competence will be shown on the example of texts taken from German newspaper „Die Zeit“ (2012). The subject of the article meets the expectations of teachers as well as the postulates of phraseologists.
Wymowa predorsalnej zaokrąglonej samogłoski [y] w języku niderlandzkim przez osoby polskojęzyczne – teoria, praktyka, dydaktyka / Pronunciation of Dutch Front Rounded [y] by Polish Speakers – Theory, Praxis, Didactics)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-27 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 375–385
Keywords: phonetics, front rounded vowel, Dutch, pronunciation training, pronunciation didactics
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Der „Jejeo andaluz“: Soziolinguistische Variation eines stigmatisierten Phänomens und seine Verwendung im digitalen Raum / The “jejeo andaluz”: Sociolinguistic Variation of a Stigmatized Phenomenon and ist Use in the Digital Space)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-28 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 387–399
Keywords: Andalusian Spanish, Sociolinguistics, Jejeo, Hypervernacularization, Phonographics
This paper analyzes the phonetical phenomenon of jejeo for the western Andalusian variety of European Spanish. Jejeo means that /s/ and /θ/ in syllable initial position are neutralized in favor of an aspirated sound [h]. While the relevant literature indicates that the phenomenon is barely occurring, mainly between rural, elderly or lower educated speakers, it can be shown in the first corpora of this contribution that urban Andalusians with university degrees also realize jejeo orally in determined co- and contexts. In another corpus it is demonstrated that speakers who have a tendency to practice jejeo in oral use can also practice the phenomenon phonographically when communicating digitally, here exemplified with the digital messaging platform WhatsApp. Hence hypervernacularization is not assumed in the context of Jejeo for the Jerezano speech community.
Artykulacja dźwięków w miejscu końcowej litery <-ą> w tekście czytanym i mowie spontanicznej cudzoziemców w języku polskim / Articulation of Sounds of the Ltter <-ą> at Final Position in Read Speech and Spontaneous Speech of Foreigners in Polish)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-29 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 401–414
Keywords: teaching Polish as a foreign language, phonological competence, nasal vowels
The paper discusses a part of extensive research on phonological, orthoepic and orthographic competence in the area of sounds corresponding to the letters <ą> and <ę> in a group of 99 foreign-language respondents, who spoke 11 native languages and were on 3 language levels of Polish (A, B and C). The article presents solely a comparison of the performance of the final letter <-ą> by foreigners in a read text and its sound equivalents in spontaneous speech elicited by graphic materials. The data collected in the study was analysed in accordance with the respondents’ level of Polish and the belonging of their native languages to the group of Slavic or non-Slavic languages. Analysis of the results showed significant differences in the performance of Slaves and non-Slavs.
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Zmiany w polskiej palatalności oraz jej akwizycja przez cudzoziemców z pierwszym językiem rosyjskim i czeskim / Changes in Polish Palatability and its Acquisition by Foreigners with the Russian and Czech Language as L1)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-30 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 415–429
Keywords: palatability, polish Phonetics, acquisition
The article will present changes in Polish palatability noticed by contemporary phonetics and phonologists (also against other Slavic languages). In addition, the results of the articulation and audit analysis on the implementation of Polish palatal consonants by the Slavs, in which the native phonological subsystems, palatability takes an extremely different place will be presented.
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Einige Überlegungen zur Realisierung der Quantität auf höheren Ebenen des phonetischen Ausdrucks – Projektvoraussetzungen / Some Considerations for Realization of Quantity at Higher Levels of Phonetic Expression – Project Assumptions)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-31 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 431–439
Keywords: spoken texts, vowels, consonants, quantity, prosody
This text is dedicated to segment extensions. It makes up an integral part of the dissertation project under the title “Variation of the segmental characteristic quantity at higher levels of phonetic manifestation on the basics of selected text types in German, Italian and Polish”. The article presents some considerations and comments on the topic of segmental quantity as well as observed regularities and tendencies.
Ausdruck von Emotionen beim Exponieren am Beispiel deutscher parlamentarischer Abgeordnetenreden / Expression of Emotions and Textual Emphasis on the Example of German Parliamentary Speeches)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-32 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 441–452
Keywords: emphasis, parliamentary speeches, the means of emphasis in German
The text producer emphasizes a certain element of the text, i.e. a word, a phrase or even the whole utterance, in order to draw the text receiver’s attention and with the intention to “distinguish the important from the unimportant information” (Cirko 2013: 55). The aim of the paper is to investigate, firstly, to what extent the linguistic means of emphasis, such as lexical and syntactic ones, correspond to prosodic means of emphasis and secondly, how the text producers express their emotions in the emphasized text passages. The analysed data consists of extracts from parliamentary speeches made by MPs in German Bundestag.
Prosodische Markierung von Emotionen im Sport. Eine Fallstudie / Prosodic Features as Indicators of Marking Emotional Tone in Sports Commentary. A case study)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-33 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 453–463
Keywords: prosody, emotions, sports
This study aimed at describing the prosodic features as indicators of marking emotional tone in sports commentary (based on a case study). Selected acoustic parameters of emotional speech were examined (fundamental frequency (F0), intensity and duration of speech segments), as well as their audible correlates (pitch, loudness, and length), and other prosodic phenomena (speaking speed, focal accents, pauses).
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Effekte von Aussprachetraining im Klassenverband bei frankophonen Deutschlernenden / Effects of Pronunciation Training in the Classroom in French Learners of German)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-34 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 465–478
Keywords: speech production, pronunciation teaching, French learners of German, vowel length, [h], corpus linguistics
The efficiency of pronunciation training in the classroom in French learners of German was studied. To this end the German vowel length contrast and word initial [h] productions were examined. For this purpose, a speech corpus was compiled, which contains recordings of the learners’ speech assignments over a university semester. Acoustic analyses of the speech productions showed that French learners of German showed progress over the semester only for word initial [h] at the beginning of words, while their productions of the German vowel length contrast neither improved nor worsened.
Phonetically Gifted Students – on the Language Aptitude Components
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-35 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 479–486
Keywords: language aptitude, phonetically gifted students, language attainment, phonodidactics
The focal point of the article is to explore the notion of language aptitude from the perspective of phonetically gifted students. The introductory part includes an overview of primary as well as contemporary theories and research findings regarding the concept itself. Having presented the theoretical background, the following sections are devoted to the ongoing discussion concerning the language aptitude components and their mutual dependence. The final section focuses on possible perspectives and implications for further research in the area of foreign language attainment. Additionally, the author’s work-in-progress study on phonetically gifted students is delineated.
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Ein Gemenge von Emotionen als immanenter Bestandteil der Ausspracheschulung – Zu den störenden und fördernden Einflüssen der Emotionen auf den Ausspracheerwerbsprozess in der universitären Bildung im DaF-Bereich / Mix of Emotions as an Inherent Part of Pronunciation Training – Disturbing and Promoting Influences of Emotions on the Phonetic Education at University Level in the Field of German as a Foreign Language)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-36 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 487–498
Keywords: emotions in phonetic education, positive emotions, negative emotions, etude
This article presents the influence of emotions on the teaching and learning process, with particular emphasis on pronunciation classes at university level. The first chapters describe the terminological intricacies within emotions, feelings, moods etc., and then the positive and negative influence of emotions on the didactic process. The next part presents attempts to use emotions that support the learning process and to cool down difficult emotions that disorganise work in classes and negatively influence the learning process. A special case is phonetic education, which arouses many more emotions than in other classes. At the end, there is a reasonable proposal of exercises called etudes, which positively influence unwanted emotions and support emotions beneficial for the didactic process.
Migration im Lichte der Interkulturalitätsforschung / Migration in the Light of Interculturality Research)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-37 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 501–506
Keywords: migration, literature, literary studies, interculturality, transculturality
The article is a review of a volume entitled “Interkulturelle Blicke auf Migrationsbewegungen in alten und neuen Texten”. The volume contains papers on the still common phenomenon of migration, analysed from an intercultural perspective. In their papers, both theoretical ones and those based on corpus research, the authors adopt innovative methodological approaches and refer to various academic disciplines in order to analyse old and new (literary) texts relating to migration.
Zum Gebrauch von Fachsprache in der Presse / On the Usage of Specialistic Language in the Press)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-38 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 507–511
Keywords: specialistic language, specialistic term, daily press
Specialistic language research has an important place in linguistics these days. This is due to the fact that a noticeable tendency can be observed that specialistic languages are used more and more in everyday life. Specialistic terms can often be found in the media, including the press, which significantly shapes their use. The article presents a volume concerning the usage and functions of specialistic terms in the daily press. In this study, the authors deal primarily with how the specialistic terms are presented in the German daily press and to what extent do they cause problems with understanding for recipients.
Sprache im Umbruch. Germanistische Debatten über die Vergangenheit, Zukunft und Perspektiven der Linguistik / Language in Transition. Deliberations about the Past, Future and Prospects in Linguistics)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-39 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 513–520
Keywords: German studies, discourse, text, linguistics
The goal of this contribution is to review and to discuss the content of the publication “Germanistyka otwarta. Wrocławskie debaty o języku i językoznawstwie”. The volume consists of four parts, which focus on the discourse in theory and practice, glottodidactics, applied linguistics and research on Silesia. It contains in total 25 contributions, which are briefly examined here.
Verschiedene Forschungsfragen aus dem phraseologischen und parömiologischen Bereich / Various Research Questions from Idiomatic and Paremiologic Area)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-40 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 521–525
Keywords: collocation, idiom, paremiology, lexeme, translation
This anthology includes the texts of the 2th international conference “German phraseology and paremiology in contact and contrast”, which was organized from 23th May to 25th, 2019 at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Wrocław. The anthology contains articles from different subject areas that refer to proverbs and idioms. You can find here the studies of grammar, of syntax, of semantics, of linguistics and of didactics.
Grimms Märchen für phraseodidaktische Zwecke / Grimm‘s Fairy Tale for Phraseodidactic Purposes)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.18-41 (published online: 2020-11-30)
pp. 527–529
Keywords: phrase didactics, Grimm’s fairy tales, didactization of phraseology
The Grimm brothers‘ fairy tales are still a source from which inspiration for various research is drawn. These are also inspirations in the field of didactics, because these texts can undoubtedly be used didactically at any time and used. Anke Levin-Steinmann provides a proposal for a didactic concept with her textbook: “Grimm‘s fairy tales told anew”, which was published by Gabriele Schäfer Verlag in 2019. Approaches to the publication are addressed in the article in the light of previous phraseodidactic research.