Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław
Issue 17 (2020): I
Edited by: Iwona Bartoszewicz (University of Wrocław), Joanna Szczęk (University of Wrocław), Artur Tworek (University of Wrocław)
13 Jahre „Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław“ im Überblick / Overview of 13 Years of “Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław”)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-1 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław, conference, series of publications, journal
The article provides an overview of scientific activities at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Wrocław, which are organized as part of the “Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław”. These are conferences and publications. The first conference (2006), which was conceived as a platform for scientific exchange, initiated a cycle of linguistic activities, the result of which are cyclical conferences and publications. In the article, 13 years of this activity are discussed and forecasts for future development are made.
Widerspiegelung der Emotionen im mittelalterlichen Ritterroman am Beispiel von „Tristrant“ Eilharts von Oberg / Depiction of Emotions in Middle High German Romance as Exemplified by Eilhart von Oberg’s Tristrant)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-2 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotions, feelings, linguistic worldview
This article analyses how feelings of characters in Eilhart von Oberg’s Tristrant are portrayed by means of vocabulary describing emotions. It is concluded that negative emotions prevail in their emotional worldview.
Sprachliche Expressivität, Emotionen und verbale Aggression / Expressivity in Language, Emotions and Verbal Aggression)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-3 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: verbal expressivity, emotion display rules, verbal aggression
The study represents a contribution to the current debate on linguistic expressivity and expressive meaning in the light of emotion studies and verbal aggression research. The emotions closely related to verbal aggression (anger, fear, frustration, lust and desire) and their social display rules are discussed on the basis of current emotions theories. The connection between linguistic expressiveness and emotions is shown by means of exemplary positions: Bühler’s and (post)Bühler’s view of the functions of language, speech act theory and new formal semantic approaches.
Tabubewältigung und Emotionen: Emotionsbasierte Implikaturen im Sprechakt der Andeutung / Overcoming Verbal Taboos: E-Implicatures in Speech Act of Hinting)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-4 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: implicature, hint, implicit speech act, verbal taboo
This paper deals with linguistic coping with verbal taboos through hints and focuses on e-implicatures and their triggers. These e-implicatures are based on emotional knowledge and give an affective judgement about the tabooed state-of-affairs. Emotions which evoke e-implicatures include disgust and fear and their tertiary dyad shame. Both verbal (euphemisms and aposiopesis) and non-verbal triggers (prosodic, kinetic and proxemics) ensure felicity of implying.
Haben Gangsta-Rapper positive Gefühle? – Code-Switching als Ausdrucks- und Gefühlsträger in den Songtexten von Haftbefehl / Do Gangsta Rapers Have Positive Feelings? Code-Switching as an Expression and Carrier of Feelings in Haftbefehl’s Lyrics)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-5 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: patchwork language, multilingualism, gangsta rap, emotions
Linguistic heterogeneity in Haftbefehl’s song lyrics is by no means the final language product of just two languages or cultures. Aykut Anhan uses more than two languages in his creative workshop. He plays with forms such as bricolage, linguistic borrowing, hybrids or Code-Switching. The multidimensionality of his work allows him to express such feelings as anger, rage or fury. Jumping from one language to another is surprising and provoking. The research topic of the following work is the search for positive emotions, which are reflected on the lexical level of Haftbefehl’s multilingualism.
„Man muss nicht immer gleich losprusten“ – Die Abwesenheit von Emotion als Kommunikationsstrategie der Marke Merkel / “You don’t always have to burst out” – The Absence of Emotions as a Communication Strategy of the Brand Merkel)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-6 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: frame semantics, self-image and external image, communication, Angela Merkel
Emotions are a central means of generating attention and thus help to generate and extend power of political actors. The example of Angela Merkel shows that the reversal, i.e. the renunciation of emotions, can also be a successful communication strategy. In contrast to the ideal type of the charismatic politician, the core of the ‘brand Merkel’ is the staging of non-staging. With an evaluation of two corpora, journalistic portraits on the one hand and her own statements made in interviews on the other, the ‘brand Merkel’ is illuminated from two perspectives. In particular, her handling of emotions illustrates the interlocking of self-image and external image, which is made possible by taking up and reinterpreting criticism.
Ohne Frage? Mit Sicherheit. Präpositionale Wortverbindungen als Ausdrucksformen der Sprechereinstellung / Ohne Frage? Mit Sicherheit. Preposition-noun Phrases as Expressive Form of Speaker Attitude)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-7 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: preposition-noun phrases, phraseology, speaker attitude, modality
Usualized word units represent a structurally and semantically very heterogeneous spectrum of linguistic elements. The topic of the paper focuses on the issue of lexical-syntagmatic combinatorics of word units with function words and deals with a binary preposition-noun phrases with the meaning of the speaker setting, previously neglected in word units research.
Emotionalisierung durch Bilder am Beispiel deutscher und dänischer Grabinschriften / Emotionalisation through Images Based on German and Danish Grave Inscriptions)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-8 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotions, feelings, visual communication, grave inscriptions, cemetery art, multimodal text, text-image relationship, text semiotics, German, Danish
The article examines the emotive influence of visual elements on the reception of German and Danish grave inscriptions. The material basis of analysis are photos of tombstones from the 19th and 20th century from cemeteries in Saxony and Copenhagen. The methodological basis is the theory of multimodal text and the starting point of the analysis is the typology of image-text relationships, which is supplemented by further observations. The study analyzes representatives of different semantic classes of visual components from different time periods. Among the most expressive and impressive sculptural representations are those with references to eschatology and the person of the deceased. In their use, two distinct strategies can be noted: the strengthening of mourning mood and the repression of the picture of death.
Zum Konzept FREUNDSCHAFT im dänisch-polnischen Vergleich / A Comparison of the Concept of FRIENDSHIP in Danish and Polish)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-9 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: friendship, linguistic picture of the world
The objective of the present paper is to compare the conceptualization of friendship in Danish and Polish. The results of the comparison indicate that the lexemes przyjaciel and ven differ with regards to the exclusiveness of the relation that they denote. The differences are also reflected in the respective lexico-semantical fields where the Danish lexemes (kammerat, kollega and bekendt) are only partially equivalent to their Polish counterparts (kolega, znajomy). On the other hand, in the light of the gathered material, the traditional ideal of FRIENDSHIP seems to be very similar in both languages.
Die Welt der Töne und Geräusche. Über den Zusammenhang von Tonsignalen, der Konzeptualisierung und Versprachlichung von Emotionen. Eine Analyse am deutschen und polnischen Sprachmaterial aus semantisch-kognitiver Perspektive / The World of Tones and Sounds. On the Relation between Sound Signals, Conceptualization and, Making Emotions Lingual. An Analysis of German and Polish Language Material from the Semantic-Cognitive Perspective)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-10 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotion, conceptualization, acoustic signals
Emotions as abstract phenomena are not easy to verbalize. On the lexical level, they are most frequently thematized or expressed through imagery. The article aims at elucidating a rarely discussed problem of making emotions lingual employing sound phrasemes. Sounds and noises of animate as well as inanimate nature are in the centre of the cognitive explorations. The sounds and noises are metaphorically mapped on the abstract, hard-to-reach target domain of emotions. The analyses will be conducted on German and Polish phrasemes.
Emotive Prädikationen aus der Sicht der Kerngrammatik / Emotive Predications from the Perspective of Kernel Grammar)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-11 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotive predicates, experiencer, stimulus, conventional / conversational implicature
The paper contains an analysis of the syntactic features of emotive predicates as well as the main properties of the codification of feelings in emotive clauses. The emotive predicates possess two arguments with the thematic roles of experiencer and stimulus underlying syntactic movement, which makes them in principle diathetic-sensitive. The syntactic markers of emotionality are: prosody, word order, discourse particles, autonomous ellipsis etc. The latter ones encode emotive readings qua grammar structure, thus, they are the primary encoding forms of emotions. However, they can be both specified and unspecified emotive signals. In the latter case they encode emotionality as such, but it has to be specified qua conversational implicatures.
Emotion in der Textsorte Testament? Eine korpusgestützte Untersuchung / Emotion in the Text Type Testament? A Corpus-Supported Examination)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-12 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: Language, Emotion, Count Testaments, Confessional Age
The text type testament is not necessarily associated with the factor ‚emotionality‘, even though the subject it is based on is highly emotionally charged for testators and descendants alike. The texts produced for this purpose are primarily legal documents. Their most important issue is the creation of legal validity. The extent to which emotions can be found in the texts is examined on the basis of a corpus of count testaments from the 16th and 17th centuries.
„Hier gibt es nur ein entweder oder!“. Emocje w politycznych drukach ulotnych z okresu Wolnego Miasta Gdańska (1920–1939) / “Hier gibt es nur ein entweder oder!” Emotions in Political Leaflets from the Free City of Gdansk Period (1920–1939))
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-13 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: Free City of Gdansk, Volkstag, leaflets, emotions, politics
Since ancient times, the goal of the language of politics has been to evoke emotions among recipients. It is no different in the forms that were created for the needs of election campaigns for Volkstag during the Free City of Gdańsk period (1920–1939). Leaflets were the most important media at that time; they were distributed on the streets, stuck on the walls. Their analysis reveals the language strategies that the authors used to encourage voting. The parties consistently create a picture of a city detached from the German homeland whose existence is threatened. They are eager to refer to such universal values as: homeland, patriotism, community, unity and Germanness. The texts are characterized by language aggression towards opponents, emotional saturation and the dichotomy of choice, the quintessence of which are the words used in the title from one of the leaflets.
„Er ist ein wahrer Held“. Zur Sprachmanipulation bei der Darstellung von österreichisch-ungarischen Soldaten in der „Krakauer Zeitung“ (1916–1917). Eine Analyse von lexikalisch-morphologischen Mitteln anhand der Artikelreihe „Aus dem goldenen Buche unserer Armee“ / “He is a true hero”. On the Language Manipulation in the Presentation of the Austro-Hungarian Soldiers in the “Krakauer Zeitung” (1916–1917). An Analysis of the Lexical-Morphological Means on the Basis of the Article Series “Aus dem goldenen Buche unserer Armee”)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-14 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: language manipulation, evaluation, Austro-Hungarian soldiers, World War I
The aim of the paper is an analysis of the language manipulation means in the article series Aus dem goldenen Buche unserer Armee (From the Gold Book of our Army). The analysed article series were published in the Austro-Hungarian daily newspaper Krakauer Zeitung during World War I. In the paper, the manipulative-evaluate means have been examined with regards to the lexical-morphological levels of texts as well as their functions. On the basis of the analysis, the question of what image of the Dual Monarchy’s soldiers at that time could be reconstructed, has been answered. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the characteristics, descriptions and values have been determined for which the soldiers were blamed in different articles.
Emotionszustände und -prozesse und ihre Verkörperung in der Sprache / Emotional States and Processes and their Embodiment in Language)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-15 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: embodiment, emotions
The aim of the paper is to show how emotions are embodied in language. The research material constitutes examples of idioms expressing emotional states and processes. The concepts of the embodied, embedded, extended and enactive cognition are discussed as theses of the 4E approach and the situated cognition as the collective concept.
Landeskunde und Erinnerungsorte in zwei Lehrwerken für Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Cultural Studies and Memory Space in German Language)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-16 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: cultural studies, pattern of interpretation, memory space
Learning languages is connected with emotions and learning languages also includes regional and cultural studies. Regional studies can put emphasis on various issues. One option of the cultural regional studies is the implementation of memory spaces. Thus, the present paper deals with the aims of such implementation as well as with the question if and how is it presented in textbooks of German as a foreign language.
Praktiken der Emotionalisierung im digitalen Kommunikationsraum. Vor dem Hintergrund von Medien und alternativen Öffentlichkeiten / Practices of Emotionalization in the Digital Communication Space. Against the Background of Media and Alternative Communities)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-17 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotionalization, digital media, alternative communities
Starting from emotion culture as a current phenomenon in mass media communication, this article concentrates on practices of emotionalization. First, however, media, areas of emotion and alternative publics are explained from various perspectives. They condition the emotionalization in texts and bring it about. Using the example of some previous studies on digital forms of communication, concrete practices of emotionalization are named and explained.
Zu Manifestationsformen von Emotionen der zeitgenössischen Tänzerinnen / Manifestation of Emotions of Contemporary Dancers)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-18 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: the emotive mode, manifestation of emotions, dance teacher, dance students
The aim of this paper is the identification of verbal, para- and nonverbal forms of manifestation of emotions. The focus builds the communication between contemporary dancers as dance teachers and dance students who take part of the dance workshops. As a mix of the techniques of expressive dance and modern dance as well as against to the classical ballet, the contemporary dance has a great emotional potential. The representation of emotions includes also the identification of the reference objects and the motivation for the expressed emotions in dance workshops. This is the part of thoughts which are presented in this paper.
Funktionsverbgefüge als Ausdruck von Höflichkeit in geschäftlicher Korrespondenz / Light-Verb Constructions as an Expression of Politeness in Business Correspondence)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-19 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: light verb constructions, politeness, business correspondence
Light-verb constructions (Helbig 1977) are complex multi-word units that occur in almost every language and language variety. They are also definied as an integral part of the specialized languages and thus also of the business correspondence. The aim of the article is to show how the light verb constructions can cause linguistic politeness. The focus is on the achievements of the light verb constructions such as passivation, change of perspective and the indirectness of the speech act.
In jedem vollen Glase Wein … Emotionen und persuasive Mittel in der Sprache über den Wein und rund um den Wein / In jedem vollen Glase Wein … Emotions and Persuasive Means in the Language about and around Wine)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-20 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotions, persuasion, language of wine, sensory perception, persuasive language means
Wine is dealt with by scientific disciplines, trade and gastronomy experts, as well as people in their daily lives, but also by poets adoring and/or telling about wine. The attitude of speakers to wine is therefore completely different. Depending on the communication situation and the speaker´s intention, emotions play a very important role. This paper aims to show the extent of emotionality with which the text producers express themselves in various communication areas / situations on wine and also which persuasive language means they use to describe wine in accompanying and advertising texts.
Emotionalisierung durch Sprache in der Terrorismusberichterstattung am Beispiel der deutschen Boulevard- und Qualitätspresse / Emotionalization through Language in Coverage of Terrorism Exemplified by the German Tabloid and Quality Press)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-21 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotions, emotionalization, coverage of terrorism
The terrorist attacks repeatedly determine the headlines of the coverage in the mass media. Some focus primarily on the facts, others focus on the horror and grief. The focus of the present article is therefore on the comparison of reporting on terrorist attacks in the German tabloid and quality press with regard to the strategies of emotionalization using language.
Die Intensitätskala von Charles van Os und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Anwendung / The Intensity Scale by Charles van Os and the Possibility to Apply it)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-22 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: Intensifiers, word-formation structures, emotional speech, intensity scale
The topic of this article is description of the intensifiers of meaning in German, i.e. word-formation-structures of emotional character. The article aims to answer the question whether German intensifiers can be placed on the intensity scale in a regular way. The intensity scale used in the research has been created by van Os (1989).
Kummer und seine möglichen Übersetzungen ins Französische / Kummer (‘grief’) and its Possible Translations into French)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-23 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: comparative linguistics, translation, emotions, context analysis
The aim of this contribution is to identify the semantic characteristics of Kummer (‘grief ’) and its possible translation equivalents in French in order to determine the similarities and differences between these lexemes and provide a decision-making aid for choosing the most appropriate equivalent in a given context in the translation process. The lexemes are analysed by means of context analysis, which involves sorting their respective cooccurrences into semantic categories and subcategories. The results of this categorisation can provide insights into the semantic traits of the lexemes analysed.
Sachlichkeit und Emotion in der Wirtschaftssprache anhand ausgewählter Wortschatzbeispiele aus der Wirtschaftspresse des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts / Rationality and Emotion in the Language of Economy Based on Selected Examples of Vocabulary from the Economic Press at the End of the 19th Century)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-24 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotions, economic language, economic press, 19th and 20th century
The article presents examples of vocabulary in quotations from the economic press from 1885–1886, which on the one hand show the rationality of the language of economy, but on the other hand emotions. It is – as it was hundred years later – a time of economic prosperity and of impending crisis. For comparison, examples from the press of the 20th century (1995–1996) are cited to show similarities and development of the language of economy during this period. Emotions have always accompanied economic processes, its successes and failures, for over 100 years.
Konzeptuelle Trauer-Metaphern in Kinderwunschforen / Conceptual Metaphors of Sadness in Fertility Forums)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-25 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: fertility forums, sadness, conceptual metaphors, Lakoff/Johnson
Many persons who are unintentionally childless and desperately desire children often join online communities in fertility forums. There they can share, amongst other things, their experiences and they can find out about additional treatment options. The often year-long efforts to have a baby are associated with strong emotional stress. The goal of the article is to take a closer look at the emotional sadness expressed by the users in posts on the website and to examine which conceptual metaphors are used in describing sadness.
Analyse des Liebe-Motivs in der Marienbader Elegie von Johann Wolfgang Goethe und im Roman Ein liebender Mann von Martin Walser / Analysis of the Love Motif Based on J. W. Goethe’s “Marienbad Elegy” and the Novel M. Walser’s “Ein liebender Mann”)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-26 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: J. W. Goethe’s Marienbad Elegy, M. Walser’s Ein liebender Mann, love motif
19-year-old Ulrike von Levetzow was Goethe’s last love. The 74 year old poet immortalised his feelings in a masterpiece of German love poetry “Marienbad Elegy“. Nearly two hundred years later Martin Walser based his novel “Ein liebender Mann“ on that love story. Not a lot is known about what truly happened between the famous poet and the young lady on that memorable summer of 1823 in Marienbad. Walser used this lack of historical details to let his creativity run free and tell the story in his own way. His version of the story argues with the picture that the lovestruck Goethe painted in his “Elegy“. The poem’s lyrical motifs are analysed and often debunked in the novel, treated as idealised and thus untrue. This article follows Walser’s analysis, in which Goethe’s view as a person was subjected to quite a questionable deconstruction.
„Ist die Clavicula schon da?“ Emotionen und sprachliche Merkmale der Kommunikation im medizinischen Alltag / “Is the clavicle already there?” Emotions and Linguistic Features of Communication from Everyday Medical Practice)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-27 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotions, economics language, jargon
The article presents the emotions and peculiarities of communication in everyday medical life are presented. It is shown by whom, how and on what occasions or in which situation language economics and jargon are introduced into the conversation. Is there a specific medical terminology among doctors that they already understand, but not yet? What makes this specialist communication? Which linguistic means express the emotions?
Emotionen, das ist die Suche nach sprachlichen Ausdrucksmitteln in anonymen Briefen / Emotions – A Search for Linguistic Means of Expressions in Anonymous Letters)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-28 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: anonymous post, author identification, emotions, expressivity
Anonymous letters are a challenge for linguists and raise a whole range of questions that ultimately allow a creation of the linguistic portrait of the possible author. One of these questions concerns the emotional layer of the anonymous letter and the way anonymous authors express their emotions in language. This article is a contribution to the discussion and analysis of a specific type of speech genre, which is anonymous letter. The data comes from a pilot study of the original anonymous letters, the primary purpose of which is to create a corpus of those letters.
Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär … Der Status der Emotionalität im Modalfeld des Deutschen / The Status of Emotionality in the German Modal Field)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-29 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: emotionality, modality, modal field
The analysis of the verbal forms of moods in the folk song „Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär“ makes evident that the German subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) does not only function as a modus irrealis; it also informs about the emotion(s) of the lyrical I. The coherence between the epistemic modality and emotionality gets more obvious in the parody of the folk song by Heinrich Heine. The semantic function of the diminutive suffix -lein adds informations about emotions. This makes it clear that emotionality is also a subjective statement of the speaker’s views on the verbalized facts. Therefore emotionality can be understood as a kind of modality.
Diskursive Profilierung in der Blog-Interaktion. Ein diskurs-, medien- und kulturlinguistischer Ansatz / Discursive Profiling in Blog Interaction. A Discursive, Media and Cultural Linguistic Approach)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-30 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: blog interaction, discourse linguistics, media linguistics, online discourse
In the review article the book of Joanna Pędzisz Profil des Online-Diskurses in Blog-Interaktionen an der Schnittstelle zwischen theoretischem Konzept und empirischem Modell has been discussed. The integration potential of discourse linguistics is addressed in order to critically discuss the theoretical and methodological foundation of the BIAN model developed by Joanna Pędzisz.
Valenz, Dependenz und viel mehr – Andauernde Aktualität des Werks von Ulrich Engel / Valency, Dependency, and much more – The Continuing Relevance of the Works of Ulrich Engel)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-31 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: memorial volume, Ulrich Engel, valency, dependency, constrastive Grammar
This article is a review of the Festschrift for Professor Dr. Ulrich Engel, one of the greatest representatives of German linguistics. The individual articles of the Festschrift are presented, starting with the contribution of the director of the Leibniz Institute for German Language, Henning Lobin. The review has a three-part structure corresponding to the three parts of the Festschrift.
Neue Studien im Bereich der kontrastiven Grammatik und Gedächtniskultur / New Research in the Field of Contrastive Grammar and Memory Culture)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-32 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: modality, aspect, aspectuality, manner of action, ephemera, collective memory
The article contains a review of the forty-first volume of the academic journal Studia Germanica Gedanensia, which is devoted the most current research developments in the field of contrastive grammar and memory culture. In their papers, the authors approach such academic problems as aspect, temporality and modality in German and Polish. They also present the results of their research into ephemera and regional identity from the perspective of memory culture.
Zu Funktionen von Euphemismen in verschiedenen Texten und Diskursen / On Functions of Euphemisms in Various Texts and Discourses)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-33 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: euphemisms, dysphemisms, types of text, discourse
Euphemisms and dysphemisms are linguistic means that are generally used to make something accordingly more beautiful, obscure it or devalue it. However, if one looks at different texts or even discourses, it can be seen that euphemistic and dysphemic expressions can be assigned specific functions and that this form of formulation is also based on different motivations. These are described in detail in the articles from the anthology presented here.
Wissenschaftliche Forschung der Doktoranden – Verschiedene germanistische Forschungsfragen / Postgraduate’s Scientific Studies – Various Germanistic Research Questions)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-34 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: Kollokation, Phraseologismus, Entlehnung, Realismus, Phonetik, Dolmetschen
The aim of this anthology is to publish the texts of postgraduate students from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The publication series contains articles from different topic areas, that are closely associated with German language. Each article is composed of theoretical and empirical part. You can find here the studies of literature, of linguistics and of didactics.
Die Kunst der sprachlichen Komposition im Deutschen / The Art of Linguistic Composition in German)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-35 (published online: 2020-06-20)
Keywords: semantically double compound, pleonasm, tautology, compound, word formation, semantics
In the article, the phenomenon of semantically double compound in German is addressed. They are the focus of Georg Schuppener‘s monograph, published in 2019. The work is the first systematic description of this phenomenon and, in theory, offers a compact compendium on the phenomenon it deals with. The theoretical considerations are supported by numerous examples.
Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte in europäischen Online-Deutschprojekten Tourneu, Imlit und Falinar (2008–2017)
DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.17-36 (published online: 2020-06-20)