• Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław •

ISSN: 2084-3062 • e-ISSN: 2657-5647 • DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff • Bounce Rate: 35% (2023)

Texts published in the ‘Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław’ are available in the Open Access on the basis of the CC BY-SA license.

Linguistische Treffen in Wrocław

Issue 25 (2024): I

Edited by: † Iwona Bartoszewicz (University of Wrocław), Joanna Szczęk (University of Wrocław), Artur Tworek (University of Wrocław)


Zu Adjektivkomposita in der heutigen Sprache der Medizin auf der Grundlage der Fachzeitschrift „Deutsches Ärzteblatt“. Ein sprachlicher Schnappschuss / On Adjective Compounds in Contemporary Medical Language Based on the Professional Journal “Deutsches Ärzteblatt”. A Linguistic Snapshot)

Anna Dargiewicz, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn (ORCID: 0000-0001-8258-6540)
Maciej Choromański, TUDIAS TU Dresden Institute of Advanced Studies GmbH, Dresden (ORCID: 0000-0002-2437-2146)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-1 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 17–38

Keywords: special language, medical language, word formation, adjective compounds, corpus

The linguistics of special languages, which deserves a great deal of attention, makes it possible to break down the various special languages almost to the ground. The position of special languages is undoubtedly relevant at the present time. Transferring specialized knowledge, special languages make it possible to define, among other things, various phenomena typical of a particular field. With the permanent development of sciences, special languages are also evolving. One of the special languages that is developing with tremendous speed is the language of medicine which is analyzed here. One particularly significant aspect of the study of special languages is word formation. The purpose of this article is to present adjectival compounding in German medical language. The theoretical part, first and foremost, presents the informative sketch of special languages in general, of medical language itself and of adjective composition as a type of word formation. In the empirical part, based on the corpus incorporating issues of the professional journal “Deutsches Ärzteblatt” it was investigated (using a qualitative and quantitative method), what a-constituents have the adjective compounds, how many components the adjective compounds retrieved there consist of, how they are written and what linking morphemes participate in their formation. The corpus analysis carried out in the article illuminates the direction of orientation in the development of the German language of medicine in the area of word formation – here with regard to adjective composition – and provides important information on the structure, length and spelling of the extracted adjective compounds.


Nachhaltigkeit in der Küche früher und heute – Wie sich der Fachwortschatz den neuen (Sprach)Realien angepasst hat / Sustainability in the Kitchen in the Past and Today – How the Vocabulary has Adapted to the New (Linguistic) Realities)

Małgorzata Derecka, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn (ORCID: 0000-0002-4971-5782)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-2 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 39–51

Keywords: culinary, cookbooks, frugality, sustainability

The language of culinary arts is not indifferent to the dietary changes of successive generations. While a century ago cookbooks recommended using leftovers and being economical with the food used in recipes, today’s culinary guidebooks focus on sustainability and sustainable enjoyment in the kitchen and provide numerous ideas against food waste and many applications serving this purpose with their new vocabulary. In this article, two cookbooks were subjected to a linguistic examination: “Vobachs Kochbuch” by Margarete Bauermeister from 1923 and “Praktisches Kochbuch für die bürgerliche und feinere Küche” by Henriette Davidis from 1935, whose first edition dates back to 1845. To illustrate the linguistic reorientation in the culinary field, some well-visited online guidebooks from 2023 were also consulted and evaluated. Since it is impossible in such a short article to examine and evaluate all aspects of culinary that can be covered in a cookbook, the focus is placed on the terms frugal and thrifty in comparison to sustainable and sustainability. The main focus is on the change from being frugal in the kitchen over a hundred years ago to being sustainable in 2023. The author examines the reasons for this change and analyses linguistic expressions in the old and new cookbooks, which are not only collections of recipes but also guides to areas such as products, kitchen equipment, kitchen furniture, cleaning and recycling.


Fahrlässige Tötung oder Mord? Zwei Urteile zu illegalen Autorennen aus der Sicht forensischer Linguistik / Negligent Homicide or Murder? Two Judgements on Illegal Car Racing from the Perspective of Forensic Linguistics)

Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich, University of Bern, Bern / Technical University of Berlin, Berlin / University of Cape Town, Cape Town (ORCID: 0000-0001-6961-3575)
Tim Stehle, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-3 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 53–69

Keywords: legal language, forensic linguistics, negligent homicide, manslaughter, murder, elements of the offence, system of norms, legal positivism, means of the offence, conditional intent (dolus eventualis), breach of duty of care, traffic offence, voluntary element

Illegal car racing in German city centres repeatedly lead to fatal accidents. As a rule, they are punished by the courts as involuntary manslaughter. Until a judgement of the Berlin Regional Court makes legal history by convicting the speeders of murder. This requires reasoning. Court judgements are argumentative texts. Against the background of the applicable foundations of law, justice and jurisprudence, this article will take a closer look at two opposing verdicts (in Cologne and Berlin) on the comparable facts of the case, one assessed as negligent homicide, the other as murder, using the linguistic and argumentationanalytical cutlery from the toolbox of forensic linguistics.


Militärische Fachsprache in literarischen Kriegstagebüchern am Beispiel von „Schreib das auf, Kisch!“ von Egon Erwin Kisch / Military Language in Literary War Diaries on the Example of “Schreib das auf, Kisch!” by Egon Erwin Kisch)

Mariusz Jakosz, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice (ORCID: 0000-0001-9606-679X)
Beatrice Wilke, University of Salerno, Salerno (ORCID: 0000-0001-5626-9760)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-4 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 71–90

Keywords: specialised military language, diary, everyday war life, soldier

The subject of this article is specialised military language, which comprises specific terms and has contributed to the development of a certain terminology. This specialised language is particularly relevant, since it supports communication between the members of a country’s army and between the armies of the world. Additionally, the language of soldiers and conscripts gives us a deeper insight into the way of life of the military, because language and society are closely linked. This article is an attempt to fill a gap in the field of studies on specialised military language. At its centre is the question of how military terminology is processed in the text type ‘diary’, the most direct form of autobiographical recording. First, in the theoretical part, military terminology is defined in more detail. Then its basic lexical-semantic and morphological-syntactic characteristics are discussed. The literary war diary “Schreib das auf, Kisch!” by the Austrian and later Czechoslovakian writer and journalist Egon Erwin Kisch, which describes the everyday life of a soldier in the years 1914–1915, serves as the corpus of the study. The analysis of the authentic diary entries of a soldier allows the study of war experience documented in the form of a diary and reflects the military use of language of the time to varying degrees of intensity. On the one hand, the analytical part deals with the specialist military vocabulary, which covers a broad spectrum of areas relating to military-organisational, operational-tactical, technical and other content and which particularly characterise the nature of the military. On the other hand, figurative word coinages and idioms that can be assigned to soldier jargon and are characterised by a specifically soldierly humour are also examined. The analysis reveals different uses of military jargon in Kisch’s diary, ranging from the sober and objective to the often highly emotional to the humorous and sometimes ironic.


Pojęcie pasja w ogłoszeniach o pracę polskich, niemieckich i amerykańskich przedsiębiorstw / A Concept of Passion in the Job Advertisements of Polish, German and American Companies)

Anna Jędrzejczyk, University of Warsaw, Warszawa (ORCID: 0009-0000-4470-9159)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-5 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 91–103

Keywords: Employer branding, „passion at work”, employee value proposition, company’s values

The article aims to analyze the differences in the lexical meanings, associations of the „typical” American keyword „passion” used in the job advertisements published in Poland und in Germany among the group of Polish and German students (referring to the theory of a locutionary and illocutionary act based on Austin, 1955). The way of interpreting this keyword has an impact on the student’s final decision to apply for a job in the given company (a perlocutionary act, based on Austin 1955). The differences in meaning were presented with the help of lexical analysis (using dictionaries) and an empirical research in which a group of Polish and German students of business and finance were asked about the supposed semantic meaning, associations and implicatures of this keyword in the job advertisements through interviews and questionnaires. The results of this analysis show the difference in the interpretations of this keyword by German and Polish students and can be explained by external factors (determinats) connected with the economic situation, historical background of the chosen countries (Germany and Poland) as well as the general attitude of society towards americanization. It has also occurred that internal factors/ individual traits of the respondents (so called: formants) (Bonacchi 2011: 10), which could have impact on understanding this keyword passion, were also different in the investigated groups of students, which shows that international companies should take into consideration not only external factors, but also individual traits of respondents while standardization of the employee value proposition in the given countries.


Weingeschmack und -geruch im önologischen Diskurs. Eine Analyse anhand der Weinwerbungstexte / Taste and Smell of Wine in Oenological Discourse. An Analysis Based on the Wine Advertising Texts)

Hanna Kaczmarek, Jan Długosz University, Częstochowa (ORCID: 000-0002-6297-2927)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-6 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 105–115

Keywords: taste of wine, smell of wine, verbalisation strategies

People essentially perceive the outside world with their five senses. Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste are the tools of our personal, subjective interpretation of the world. In order to enter into a dialogue with others, we endeavour to verbalise our own sensory perceptions. In most Western cultures, the verbalisation of taste and smell constitutes a specific challenge compared to the verbalisation of other sensory impressions. This becomes particularly evident when verbalising the sensations of taste and smell that occur when tasting wine. A phenomenon as complex in terms of flavour and aroma as wine is difficult to put into words. One of the main functions of the product texts that form the research material for this article is to familiarise the target audience with the aromatic and gustatory characteristics of the wine, through the use of a series of defining terms that are often used in a metaphorical sense. The aim of this article is to present descriptions of wine flavour and aroma in product-accompanying advertising texts. The lack of a specific, diversified vocabulary for the accurate description of flavour and aroma means that the gustatory and olfactory qualities of wine are often symbolically compensated for by cognitive mechanisms. Based on the analysis of product descriptions in wine catalogues, it is presented how the taste and smell sensations of wine can be conveyed despite the lack of adequate taste and aroma lexis.


Fon-Sprichwörter aus Benin über Weiße. Ein Forschungsbericht / Fon (Benin) Proverbs about White People. Research Report)

Sewanou Jupiter Martial Lanmadousselo, University of Parakou, Parakou (ORCID: 0000-0003-3052-0894)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-7 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 117–133

Keywords: Fon proverbs, image of white people, slavery, colonization, postcolonialism

Beyond the fact that oral literature is poetry, it is the reflection of the society from which it comes or in which it originates. It is place-based and reflects, among other things, the psychology and mentality of its place of origin. In collecting West African oral literature, for example, many European explorers and colonial officials had in mind the study of the psychology, lifestyle and beliefs of West African peoples (cf. Lanmadousselo 2012: 187–190). The present study deals with the question of the image of white people in Beninese proverbs. The topic has been very little studied so far, although it is present in African proverbs. Since, in comparison to German proverbs, there are no reference works on Fon proverbs yet, field research was carried out in Fon areas with informants, so that 15 proverbs are available for this study. The processing of the corpus consists, on the one hand, of transcribing the collected proverbs to the Fon language, with the aim of preserving the original form of these proverbs. On the other hand, the aim is to translate the transcribed versions into German in order to ensure the clarity of the work. The analysis of the collected proverbs has consisted of examining the proverbs in their situational context. The choice of this methodological approach is explained by the fact that most of the collected Fon proverbs about white people refer to historical events such as slavery, colonization or start from the postcolonial context. The analysis shows to what extent the image of white people in Fon proverbs is contextual.


Textroutinen und Fokussierungsverfahren / Text Routines and Focusing Procedures)

Heinz-Helmut Lüger, Bad Bergzabern (ORCID: 0000-0002-1131-6583)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-8 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 135–150

Keywords: verbal action, text constitution, metatextual formula, contextualization cue, stylistic variation

As a rule, scientific texts have the reputation of having a particularly clear and well-considered structure. It can therefore be assumed that a characteristic selection of text-organizing signals can be found here. Text producers usually have a whole range of expressions and procedures at their disposal to comment on, emphasize or relativize certain content, to open, structure or end sections. Important preliminary work in this area was provided by Danuta Olszewska with the concept of metatextemes (2007) and Helmuth Feilke with his reflections on text routines (2012). The aim of this article is to sketch some methods of focusing, i.e. linguistic means and procedures with which a) the recipient‘s attention can be directed to a specific textual object and b) the relevance of an aspect, an evaluation, an insight can be additionally emphasized. The intention is to make a French-German text comparison based on the two classics “Principien der Sprachgeschichte” by Hermann Paul (1880) and “Essai de sémantique” by Michel Bréal (1897).


Zwroty grzecznościowe w prośbach studentów do nauczycieli akademickich oraz nauczycieli akademickich do studentów w korespondencji elektronicznej na wyższej uczelni / Polite Phrases in Students’ Requests to Academic Teachers and Academic Teachers’ to Students in Electronic Correspondence at a University)

Barbara Maj-Malinowska, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Kielce (ORCID: 0000-0001-7164-4485)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-9 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 151–169

Keywords: polite expressions, polite phrases in requests, linguistic politeness, academic daily routine

Electronic correspondence at a university in an asymmetric relation between student – academic teacher, academic teacher – student very often contains various kinds of requests or inquiries, which are directed by students to academic teachers. Compared to students, lecturers are less likely to make requests to students, but the commands and instructions they give tend to take a polite form, based on the word please suggesting an act of request. The aim of this article is to analyze the polite expressions used by students and academic teachers in e-mails addressed to each other containing requests. The research corpus includes 393 examples of student e-mails to faculty and 405 examples of faculty e-mails to students. The examples come from 224 works by third-year full-time and fourth-year part-time students of various technical faculties of the Kielce University of Technology. The authors of the works analyzed in the text were a total of 400 students (152 women and 248 men). The linguistic material was collected in 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.


Lakunen als Auslöser des Fachwissens im Diskurs – Fallstudie / Lacunas as Triggers of Expert Knowledge in Discourse – Case Study)

Karolina Miłosz, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin (ORCID: 0000-0003-4331-8089)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-10 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 171–186

Keywords: interlingual lacuna, actual meaning, expert knowledge, specialist discourse

The paper is dedicated to interlingual lacunas such as lexical and cultural features, which are elements of discourse (Miłosz-Szewczyk 2022). As keywords they occur in specialist texts and discourses and activate the addressees’ expert knowledge and thus manifest the scope of linguistic knowledge. Analyzing the Polish media discourse makes it possible to convey knowledge about the specialist discourse in which the lacuna frankowicz/frankowiec appears. The lacuna subjected to analysis is considered both a media phenomenon and a sign of the typical realia of Polish culture. The main aim of the study is to explore and update the meaning of the lacuna in question in the current discourse. The endeavor is based on earlier research (Miłosz-Szewczyk 2022) and aims to determine whether and to what extent a possible change in the meaning of the lexeme frankowicz/frankowiec has taken place. The case study also illustrates how lacunas trigger expert knowledge in discourse. Through the reconstruction of its actual meaning on the basis of the discourse analysis, existing stocks of knowledge are activated and new ones are formed that complete the lexical and actual meaning. This confirms that knowledge is distributed and constituted with the help of lacunas and enables the media discourse to access the specialized discourse.


Wyciągnąć kręgosłup czy wydłużyć kręgosłup? O językowych eksponentach wiedzy specjalistycznej w instrukcjach jogi akademickiej / Pull out the Spine or Lengthen the Spine? On the Linguistic Exponents of Specialized Knowledge in Instructions of Academic Yoga)

Joanna Pędzisz, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin (ORCID: 0000-0002-0931-8387)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-11 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 187–201

Keywords: instructions, specialized language, language as exponent of specialized knowledge, terms and quasi-terms, academic yoga

The considerations presented in this paper aim to characterize the specialized instructions formulated during academic yoga training from the perspective of the anthropocentric theory of human languages. This goes hand in hand with the fact that the linguistic manifestation of the specialized knowledge of yoga teachers as well as the determination of areas of the specialist knowledge evoked during training are viewed as research objects. The focus of the explanations presented in this paper is therefore on the following research questions: 1. How do the instructions during an academic yoga training achieve the status of specialist communication with the participants? 2. What knowledge resources about yoga positions necessary to perform a movement can be activated during an academic yoga training? The level of specialization and the specialized language are considered characteristics of instructions in academic yoga training. Therefore, they are reference points according to which concrete examples of instructions are specified in order to recognize the intention and motivation underlying the linguistic actions of yoga teachers. The indicators of specialization and specialized language like terminology, function of instructions leads to the general characteristics of the professional language – the professiolect of yoga teachers and formulation of research desiderata. The identification of terms and quasi-terms as elements of specialist communication between yoga participants and teachers, however, makes it possible to determine if their use in the pecialist-non-specialist communication structure is legitimate.


Funktionen von Fachkommunikation / Functions of Specialized Communication)

Thorsten Roelcke, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin (ORCID: 0000-0002-3894-6075)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-12 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 203–213

Keywords: model of specialized communication, functions of specialized communication, definition of specialization

In addition to the referential and appellative function, languages for special purposes fulfill a whole series of other functions: These nine or eleven functions are determined in this paper on the basis of a revision of Roelcke’s model of specialized communication and illustrated by the example of an advanced training course in the IT field. The symptomatic function is related to the producer, the appellative function to the recipient of the specialized text, while the specialized context and the specialized knowledge are related to the referential and epistemic function, respectively. The specialized text itself fulfills the aesthetic function. The semiotic function is associated with the specialized sign system, and the phatic function with the communication medium. The linguistic cotext in which the communication in question takes place fulfills a discursive function here, the general, non-linguistic context on the other hand (depending on the breadth) a situational, social or cultural function. Besides the definition and explanation of these professional communicative functions, the article provides an action-theory-based definition of the specialized nature of specialized communication, from which a referential, a sociological and a linguistic definitions are derived.


Wissenschaftspopularisierung im Internet. Linguistische Analyse von Vermittlungsstrategien in der Wissensverbreitung in Social-Media-Beiträgen von ausgewählten Universitäten in Deutschland und in Polen / Science Popularization on the Internet. Linguistic Analysis of Mediation Strategies in the Dissemination of Knowledge in Social Media Posts from Selected Universities in Germany and Poland)

Paweł Rybszleger, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (ORCID: 0000-0003-4369-1377)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-13 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 215–231

Keywords: science popularization, social media, social emblems

This article attempts to show that social media have become a powerful tool for making scientific content accessible to a wide audience. Using selected posts on social networks (on the most popular platforms Facebook and Instagram) from universities in Germany and in Poland, it is shown how the knowledge or achievements of employees of scientific institutions can be popularized through social media posts (through language and extra-linguistic means). The author focuses on topics such as book and article presentations, lectures on science promotion or science festivals. This article refers to different mediation methods or illustration strategies of science popularization in the online environment. In this context, the author points out the importance of individual online platforms’ affordances. It is important to ensure that the appropriate means are used for the dissemination of knowledge and can be adapted to the expectations and needs of the (mostly young) addressees. Particular attention is paid to so-called social emblems. These include symbols and/or forms of expression that have a specific meaning in a particular social group or community. In addition, certain recurring strategies for integrating social emblems into scientific content are shown and the influence of social emblems on the virality and dissemination of scientific content in social media is discussed.


Metaphern und ihre Funktion in der Fachkommunikation / Metaphors and Their Function in Specialist Communication)

Gabriela Rykalová, Silesian University in Opava, Opava (ORCID: 0000-0002-7378-1026)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-14 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 233–245

Keywords: specialist language, specialised field, expertise, communication barrier, metaphor

A characteristic feature of specialist texts is the use of specialist terms, which, together with other linguistic devices at the morpho-syntactic, lexical and stylistic level, influence the degree of specialist content of the text. The use of terms can lead to a communication barrier, especially in communication between experts and lay people. In some areas, the use of precise language with specialist terms that are incomprehensible to inexperienced recipients cannot be completely avoided. In the case of non-specialist communication, text authors then look for different communication strategies to break down the barriers. These include the use of examples, figures, graphics and, last but not least, metaphors. This article has two aims: firstly, to show by example what functions (besides the illustrative function) metaphors fulfil in texts from selected disciplines; and, secondly, what role the juxtaposition of two heterogeneous semantic fields and the use of expressions from commonly understood everyday language play in communication. Specialist books, non-fiction books and magazines from various fields of communication, which are addressed to distinct groups of recipients and have different degrees of expertise, were selected for the analysis. On the basis of concrete evidence, it is shown that metaphors in particular, as linguistic images, but also as a link to everyday events, contribute significantly to the comprehensibility and attractiveness of a text. Just as importantly, the examples show that these linguistic images can be associated with various connotations and thus evoke emotions.


Instrumentalisierung juristischer Fachsprache in reichsbürgerlichen Texten / Instrumentalization of Legal Terminology in Texts of Reich Citizens)

Georg Schuppener, University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem (ORCID: 0000-0002-8945-4601)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-15 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 247–257

Keywords: Legal terminology, Reich Citizens, political linguistics, text analysis

This article examines how Reich Citizens use legal terminology in their texts and instrumentalize it for their ideological purposes. For this purpose, two corpora with a total of 109 texts from the Reich Citizens scene are analyzed in more detail with regard to legal terminology. On the one hand, the texts represent letters from Reich Citizens to authorities; on the other hand, they are sample letters and forms that Reich Citizens present as templates on the Internet. They contain an extremely wide range of specific legal terminology, which is documented here as an example. In addition, however, there is also a great number of pseudo-legal lexis. Another specific feature is the widespread use of archaic legal terminology, through which Reich Citizens obviously want to give their texts a historical foundation. A few selected examples can then be used to show in detail that legal lexis is deliberately reinterpreted in the texts and placed in extraneous contexts according to expediency in order to delegitimize the Federal Republic of Germany and its representatives on the one hand and to support the Reich Citizens worldview on the other.


Sprachliche Handlungsmuster für ABSAGEN anhand der deutschen Absageschreiben auf Bewerbungen / Linguistic Action Patterns for REFUSAL based on German Refusal Letters for Job Applications)

Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-16 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 259–273

Keywords: refusal letters, job applications, action patterns, refusal

REFUSAL is undoubtedly a conflictual speech act, as it threatens the recipient’s face and is directed against their expectations. For this reason, speech acts aimed at issuing a refusal are accompanied by other speech acts that are intended to prepare the recipient for receiving a refusal and to mitigate the effects of the refusal. The aim of the article is to analyze the patterns of action of refusing in German refusal letters for job applications. On the basis of the analysis, an attempt is made to create a typology of the linguistic action patterns that occur when this act is performed. This involves various combinations of other speech acts (THANKING, EXCUSE, CONDEMN, REQUEST, CONFIRMATION, SUGGESTION, REASONING, etc.), which are realized before the refusal is issued, directly afterward or both before and after this speech act. Authentic refusal letters from the period 2001-2012 form the basis for the analysis. Using the collected empirical material, the frequency of occurrence of certain speech acts accompanying the REFUSAL speech act is also examined and their function is diagnosed on this basis. Finally, an attempt is made to create a hierarchy of the speech acts occurring with the REFUSAL speech act with the aim of contributing to the creation of the rejection letters.


Deutsche und polnische Sprichwörter auf dem Segelschiff „STS Fryderyk Chopin“. Ergebnisse der sprachwissenschaftlichen Erforschungen / German and Polish proverbs on the Tall Ship “STS Fryderyk Chopin”. Results of a Linguistic Research)

Katarzyna Sztandarska, University of Szczecin, Szczecin (ORCID: 0000-0002-2046-6583)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-17 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 275–290

Keywords: paremiology, proverbs, equivalence, equivalents

Two years ago, I represented the University of Szczecin on board the sailing ship “STS Fryderyk Chopin” joining the ranks of the teachers there after a successful recruitment process. I started my journey on February 1, 2022 from Martinique, and after almost two months of sailing around the islands of Central America, I arrived in Jamaica. It was a very demanding venture. On board the sailing ship, I combined teaching work (giving lessons, grading, checking tests) with research work, all under completely new and often difficult conditions. I became acquainted with the language used by the ship‘s crew, and together with the students of the “Blue School” (Pol. “Niebieska Szkoła”) I collected and compiled research material. The paper presents the results of linguistic proverbs research initiated on the tall ship “STS Fryderyk Chopin”. In the course of German language classes on the board the brig I collected, together with a group of Polish students, aged 15 to 19, German and Polish proverbs with elements of maritime language and compared them with their Polish or German counterparts, respectively. On the basis of the comparison of phraseological units in the two languages, equivalence relations were established. The numbers of equivalents was analyzed, as well as lexical and/or structural differences between the proverbs and their counterparts in the target languages.


„Die Bauindustrie ist enttäuscht und bei den deutschen Töchtern spielt die Musik im Ausland“ – ausgewählte Metaphern aus der Wirtschaftssprache des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts in Zitaten aus der Wirtschaftspresse / “The Construction Industry is Disappointed, and German Daughters Play Music abroad” – Selected Metaphors from the Language of the Economy from the Late Twentieth Century in Business Press Quotations)

Grażyna Strzelecka, University of Warsaw, Warszawa (ORCID: 0000-0003-2123-1273)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-18 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 291–302

Keywords: metaphor, economic language, economic press, 19th and 20th century

Is it possible to implement stylistic, rhetorical figures into substantive, factual language of the economy? Can industries be attributed to feelings and to businesses to thoughts? Apparently yes, the possibilities of metaphorical descriptions are almost endless. On the contrary to a solemn image of some business magazines, metaphors are a favourite stylistic measure. For example, the word “growth” widely used in economy indicates analogies between plants, human beings and enterprises. Business dictionaries classify ‘growth’ as a specialised term that readers generally do not interpret metaphorically. As a dead metaphor, this word becomes part of other complex words derived from it, such as “the goal of growth” or “the growth rate”. An expression “foreign growth” is commonly used, readers do not relate it to growth of foreign plants, nor associate it with humans. In addition to the so-called ‘empty’ metaphors in business language, which are hardly ever perceived as such, business journalism uses numerous terms that are dependent on the business cycle and often coined spontaneously. They reflect the economic situation as visual metaphors at a specific moment in history. Such metaphorical measures, shown here in the contexts of the economic press of the end of the twentieth century and compared with those from the late nineteenth century, are discussed in this article.


Fachwort und Fachlichkeit in der Presse und in den neuen Medien / Terminology and Expertise in the Press and New Media)

Lenka Vaňková, University of Ostrava, Ostrava (ORCID: 0000-0003-2760-5037)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-19 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 303–318

Keywords: terminology, expertise, de-terminologization, synonymous terms for diseases, musical terminology with figurative meanings

This article begins by addressing two central concepts of specialist language research, that have been frequently discussed since their emergence: terminology and expertise. The scalar character of these concepts is demonstrated using a number of synonymous terms for diseases, comparing their use in the press and new media. The material basis for the analysis is the reference corpus of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim and widely used German internet forums. Processes of de-terminologization are then investigated, giving examples of selected musical terms that are used in a figurative sense and serve as metaphors in non-musical contexts. It is noted that specialist terminology not only functions to express technical knowledge, it can also perform the functions of boosting emotionality and prestige. The comparison of the two types of media shows the extent to which a phenomenon that has become widespread in the press during recent decades can also now be found on the internet. The examples also document how the expertise status of specialist terms can change over time and depending on the context of their use.


Gibt es die Fachsprache? Oder: Wie kommt es zur Fachsprachlichkeit? / Does Special Language Exist? Or: How does Special Linguistic Stylisation Come About?)

Norbert Richard Wolf, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Würzburg (ORCID: 0000-0003-1272-9897)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-20 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 319–339

Keywords: special language, special linguistic character, language and image, inductive method

The aim of the present analyses is to prove that ‘special language’ does not exist as an independent variety (of German), but instead texts of the most diverse kinds can be characterized by some specialized linguistic expressions and means. Two books are analyzed, which both deal with the construction of Gothic cathedrals, namely a children’s book about the construction of the fictitious cathedral of Chutreaux and a large illustrated book published on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of Strasbourg Cathedral and the completion of the restoration work. Both books use a narrative approach, they tell in chronological order how the respective church was built. Within the narrative parts, both books also contain descriptive passages in order to explain certain facts and/or components. Both books use the specialized architectural terminology, and the cooperation of language and image plays an essential role in both of them. The examination of the two books does not start from abstract concepts or theories, it does not concern itself whether ‘special language’ can be defined in terms of speech act theory and referential semantics. The analysis chooses the two books because of the common field of knowledge (= Fach) and the illocution ‘information about a field of knowledge’. In a discursive analysis, i.e. in an analysis that goes along the text, the relevant phenomena are found and analyzed in connection with the description of the context. This inductive approach makes it possible to discover new phenomena and new functions.


Linguistic Multi-Level Analysis of Literary Texts: A Cognitive Linguistic Translation-Oriented Modification of the DIMEAN Model / Linguistische Mehr-Ebenen Analyse der literarischen Texte: Eine kognitiv-linguistische, übersetzungszentrierte Modifikation des DIMEAN Analysemodells)

Magdalena Zyga, University of Szczecin, Szczecin (ORCID: 0000-0001-8901-5580)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-21 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 341–355

Keywords: text/discourse analysis, cognitive approach, translation, literary texts

The aim of the paper is to investigate the possibility (1) to harmonize the linguistic multi-level discourse analysis model DIMEAN by Warnke/Spitzmüller (2008) with M. H. Freeman’s (2000, 2006) cognitive approach to literary texts and translation; and (2) to include into the DIMEAN model the notion of subjectification/objectification as proposed by Langacker (1985). For this purpose, the science-fiction story BLIT (1988) of the so-called Basilisk series by D. Langford is to be examined. It is anticipated that the proposed modifications/enhancements of the DIMEAN model will make it possible to better reconstruct the conceptual and linguistic universe of the text under examination. It seems that such reconstruction, to be comprehensive and conducted in a minimally subjective manner, should be done according to clear criteria applied in a well-ordered analysis. The DIMEAN model appears to be well-suited for the purposes of such text analysis since it is clearly organized and provides a comprehensive (yet open- ended) list of aspects. Although the model initially was not designed for a literary text analysis, I share the opinion of Ulla Fix (2016), who, in her article, shows that DIMEAN can successfully be applied to literary texts. The results of the examination show that the proposed mode of text examination allows to identify salient features of the text-world, especially those to be translated, and issues potentially problematic for translation.


Zwischen Tönen und Texten: Eine kontrastive Analyse der Verwendung von musikalischen Fachwörtern in nichtfachlichen Kontexten in deutschen und tschechischen Medien / Between Tones and Texts: A Contrastive Analysis of the Use of Musical Terms in Non-Specialist Contexts in German and Czech Media)

Pavlína Hilscherová, University of Ostrava, Ostrava (ORCID: 0009-0006-5688-9226)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-22 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 359–373

Keywords: musical terminology, metaphor, specialist context, contrastive analysis

The topic of this article is selected musical terms that are used metaphorically in German and Czech journalism. The largest German-language corpus, DeReKo (Mannheim) and the Czech National Corpus (Český národní korpus) serve as the material basis for this study. The analysis focuses on the contexts in which the examined terms are used metaphorically, as well as the concepts they refer to. At the same time, the functions that these technical terms fulfil in their respective context are examined. A significant portion of the article also includes a contrastive aspect by comparing the use of these technical terms in their metaphorical sense in German journalistic texts with their use in Czech texts. This allows for the identification of similarities and differences in the use of metaphors in both languages. Finally, a frequency analysis provides insights into how widespread this phenomenon is in the German and Czech media. The study takes into account not only current usage but also temporal development to identify changes over the years.


„Feuer und Flamme für den F.C. HANSA“: Linguistische Fußballfankulturforschung im öffentlichen Raum / “Feuer und Flamme für den F.C. HANSA”: Linguistic Football Fan Culture Research in the Public Space)

Torben Rath, Technical University Dresden, Dresden (ORCID: 0009-0007-2935-8291)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-23 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 375–388

Keywords: trangressive signs, ultra culture, football fan research, public urban spaces, subcultural spacemaking

Although ultra culture in public spaces, in the form of graffiti, tags, and stickers, is ubiquitous, this particular aspect of football fan culture has remained linguistically unexplored. This exploratory investigation of ultra stickers aims to bring together the previously disconnected research areas of linguistic football fan research and linguistics. Specifically, the study examines which practices of staging, positioning, and spatial appropriation are realized through the visual medium of ultra stickers in public spaces. The data basis consists of stickers that were photographically documented in the following cities from November 2022 to February 2023: Dresden, Greifswald, Rostock, and Lübeck. In terms of appropriate data collection and analysis, a methodological approach combining ethnographic linguistic landscape with principles of grounded theory was utilized. It can be demonstrated that this visual medium is functionalized for various practices of staging and positioning. These range from the de-temporalization of the stadium experience, along with identity-building collective experiences, to the perpetuation of specific enemy images, and the perpetuation of hegemonic masculinity and the glorification of one’s own delinquent behavior or affinity for violence. Furthermore, an interactive dimension can be identified, which is revealed by the fact that these stickers are frequently embedded in multi-stage negotiation processes concerning territorial interpretation authority.


Auf der Suche nach der Motivation von Eponymen – Am Beispiel der kulinarischen Fachsprache im Polnischen / In Search of the Motivation of Eponyms – The Example of Culinary Terminology in Polish)

Justyna Ślęzak, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0002-5319-879X)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-24 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 389–405

Keywords: eponym, semantic motivation, culinary terms, anthroponym

Eponyms are used every day all over the world, but mostly unconsciously. They are underestimated not only by language users, but also by linguists, as they receive little attention in scientific texts. This is also evidenced by the fact that “SŁOWNIK EPONIMÓW, czyli wyrazów odimiennych” by Władysław Kopaliński (1996) is still one such great resource trove of knowledge about Polish eponyms, which, despite its not very recent publication date, has still not seen competition. This article is intended to draw attention to these words, behind which are hidden not only people, but also remarkable stories. An eponym is a word derived from a proper name, not necessarily from a first or last name (as in the case of an anthroponym), which is a common noun. Eponyms can be derived from proper names such as place names, regions, countries, bodies of water, mountains, rivers, real and fictitious persons, companies, goods, animals, plants, etc. They occur in all linguistic styles and in various fields. The largest number of eponyms is found in medical language, where their occurrence is a characteristic feature of this specialized language. However, they are also found in other specialized languages and, moreover, often occur in similar form in different languages. Not all eponyms are internationalisms, some are language-specific. Röntgenstrahlen in German are used every day all over the world, but not every language commemorates their inventor in its name. An appropriate example is the English name X-ray. The focus of the paper is on Polish culinary eponyms, especially on their motivation. After all, eponyms are associated with stories in addition to their etymological justification.


Anregungen zur Gedichtanalyse im Schulunterricht / Suggestions for Analyzing Poems in School Lessons)

Otto Holzapfel, Freiburg in Breisgau (ORCID: 0000-0003-3095-1029)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-25 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 409–416

Keywords: poem analysis, school teaching, variety of media in lessons, ballads

This review article attempts to present and evaluate an extremely stimulating book on the use of ballad texts in school lessons. The volume, which is being published in its second edition after three years, revised and expanded (which underlines the need for such basic works), is divided into two main parts, the first of which deals with the basics of literary theory, the second part with individual examples of poem analyzes and instructions on how these texts can be prepared and taught for the different levels of the different school-grades 5 to 10 (secondary levels I and II). Apart from the considerable media effort that is usually suggested (e. g. film production), the volume offers a variety of tips on how the sometimes quite difficult texts (e. g. a longer one in English) can be made “palatable” for pupils. The claim that this is all about the “ballad” genre is worth discussing, but for classroom use, this seems irrelevant to me. For incomprehensible reasons, the folk ballad is left out; its existence is even denied, and the suprisingly obvious possibility, when we talk about “ballads”, of hearing the texts sung in class and singing them yourself is also overlooked. In my opinion, the two authors have ideological blinders built in here, which should make one skeptical, but are quite negligible in view of the overall presentation of teaching examples at a high, media-supported level.


Zu einem neuen Konzept für den Grammatikunterricht / Towards a New Concept of Grammar Teaching)

Marcelina Kałasznik, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-2713-5880)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-26 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 417–423

Although there is no consensus on the methods of teaching grammar in foreign language classes, the presence of grammar in the classroom is essential and undeniable. As a result, more and more new materials are emerging for teaching grammar, which are based on different scientific premises and follow different teaching methods. The focus of this article is the new publication “Gebrauchsbezogene Grammatik für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache im mehrsprachigen Kontext”, which was written by Christiane Andersen and Christine Fredriksson and published by Frank & Timme. This is a textbook aimed at advanced learners with different language backgrounds. The target group is primarily those who have learned English as their first foreign language. Meanwhile, German is their second or third foreign language. The presentation of German grammar in this publication is based on the main principle of usage-relatedness, whereby the grammatical phenomena are always conveyed by emphasizing their use in German. Apart from the foreword and the indexes accompanying the publication, the textbook is divided into: six parts: 0. Usage-related learning principles, 1. Basics, 2. Special features of German grammar, 3. Use of word forms and phrases, 4. Use of sentences, 5. Tasks and questions. The aim of this article is to address the contents of the book and to shed light on its importance for grammar teaching against the background of other textbooks on German grammar for advanced students.


Corona-Pandemie im Text und Diskurs. Fragestellungen, Zugänge und Perspektiven / Corona Pandemic in Text and Discourse. Questions, Approaches and Perspectives)

Małgorzata Szablewska, University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice (ORCID: 0009-0008-9767-5392)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-27 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 425–433

Keywords: corona pandemic, corona discourse, text analysis, discourse analysis, internet memes, humor

The year 2020 brought an unexpected hard time, referred to as the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic spread globally. It was difficult to combat and people were brought misery, fear, anxiety, coronavirus infection, suffering and death. With the pandemic, a number of restrictions were placed on human contacts. Social life lost its value. From a linguistic point of view, the coronavirus pandemic was clearly reflected in language. Studying the language of social communication during the pandemic has become a challenge for linguistic researchers. The collective monograph “Corona-Pandemie im Text und Diskurs”, edited by Mariusz Jakosz and Marcelina Kałasznik, was published as the 2nd volume of the scientific series „Fields of Linguistics – Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen“. The volume contains three parts and thirteen articles. The foreground of the collective monograph addresses the phenomenon of the coronavirus pandemic, which contributed to the development of the corona language. In terms of language, the pandemic left positive traces. The dissertation presents a textual and discourse analysis against the background of the pandemic. Selected words, texts and phraseologisms were subjected to in-depth study. The results of the study proved beneficial from a linguistic perspective. New words, neologisms, vocabulary complexes were created as lexical innovations. In numerous articles, language researchers present linguistic analyses of the newly created vocabulary in text and discourse. Coronavirus discourse is treated as a phenomenon. Linguists discuss various areas of social life during the pandemic that affected different levels of the language system. Major concepts like distance, distancing, topos, and meme are explained. Internet memes were released during the corona pandemic to show humor, irony, sarcasm, nostalgia, feelings, and social sentiments. Lexical and phraseological aspects of the language are presented using German, Ukrainian, Italian and Slovak as examples. The monograph can be of a didactic nature.


Festliche Texte über Sprache am Beispiel von Weihnachten / Festive Texts about Language on the Example of Christmas)

Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-28 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 435–440

Keywords: Christmas, Christmas formats, linguistics, Christmas linguistics

Nowadays, Christmas is one of the festivals celebrated in many countries around the world. Various rituals, linguistic practices and text types as well as other formats are associated with it. The customs and traditions sur- rounding Christmas are passed on and cherished from generation to generation. The possibilities of the digital world have significantly enriched the diversity of Christmas formats. The anthology “Christmas Linguistics”, edited by Konstanze Marx, brings together studies related to broadly understood Christmas. The studies are divided into six thematic chapters according to the sequence of Christmas rituals. Christmas wishes, songs, letters, stories, jokes, tear-off calendars and Christmas-related lexis, including interjections, are thematized and analysed. The authors present different linguistic approaches to the topic at the center of the volume, as well as various approaches and questions. Many of the analyses have a methodological model character. The volume and the collected studies can therefore serve as a model for other publications and analyses.


Zur Stellung des Deutschen auf dem europäischen Arbeitsmarkt / The Position of German on the European Labor Market)

Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-29 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 441–445

Keywords: German, labor market, technical language, German as a foreign language

For some time now, there has been a trend for German studies programs to be adapted to the needs of students on the one hand, and to the needs of the job market on the other. On the one hand, this is being forced by students who are increasingly asking themselves what they will do after they graduate. On the other hand, the constantly changing job market is exerting an ever greater influence on the design of curricula in the academic field, as students are increasingly demanding practical application of the knowledge they have acquired during their studies. Neophilology courses are not spared from this. Students expect their studies – including philology courses – to prepare them to successfully pursue a specific profession. Alongside English, German is proving to be a foreign language relevant to the job market, according to the well-known saying: English is a must, German is a plus! This topic is taken up in Doris Sava and Ellen Tichy‘s recently published anthology by Peter Lang. The volume offers various approaches to the topic outlined in the title. These are practical examples of use and didactic solutions for GFL lessons in the field of specialized languages.


Migrationslinguistik – Eine Auseinadersetzung mit sprachlichen Phänomen im Kontext der Migration / Migration Linguistics – An Examination of Linguistic Phenomena in the Context of Migration)

Reinhold Utri, University of Warsaw, Warszawa (ORCID: 0000-0002-8714-3068)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-30 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 447–452

Keywords: language, migration, migration linguistics, education, linguistic diversity

The book “Migration Linguistics: An Introduction” by Nikolas Koch and Claudia Maria Riehl provides a comprehensive exploration of linguistic phenomena in the context of migration, particularly in the Federal Republic of Germany and Europe. The authors emphasize the cultural and linguistic richness that migrants bring to their host countries, illustrating this with case studies such as that of an Iranian girl who speaks multiple languages. The book is divided into several chapters, covering various aspects of migration linguistics. Starting with the definition and implications of migration and multilingualism, the work progresses through language policy issues, bilingual education, factors influencing second language acquisition, and complex linguistic phenomena such as language mixing, structural and semantic transfer. A particular focus is on the process of language acquisition across generations. The book examines both the preservation and loss of multilingualism within migrant families. Furthermore, it explores linguistic peculiarities of diaspora varieties, as observed in Russian or Turkish, for example. The book also delves into the influence of migrant languages on the language of the host society, as seen in the cases such as Turkish-German (Kanaksprak) in Germany. It addresses the significance of language in identity formation and the political aspects of language planning. An important aspect discussed is educational equity in the context of migration. The book debates educational inequalities and underscores the necessity of language-supportive measures for migrant children. Finally, it examines the challenges and opportunities of linguistic integration in immigrant societies. Overall, the book offers a well-rounded and insightful introduction to migration linguistics, illustrated with numerous examples and case studies from various languages and cultures. It highlights the importance of multilingualism as an enrichment and opportunity for society, advocating for a sensitive and inclusive approach to linguistic diversity.


Bericht über das Projekt „A Multilingual Repository of Phraseme Constructions in Central and Eastern European Languages (PhraConRep)“ (CA22115)

Joanna Szczęk, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0001-8721-6661)
Krystian Suchorab, University of Wrocław, Wrocław (ORCID: 0000-0003-1831-7973)

DOI: 10.23817/lingtreff.25-31 (published online: 2024-07-23)

pp. 455–457